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Teaching science
Keywords: outdoor mass on-line-courses, educational process, Coursera, statistics.
The strategic direction of the development of modern society is the creation and dissemination in all spheres of public life of the economy of knowledge. In conditions of globalization, the quality of education, the level of preparedness of graduates and their ability to apply knowledge in practice are the main criteria for the successful entry of a university into the world educational space.
One of the progressive forms of expanding the boundaries of opportunities for obtaining knowledge are the Mass open on-line courses (MOOC).
The education system of Russia is oriented towards entering the world educational space. Russia is involved in many international projects, the exchange of students, faculty, technology of world education penetrate the country's educational process. A social order for the higher education system is the training of competent specialists who are able to orientate themselves and adapt to the realities of a rapidly changing world.
The use of the newest means of communication, allowing quick and remote access to knowledge bases, radically changes approaches to the organization of educational processes, shifting the emphasis on continuous, independent, advanced education [1].
The use of open educational resources in training places at the forefront the task of analyzing and evaluating the prospects for the development of this direction with the aim of selecting optimal solutions aimed at improving the effectiveness of the educational process as a whole.
MOOC is one of the progressive forms of distance learning, which is actively developing. Coursera is a project in the field of on-line education.
As part of the implementation of the experiment on the implementation of the MOOC in the educational process, the integration into the process of studying the disciplines: "Statistics" and "Business statistics and forecasting" course "Statistics one" Princeton University. The main goal of the course integration was to familiarize students with the peculiarities of using statistical methodology in international practice.
As a software for laboratory works, Professor A. Conway used the R resources software package, which allowed students not only to study this package independently, but also to get acquainted with the features of the analysis of factual data.
After completing the course, students were questioned about the problems encountered during the course of the study of the subject, among which were the following:
- laboratory work was carried out using the RFP, which is more like a programming language;
- English vocabulary related to the subject is complex.
The general results of integration of the MEP into educational programs for students can be formulated as follows:
• Integration of the course made it possible to get an idea of the peculiarities of applying statistical methodology in foreign practice;
• practical experience in using statistical methods in information processing;
• Practical skills of using RRS SP in statistical studies were obtained;
• Comparison of international aspects and domestic experience in the use of statistical methodology.
Analyzing the results of the "pilot" project on the use of the MOOC in the educational process on statistics, it is possible to single out a number of positive aspects:
- Free student access to information via the Internet from any place where there is access to the global information network.
- Small blocks of information allow you to make the study of the subject more flexible and simplify the search for the necessary materials.
- The possibility of training in the workplace, including without interruption from work, as well as at home or on the road, using the mobile Internet.
- Teachers, as well as students, develop their skills and knowledge in the field of statistical analysis methodology, the use of other analytical software packages.
- Control of the acquired knowledge, which allows to exclude bias and bias.
Diversification and purposeful implementation in the educational process of the MOOC, accompanied by the development of new training courses, the planning of training programs and the study of promising information resources will expand the knowledge of the student and teacher.
Sadovnikova N., Darda E. AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIA. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2017. – № 3 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/471-25258 (22.02.2025).