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Home / Issues / № 3, 2017


Chuprov L.F., Sabanin P.V., Khusyainov T.M., Kostrigin A.A.
When studying the role of social determination in mental development, special attention is paid to such an influence factor as the educational environment, which in its essence is a subsystem structure of the social-cultural environment. It should be noted that the society is considered by domestic scientists as a system in which connections and relationships between individuals (and their communities) are established. These relations act as essential necessary conditions for the existence and development of the individual, including mental development.

Considering the educational environment as a macro environment, it is customary to distinguish the embeddedness in it of different level educational environments, such as microenvironment (class, group, hobby group) and local (school, family, cultural centre, etc.). Everything concerning the local environment and microenvironments (in particular) is relatively well studied in the domestic specialized literature, the psychodiagnostic techniques for research have been developed. But the macro level within the country, regions and districts has not been studied, with some exceptions. However, the social-economic situation in the country, reforms, changes in the administrative-territorial boundaries of the subjects, the change in the structure of the administrative management of the districts inevitably affects social life, including the education system.

In the scientific literature, there is little data on the study of the educational environment in rural areas, and there are no data on educational environments in city agglomerations as well. The obtained data would be useful for realizing the requirements of federal educational standards regulating the work of educational institutions. For example, for the development of cognitive activity and the formation of universal educational activities of a rural schoolchild, it is necessary to design a program for the development of the educational environment that does not contradict the efforts aimed at the development of the pupil and this program should not be standard and copied from the city school [2]. Where the project is already being implemented, individual correction programs aimed at creating an educational development environment should be created taking into account the conditions of the local educational environment. It should be noted that these educational standards are normative and legal acts, therefore educational institutions need to take into account their requirements. Therefore, the need to create a unified educational space that takes into account regional features and the specifics of education, as well as the democratization of education, expressed in the ability of teachers themselves to choose the methods of education and upbringing, is of particular importance.

Considering the levels of educational environments within the Moscow region, it was noted that it would be extremely useful to consider them in the structure of the Moscow agglomeration as reflecting, in contrast to the administrative-territorial structure, the real socio-economic, transport and cultural relations of society. By the example of the Moscow agglomeration, it is clear that the new territories of Moscow, which have departed from the Moscow region, being in fact mostly rural areas, are not analyzed in detail, taking into account the specifics in educational environments [1]. In addition, such an analysis is necessary for building qualitative developmental education in the city of Moscow. In connection with the fact that the Moscow region, especially the near Moscow suburbs, "grew into" Moscow, the design of the technological component of developing education is also necessary taking into account the specifics of the educational environment of the Moscow agglomeration as a whole.

Finally, the study and knowledge of the features of the educational environment is necessary at the level of second-order agglomerations (a system with a center in the form of a small city and around a non-rural area). We must understand that not always the district is equal to the agglomeration of the second order, therefore, the formation of a unified educational policy should be carried out in an active intermunicipal interaction and taking into account the data of educational environments.

1. Innovacionnaja set' ploshhadki // Gorodskaja innovacionnaja ploshhadka. URL: http://yasvinlab.ru/Innovation/Network (Data obrashhenija 12.08.2017). (in Russ.)

2. Sabanin P.V., Chuprov L.F. Vlijanie uslovij obuchenija v sel'skoj mestnosti na razvitie logicheskih universal'nyh dejstvij // Aktual'nye problemy social'noj psihologii Materialy Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem /Pod nauchnoj redakciej O.A. Belobrykinoj, M.I. Koshenovoj. - Novosibirsk, 2017. Pp. 196-201. (in Russ.)

Bibliographic reference

Chuprov L.F., Sabanin P.V., Khusyainov T.M., Kostrigin A.A. ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT IN MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF SCHOOLCHILDREN. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2017. – № 3 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/471-25277 (30.06.2024).