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Home / Issues / № 5, 2016

Medical sciences

Apukhtin A.F.

Inventive extracurricular activity of students is important in the formation of highly qualified specialists [1]. and development of socio-legal institutions, social systems and practices [2].Introduction of student and medical innovations is socially significant [3], but not updated [4,5]. The need for this type of extracurricular activity among future doctors is not sufficiently studied.

The purpose of the study: assessment of knowledge of copyright and desire of possession among graduate students of medical University.

Material and methods. Respondents in 2009 and 2014 1025 6th year students of medical University (908 medical students and 117 students of pediatric faculties) for 15 issues relating to intellectual property, the frequency of use in the teaching of the subject innovation, the need for additional education to acquire competences in the field of copyright. Kind of a personal survey, selection of respondents random. Statistical analysis was performed using the program IBM SPSS Statistics 22". To enter data into the computer in a formalized form was coded questionnaires. Closed questions with various response options were coded multiple single-variant variables. Open-ended questions coded the same variable. Statisticheskuyu error for random sampling was calculated with the formula: z=±√((p*q)/n), where z is static constant for the corresponding confidence level. p=q=50% probability of occurrence / non-occurrence of the studied event (hit/ not hit Respondent in the sample); for random samples of this probability was taken to be equal to ½ or 50%; n-sample size (total number of respondents). The estimated maximum statistical error of Δ at p=0.05 for a random sample of 1025 respondents was as follows: Δ ± 1,96*((√50*50)/1025))= ± 3,06%.The frequency of use of information on patent developments in the training process noted in 22.1% of the students. Frequency of use patent applications in the educational process of students based on their employment in the student scientific circles were different. Among students working in student's research society , data on patent developments used to 34.6%, while not involved in the student's research society use the information only 14.4 % of cases.

The prestige of a variety of inventions among the responses of students engaged in student's research society  amounted  to 32.9% and 29.2% have not engaged in student's research society.

Awareness on the legal protection of intellectual property (OIP) said 63.3% of the students involved in student's research society and 52.2% are not engaged in student's research society. The knowledge section of the civil code governing the circulation of the OIC showed 15.2% of students involved in student's research society and 9.7% not employed in the student's research society. Knowledge of the term of protection of authorship noted in 22.4% of students involved in student's research society and 15.4 % are not employed in the student's research society. Difficult to give an answer (equivalent knowledge), respectively, to 56.8% and 62.5%. Didn't know the term of protection of copyright of 20.8% and 22.0%, respectively.

Not the expediency of further education on copyright and of intellectual property noted 17.5% of student's research society students and 17.3% of students not employed in the SSS. Thus, the feasibility of additional education on copyright and IP objects among students surveyed above 82%. Article 82 of the Federal law №273 "On education in the Russian Federation" States that professional medical and pharmaceutical education must "ensure the continuous improvement of professional knowledge and skills throughout life, as well as continuous professional development and extension skills". At the same time in the culture of the training included the creation and implementation of creative development. Second education Ministry of health provides only the profile of the Organization of health care and public health, with an emphasis on training managers in the field of health. Despite the existing budgetary constraints in obtaining a 2nd additional education, the study has indicated an interest in additional education on questions of invention and copyright 56.9 per cent of medical students involved in SSS and 47.4% are not employed in the work of student's research society students.

1. Apukhtin A. F., the Strategy of innovative development of public health competencies of medical staff. ANI. Zabaikalsky medical Bulletin.2014, №.1.P.94-97.

2. Apukhtin A. f..Delarue V. V. the situation with the developments and application of domestic innovative technologies in health care: assessment of doctors. W..In the world of scientific discoveries.2010.№4-14.P.23-24.

3. Apukhtin A. F. doctors Opinions on technical equipment of regional health services and implementation of medical innovations in five years. J. Bulletin of the Volgograd state medical University (VOLSMU.2014, no.2(50).P.17-19.

4. Apukhtin, A. F., Condition of peripheral circulation and tissue metabolism of oxygen in hypertensive patients depending on antihypertensive therapy. The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of medical Sciences of GOU VPO Volgograd state medical University.Volgograd,2004.156 P.

5. Statsenko M. E.,Apukhtin, A. F.,Poletaeva, L. V. a Method of treating neurovascular complications of diabetes.The patent RU for the invention N 2402325 from 02.02.2009.

Bibliographic reference

Apukhtin A.F. EXTRACURRICULAR INVENTIVE ACTIVITY OF MEDICAL STUDENTS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 5 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/467-25044 (22.02.2025).