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Home / Issues / № 3, 2017


Emotional-communicative competence of child: problems of diagnosis
Belobrykina O.A., Chuprov L.F.
In the psychological studies of recent years, more attention has been paid to the development of a person's ability to "read" emotions and use them in the communication process. Moreover, this problem becomes especially urgent due to the growing number of children with psychosomatic disorders of emotional and communicative genesis. Specialists agree that the emotional state of the child has a direct connection with the surrounding environment, with the system of interpersonal relationships that have developed in the nearest microsocium. Emotional competence is interpreted in psychology as a person's ability to recognize his own feelings and feelings of other people in order to manage his emotional states, as well as emotions in the process of communication and interaction with other people. Communicative competence is interpreted as a system of internal resources of the individual, necessary for constructing effective communication in a certain range of situations of interpersonal interaction. These internal resources are to a greater extent attributed to the ability to recognize and manifest their emotions and emotions of other people. This unequivocally shows the connection between emotional and communicative competence, which complement and mutually determine each other.

To the parameters of communicative competence L.A. Petrovskaya relates: a) operational one (the breadth and requirements of the repertoire of role-playing behavior, communicative orientation and awareness); b) verbal one (taking into account the context and subtext of the utterance, absence of verbal difficulties, the variability of the interpretation of information, orientation in the sphere of estimated stereotypes and patterns, etc.); c) behavioral one (communicative skills, methods of activity and experience) and d) emotional one (creating and maintaining positive emotional contact with the interlocutor, self-regulation and the ability not only to respond to the change of partner's state, but also to anticipate it) the components of interpersonal communication.It is the emotional background that creates a feeling of psychologically favorable or unfavorable, comfortable or uncomfortable communication [3].

This approach served as the dissemination of the following strategy for constructing a diagnostic system: inventory of components of competence (knowledge, skills) and selection / creation of an appropriate psychological procedure for the evaluation of each component. However, in practice, such an approach can not be effectively implemented - as the number of research in communication increases, the increase in the number of detectable components exceeds the rate at which diagnostic tools meet the elementary criterion of reliability. Since comprehensive diagnosis is difficult, in fact, the measurement of competence is limited to assessing a very narrow set of its components. Note that in the arsenal of modern psychodiagnosis there is a significant number of techniques aimed at identifying emotional and communicative competencies separately from each other, but the relationship between the development of the communicative and emotional sphere does not allow you to identify and evaluate any technique. The role of emotions in communication is indisputably significant, therefore, the importance of creating methods for diagnosing the emotional-communicative competence of the child at different stages of ontogeny and their relevance is extremely high [2; 4].

The need to create techniques with a relevant diagnostic construct is also due to the importance of providing timely psychological help to children with developmental problems of emotional and communicative genesis [1].

To summarize, we note that the concept of "emotional and communicative competence" has been operationalized and firmly included in the categorical apparatus of modern pedagogy and psychology, but its verification in specific diagnostic procedures does not exist until now.

1. Belobrykina O.A. Vlijanie vzaimootnoshenij v diade «roditel' – rebenok» na jemocional'noe razvitie i psihosomaticheskoe sostojanie doshkol'nika // Psihologija tret'ego tysjacheletija: II Mezhdunarodnaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija : sbornik materialov / pod obshhej redakciej B.G.Meshherjakova. Dubna: Gosudarstvennyj unniversitet «Dubna», 2015. Pp. 44-48 (in Russ.).

2. Limonchenko R.A., Belobrykina O.A. Social'nye jemocii: istoricheskij jekskurs v problemu issledovanija i ee znachenie v social'no-psihologicheskoj rabote s podrastajushhim pokoleniem // Pomogajushhie professii: nauchnoe obosnovanie i innovacionnye tehnologii /Pod obshhej redakciej prof. Z.H. Saralievoj. Nizhnij Novgorod: Izdatel'stvo NISOC, 2016. Pp. 771-777 (in Russ.).

3. Petrovskaja L.A. 1989 Obshhenie – kompetentnost' – trening: Izbrannye trudy. Moskva: Smysl, 2007. 688 p. (in Russ.).

4. Belobrykina О.А., Vorobyova P.S. Psychological descriptors of emotional competence of modern preschool children // Pedagogics. Psychology: Selected Papers of the International Scientific School «Paradigma» (Summer-2015, Varna, Bulgaria) / Compiling coeditors DrDr.Sc., Prof. A.V.Berlov, Dr.h.c.mult., Ph.D. L.F. Chuprov, Dr.Sc., Prof. E.K. Yanakieva. – Yelm, WA, USA: Science Book Publishing House, 2015. Рр. 90-99.

Bibliographic reference

Belobrykina O.A., Chuprov L.F. Emotional-communicative competence of child: problems of diagnosis. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2017. – № 3 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/471-25237 (22.02.2025).