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The population of the Novgorod region as of January 1, 2017, was 612.5 thousand people, which is 4.4% of the total population of the Northwestern Federal District. In 2016 the population of the region decreased by 3.2 thousand people, or by 0.5%. In 2016, an average of 20 people were born in the region every day, 29 died, 29 came to live in the 34 area and 33 people left for it. Thus, in one day the number of inhabitants of the region in 2016 decreased by 8 people [7]. The coefficient of natural decrease in the region was 5.8 pro mil and is one of the largest in the district, it is larger only in the Pskov region.
The volume of gross regional product in 2015 in basic prices amounted to 240.4 billion rubles and increased by 2.2% compared to the previous year. Among the regions of the North-West Federal District, Novgorod Oblast, in terms of GRP produced in 2015, took 8th place, outstripping the Republic of Karelia and the Pskov Region [1, 3, 4, 5, 6]. Per capita in 2015, there were 389.4 thousand GRP, which is higher than in 2014 by 52.2 thousand rubles or 15.5% [2, 3, 4, 5]. The index of industrial production in 2016 was 106.8%, including in the extraction of minerals - 100.8%, processing industries - 107.5%, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water - 102.6% [6, 7 ]. The index of agricultural production of all agricultural producers in 2016 to the level of 2015 was 104.4% [2, 3, 4, 5].
The index of physical volume of investments in fixed assets was higher than the average for Russia by 2.2 percentage points. And lower than the NWFD by 7 pp. In 2016, the Novgorod region among the regions of the North-West Federal District in the index of physical volume of investments in fixed assets ranked sixth in the previous year [2, 3, 4, 5].
In 2016, the consumer price index for all goods and paid services to the population in the Novgorod region amounted to 105.2%, which is lower than in 2015 (112.6%). Food prices increased by 4.4%, non-food products - by 5.5%, paid services to the population - by 6% [7].
The average monthly nominal accrued wages in 2016 amounted to 27,913.9 rubles and increased compared to 2015 by 5.9%, but in real terms it decreased by 1%. Among the regions of the Northwestern Federal District in terms of the average monthly wage, the Novgorod region outstripped only the Pskov region [1, 3, 4, 5, 6]. The share of the population with cash incomes below the subsistence minimum in 2016 was 14.7%. The lowest level of poverty was observed in St. Petersburg, the highest in the Pskov region. In Russia, this indicator is 13.5%.
The unemployment rate (according to the methodology of the ILO) in the Novgorod region was 4.9% of the workforce, which is 0.6 percentage points higher. Lower than in Russia as a whole and by 0.3 percentage points. Higher than in the NWFO [7].
Thus, compared to 2015, the Novgorod region continued to increase production of industrial and agricultural products, construction works, housing construction, turnover of motor vehicles and wholesale trade turnover, and investments in fixed assets. At the same time, the passenger turnover of public transport, the turnover of retail trade and public catering, the volume of paid services to the population, the real incomes of the population decreased.
2. Lebedeva G.V. Indicators of sustainability of economic growth in the Novgorod region. In the collection: Collection of articles on the materials of the Third Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of the humanities, social and economic sciences: theory and practice" 2014. P. 248-252.
3. Lebedeva G.V. Quantitative and qualitative indicators of economic growth as criteria for economic security in the region. In the collection: Economic security: strategic risks and threats III Interuniversity scientific-practical conference with international participation: a collection of articles. Ed. TI Bezdenezhnykh, RV Dronova, VV Shapkina. 2016. P. 77-80.
4. Lebedeva G.V. Features of formation of estimated indicators of economic growth. Bulletin of the Novgorod branch of the Russian Academy of Science and Technology. 2016. Vol. 1. No. 5-1. P. 50-57.
5. Lebedeva G.V. Approaches to the formation of estimated indicators of economic growth. Scientific review. 2015. No. 17. P. 313-317.
6. Lebedeva G.V. Formation of a system of indicators and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of economic growth. In the book: Socio-economic and legal bases of economic development. Ufa: Aeterna, 2016. P.51-63.
7. Statistical Yearbook of the Novgorod Region. 2016: Statistical collection / Novgorodstat. - VN, 2016. – 331p.
Lebedeva G.V., Lebedeva A.V. MAIN COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NOVGOROD REGION. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2017. – № 3 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/471-25219 (22.02.2025).