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Home / Issues / № 5, 2016

Medical sciences

Mashkov A.V., Sirak S.V., Mihalchenko D.V., Zhidovinov A.V.
The literature on patients adapt to dentures, a significant place is given to the study of the relationship between the level of adaptation and operation of the chewing muscles. In turn, the force developed by the chewing muscles will depend ultimately chewing efficiency. Numerous studies have shown that virtually all of the body's biological indicators are dependent on biological rhythms. Some authors assign circadian rhythms major role in determining the oscillatory processes of the body and say that circadian rhythms are the factors that determine the physiological, mental, intellectual condition of the body. [1.2] It is known that for each body there is a period of time, which corresponds to a state of increased activity and during this period the body or the system is ready for the greatest impact of factors external and internal environment. [3.4]

The study carried out to determine the patterns of rhythmic organization of human dentition system in 200 healthy subjects with predominantly daytime chronotype aged 18 - 35 years old, orthognathic bite and is based on a study of variability of masticatory muscle activity indicators for values ​​and electromyography gnathodynamometer m.masseters within the circadian rhythm. [5.6]

Studying changes gnathodynamometer values ​​and EMG amplitude of the period from 8 to 20 hours showed the presence of shear muscle activity values ​​of 16.00 (to functionally dominant chewing side 245 ± 12.8 N, 62.8 ± 1339 mV and non-dominant side of 211 ± 2, 3 H 1282 mV ± 56.4) compared to 8.00 in the morning by measuring (by chewing functionally dominant side 217 ± 2.3 H 64.3 ± 1,125 mV and non-dominant side H 1.7 183 ± 988 ± 44.2 mV). Also indicate a change in muscle activity values ​​to 20.00 - 12.00 compared with a decline of activity up to 224 ± 3,4 N, 1209 ± 24.5 mV to functionally dominant chewing side, and up to 188 ± 9.4 N, 1061 ± 62.3 uV on non-dominant side. []

Thus, the data analysis showed that the activity of the masticatory muscles is subject to rhythmical vibrations and has a clear circadian organization, characterized by maximum performance and electromyography gnathodynamometer from 12 to 16 hours in patients with predominantly chronotype day. Obtained in the evaluation phase of the functional status of the masticatory level of dental system data suggest that it reflects a change in the functional interaction of the occlusal surfaces of teeth-antagonists.

1. Chepuryaeva OS, Mashkov AV, Shemonaev VI Determination of functional-dominant hand in chewing/ Actual questions of dentistry: Collection material scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor Milikevich VY. -Volgograd: Phoenix, 2012. -P.139-143.

2. Danilina TF, Naumova VN, Zhidovinov AV, Poroshin AV, Khvostov SN The quality of life of patients with oral galvanosis/ Bulletin: Health & Education millennium. - 2012. - T.14. - № 2. –P. 134.

3. Firsova I.V., Makedonova Iu.A., Mikhalchenko D.V., Poroiskii S.V., Sirak S.V. Сlinical and experimental study of the regenerative features of oral mucosa under autohemotherapy//Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2015. Т. 6. № 6. P. 1711-1716.

4. Mashkov AV Justification orthopedic treatment non-removable dentures based hronoprofilya patient and individually-typological features of the relief of occlusal surfaces of posterior teeth/ Synopsis dissertation of the candidate of medical sciences -Volgograd, 2013. -13 p.

5. Mihalchenko DV Psychophysiological aspects of forecasting human adaptation to an orthopedic dental structures/Dissertation of the candidate of medical sciences. Volgograd. - 1999.

6. Mihalchenko DV, Danilina TF, Verstakov DV Denture teeth with low crowns fixed bridge/ Fundamental research. - 2013. - №. 9-6. – P.1066-1069.

7. Mihalchenko DV, Gumilevskiy BY, Naumova VN, Virabyan VA, Zhidovinov AV, Golovchenko SG Dynamics of immunological parameters in the process of adaptation to fixed prosthetic constructions/ Current problems of science and education. - 2015. - № 4. - P. 381.

8. Mihalchenko DV, Zasyadka EV Ethical issues surrounding dentist-patient relationships/Federal "Bioethics" scientific journal. - 2014. - №. 2. - P. 42-45.

9. Mikhalchenko D.V., Zhidovinov A.V., Mikhalchenko A.V., Danilina T.F. Тhe local immunity of dental patients with oral galvanosis//Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. -2014. -Vol. 5. -No. 5. -p. 712-717.

10. Milikevich VY, Klauchek SV, Mihalchenko DV Psychophysiological aspects of human adaptation to the prediction of orthopedic dental treatment/Dentistry. - 1998. - V. 77. - № 6. - P. 61-62.

Bibliographic reference

Mashkov A.V., Sirak S.V., Mihalchenko D.V., Zhidovinov A.V. VARIABILITY INDEX OF ACTIVITY OF MASTICATORY MUSCLES IN HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITHIN THE CIRCADIAN RHYTHM. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 5 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/467-25064 (22.02.2025).