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Medical sciences
Purpose. The purpose of our research is to estimate the singlet oxygen inhalations influence on biochemical indicators in the blood of patients with burn area more than 50% of the body surface.
Materials and methods. For getting data we were study the biochemical indicators in the blood of patients with burn area more than 50% of the body surface before and after course of singlet inhalations which were made from the apparatus AIRNERGY (Germany). Inhalations were conducted during 10 min within 10 days. Power of gas flow was 100%. Concentration of lactate and glucose in erythrocytes and blood plasma was measured on the apparatus Super GL ambulance (Germany). Activity of lactate dehydrogenase in direct (LDGred) and receive (LDGox) reaction was defined by the method of Kochetov (1980). Enzyme activity was measured on a spectrophotometer Power Wave XS (Bio-Tek, USA). Activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) was determined on inhibition of products of autoxidation formation of epinephrine (Sirota T.V., 1999). Lipoperoxidation indicators were estimated in blood plasma by biochemiluminoscence (BHL) method (Kuzmina E. I. et al., 1993). The level of malonic dialdehyde (MDA) in plasma and erythrocytes was defined using the diagnostic set for quantitation of TBA-active products - TBA-AGAT (Moscow). Received data was processed with use of Student's t-criteria.
Results. Decline on concentration of glucose and lactate concentrations by 28.55% and 6.14% respectively was revealed in the blood of patients with burn after the course of singlet oxygen inhalations. Decrease of glucose and lactate concentration is supposed to be connected with activation of anaerobic glycolysis under the influence of gas mixture, contained singlet oxygen. SO inhalation had a stimulating effect on LDHred (increase of activity on 40.17%) and on LDHox (increase of activity on 23.75%).
It was established that singlet oxygen inhalations lead to rise of SOD activity on 2.44% compared with initial value of this indicator prior to treatment. Herewith, was observed decline of lipoperoxidation processes activity on 17.53% according to the data of biochemiluminoscence as well as decrease of MDA level in plasma on 42.44% and on 42.61% in erythrocytes.
Conclusion. Thus, it was shown that singlet oxygen inhalations lead to increase of glycolysis enzyme (LDG) activity in patients with burns that lead to decrease of glucose and lactate concentration in blood. Antioxidant effect of singlet oxygen inhalations manifested in decrease of lipoperoxidation processes activity, MDA concentration and rise of SOD activity was identified.
Soloveva A.G., Belyaeva K.L., Didenko N.V. THE METABOLISM OF BLOOD AFTER SINGLET OXYGEN USE AT HEAVY BURN . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2017. – № 3 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/471-25274 (22.02.2025).