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Home / Issues / № 2, 2017

Teaching science

Savin E.
Abstract: The discipline (module) «Public health and health care, Economics of health care», which is compulsory for students of specialty «Medical business», is closely associated with General education - Mathematics, Computer Science, Law, etc., basic Medical Sciences (Hygiene, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Pathophysiology, Pathological anatomy), and with all the clinical subjects studied by students from various medical disciplines and specialties (including in educational programs of postgraduate education). This article discusses the need for further development, including introduction of new approaches in the field of integration of the discipline and other disciplines, the analysis of the available literature related with the practical activities of doctors in the field of healthcare and public health, and health Economics, legal issues, and gives recommendations for the application of new theoretical knowledge in the organization of the educational process.
Key words: public health, health care, pedagogical process, integration

Relevance. "Public health and health care," healthcare Economics is compulsory for students of specialty "General medicine" teaching module. We know that this science is multidisciplinary, related to the study of many natural-scientific, humanitarian, fundamental and clinical studies[1-12] taught in medical school. Due to the large number of legal issues for the study of this discipline is especially necessary to perform the introduction of scientific achievements of recent years in the field of its integration with the module "Law". Part of these issues have been analyzed previously [7,9].
The purpose of this study was to analyze the possibility of implementing a new knowledge about the phenomena of "anesthesia" and "crime" for a more in-depth understanding of the medical graduates of drug prevention, as this topic is part of module "Public health and health care, Economics of health care"
1) analysis of the available literature, reveals the connection of drug addiction and crime[4,7];
2) On the basis of the analysis to draw conclusions about the bases of scientific material accumulated on drug prevention with the aim of its introduction in educational process on discipline "Public health and health care, Economics of health care".
Material and methods. Were analyzed the literature relating directly to the accumulation of new knowledge about the concepts of "anesthesia" and "crime", there was a discussion about the importance of their implementation in the program of the discipline "Public health, health care, Economics of health care".
According to available literature, it appears that the problem of drug addiction and crime should not be considered from the standpoint of cause and effect, to isolate these two negative social phenomena, between them to erect artificial barriers.
The process of drug addiction and crime are two forms of deviant social behavior, which are characterized by the unity of reason, in virtue of whose actions they arise and are expressed in the mechanism of criminal behavior.
Common features of all the social deviations that require to consider anesthesia and crime in the socio-legal aspect of how two socially dangerous phenomena are closely interrelated, interpenetrating each other, having common causes, rooted in socio-economic and socio-psychological spheres of society.
In the legal and medical literature in characterizing drug trafficking quite often indicates a close connection with crime.
The drug addicts are considered as potential pre-criminal, and States that painful habit of drugs leads them to commit serious crimes just to get the necessary funds to purchase drugs. For reasons related to drug use in Russia die about 70 thousand people.
Medical research shows that the average life expectancy of an addict is 7-10 years from the beginning of the constant use of drugs. According to others the figure is an average (for both men and women) is 5-7 years for women drug addicts 6-8 years.
The struggle against narcotization is now enhanced around the world. This is due to trends like drug abuse, and reactions to its spread from the international community. It is necessary to point out three groups of crimes related to anesthesia.
The first set of crimes that directly producervan illicit drugs and their abuse, the second unit is crimes committed with the purpose of appropriation of funds to purchase drugs, the crimes committed under the influence of drugs is a different motivation and orientation of unlawful violent actions committed by persons in a condition of narcotic excitement or withdrawal.
There are the following areas of prevention of drug addiction: social, legal, criminological, medical, environmental, institutional, political, economic, international. It should be noted that only a comprehensive prevention of drug addiction can achieve the desired results.
Thus, given that only a comprehensive prevention of drug addiction can achieve the desired results in the study of this phenomenon in the classroom for the discipline "Public health, health care, Economics of health care". It is necessary to consider the introduction of new knowledge in medical Informatics, epidemiology and other disciplines in this module.

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2. Savin E. I., Chestnova T. V., Gavrilenko O. V. Organizational Aspects of health from the point of view of the theory of equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems// Scientific basis for the creation and implementation of modern technology of preservation: Materials of all-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation 28-29 October 2016 Vědecko vydavatelské centrum "Sociosféra-CZ", 2016. – 549 p. – p. 71-74

3. Savin E. I., Chestnova T. V., Gavrilenko O. V. To the question of bioinformatic analysis of indicators of public health/ Collection of articles I International scientific-practical conference "MODERN MEDICINE: TRADITIONS AND INNOVATIONS". - Volume 1. – Stavropol.- 2016. - 116 S. – S. 102-105

4. Chestnova T. V., Gavrilenko, O. V., Savin E. I. Looks at the phenomenon of "anesthesia" and crime from the point of view of integration of disciplines "Law" and "Public health and health care, Economics of health care" in the educational process on a speciality "Medical business"// Modern education: current issues, achievements and innovations: collection of articles of the V international scientific-practical conference / Under the General editorship of G. Yu. Gulyaev.- Penza: MCNS "Science and education". – 2017. – 156 S. – S. 109-113

5. Hrenov P. A., Chestnova T. V., Gladkikh P. G. Adhesive potential of gram-negative flora of the wound under the influence of the drug "dimexide", international journal of applied and fundamental research. 2014. No. 1. S. 92.

6. Hrenov P. A., Chestnova T. V., Gladkikh P. G. Effects of dimethyl sulfoxide against bioincubation strains of Staphylococcus aureus, international journal of applied and fundamental research. 2014. No. 5-1. S. 140-141.

7. Gavrylenko O. V., Savin E. I. Anesthesia and crime as two forms of deviant social behavior// international journal of experimental education. – 2016. - No. 11. - P. 265.

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9. Gavrylenko O. V., Starchenkova Yu. Ye. Methodical aspects of training of medical students and practicing physicians General legal issues and medical law// Actualscience.- 2015.- Vol. 1. No. 5 (5).- S. 33-34.

10. Platonov A. E., Nikolaev M. K., Koroleva I. S., Mironov K. O., Platonova O. V., Yakovenko M. L., Kosheleva, L. P., Chestnova T. V., Duchess O. N., Korsakov T. G. Kirillova, T. A., Demin S. I., Tarasov, M. Yu., Ibrahimov E. M. Prospective population-based study of the incidence of purulent meningitis in detki aged 5 years in 8 cities of Russia// Epidemiology and infectious diseases. 2009. No. 4. S. 33-42.

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12. Chestnova T. V., Smolyaninova, L. O., Smolyaninova, V. A., Logvinov S. I. To the question of predicting the number of ticks IX. RICINUS in the natural biopsies using artificial neural networks// Vestnik of new medical technologies. 2012. Vol. 19. No. 1. P. 231-234.

Bibliographic reference

URL: www.science-sd.com/470-25216 (22.02.2025).