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Home / Issues / № 3, 2017


Evstropov V.M., Pushenko S.L., Nikhaeva A.V.

It is known that patentology is based on a structurally integrative approach to the analysis of new technologies and technical objects [1,2], simultaneously considered as patent objects (methods, devices, etc.) [3]. The internal production environment, consisting of the air of the working area and surrounding techniques, belongs to the basic elements of the technosphere. The technique is considered as a set of machines, mechanisms, devices, tools, created for the production process [4].

Under the technospheric security, various researchers understand: a) the property of the technosphere to not cause harm under all conditions of its operation [5]; b) property of the object, to resist technospheric hazards [6]. Consequently, an essential characteristic of the technosphere can be considered its ability not to cause harm and to resist technospherе hazards. This characteristic of the technosphere can in fact be verified as a noxological characteristic. In the noxological aspect of technosphere security, the strategy of patentology studies of patent clones can be presented in the following ways: ergonomic technique of work; safe technique and technology to prevent occupational injuries; sanitary-hygienic, sanitary-technical, domestic and medical provision of labor with the purpose of prevention of occupational diseases.

We assume that some heuristic patterns used in the synthesis of decision-making methods can be used in patentology. In particular, the heuristic pattern of "inversion of the way of estimating an alternative" [7], which involves the use of an integral evaluation instead of a single one.

1. Evstropov V. M. Systemic aspects of interaction between objects and the environment in the technosphere space. – Rostov-on-Don: RGSU, 2015. – 89 р.

2. Evstropov V.M. Introduction to the specialty: the elementary foundations of technospheric security. – Rostov-on-Don: DSTU, 2016. – 88 р.

3. Evstropov V.М. General characteristics of the concept of patentology // International Journal of Experimental Education. – 2017. – №. 4-2. – P. 162-162;


4. Yaroshenko V.I, Ponomareva N.S Noxology and Technospheric Security / Science and Education: Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction: Materials of the International Conference on the 60th Anniversary of the University Establishment, September 18-19, 2012, Part II. - Volgograd: VolgGASU, 2012. - P. 141-147.

5. Dobrotvorskaya S.G, Zefirov T.L Technosphere security of man in modern conditions, - Kazan: CFU, 2016. - 99 p.

6. Efremov S.V. Management of the technospheric security: a short course [Electronic resource] / S.V. Efremov. – St. Petersburg, 2013. – 46 p. – Access mode: http://www.bzhd.spbstu.ru/docs/Upr.teh.bez.pdf.

7. Oleinikov D.P, Butenko L.N. On the need to develop new methods of decision-making // Prospects for the development of information technologies. – 2015. – №23. – P. 26-31.

Bibliographic reference

Evstropov V.M., Pushenko S.L., Nikhaeva A.V. PROSPECTS OF PATENTOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN THE ASPECT OF TECHNOSPHERЕ SAFETY. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2017. – № 3 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/471-25225 (22.02.2025).