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Sociological Science
On the other hand, doctors with solid experience in medical institutions, combining medical practice with teaching in medical universities and colleges, complain about the modern youth - future doctors. Often, medical students practicing in polyclinics demonstrate non-possession of etiquette in interaction with both patients and colleagues, and, similarly to the term "unsportsmanlike behavior", show "non-medical behavior", beginning with an external discrepancy with the image of a doctor andending with spaces in deontology.
In the Republic of Khakassia there are all of these and similar problems that initiated the development of applied curriculum in the field of image for future doctors at the university level (A.V. Mantikova, 2016)[5].
Everyone knows the phrase in various variations: "There is never a second chance to make a first impression," however, in professional activity, most people still do not pay enough attention to their own self-presentation or image management, leaving a priority for the spontaneous process of shaping their image to rule the day. In addition, limiting beliefs, replicable media reinforce the philistine attitude that only the politicians and representatives of show business should be focused on the image.
At the same time, in any professional field of the modern subject of labor, the competition is steadily growing, and more and more high-class professionals are turning to the category of carefully monitoring their image, not only professionally but also personally. In modern conditions, the number of independent professionals (self-employed) and transprofessionals is increasing in the labor market, for which the professional image becomes an important component of success. This is due to the fact that in self-employment they are responsible for the risks that accompany their work, where unemployment is one of the main.
Such contradictions disorient young professionals who do not have enough life and professional experience.
One of the ways to overcome the existing contradiction is to teach the basics of professional ethics in the course of vocational training in secondary professional and higher educational institutions [1; 2; 4].
Mastering any of the "medal professions", including medicine, jurisprudence and, to some extent, psychology, involves not only the sum of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, the formation of professional thinking, but also the mastery of a system of relations that distinguish one profession from another. Among the latter ones should be mentioned the assimilation of ethical rules, the system of deontology (relations of ordination and subordination, relations with patients), and a representative presentation, i.e. image of doctor as professional [3].
The main semantic load of the discipline "Professional image of doctor" is the acquaintance of students with the current state of psychological practice in the field of image-making, as well as assistance in raising the general and psychological culture, and forming a holistic view of the professional image of the modern doctor.
The content of the training material was selected taking into account the need to create in students as full and comprehensive awareness of the problems of modern imageology as possible in order to choose the style of the own position of the future professional.
Taking into account the features of the subject, the practical orientation prevails.
Thus, the purpose of studying the discipline "Professional image of doctor" is to master the students' psychological and social skills, necessary in the future for effective activity in creating and correcting their own professional image, as well as developing reflexive skills as a basis for working on their image [5].
When mastering the discipline, the current control of the performance of homework is carried out - checking the training diary, synopses, vocabulary dictation.
Moreover, current monitoring includes the protection of an essay on the topic "Professional image of doctor in my point of view" and the performance of a screening test.
Final control - offset, consists of two parts: defense of the presentation on the topic: "Professional image of doctor" prepared by creative groups (2-3 students) and interview results on pre-arranged topics (questions to the exam), where the student have to demonstrate the knowledge gained in the course of mastering discipline.
Thus, in the modern society, which strives not only for active consumption of services, but for qualitative obtaining of these services in interaction with professionals in any field, the professional image of the doctor as a necessary general professional competence is already an integral part of training in the education system of the future doctor.
2. Berlov A.V., Chuprov L.F., Kostrigin A.A. Psihologija i deoontologija v rabote vracha-stomatologa s det'mi // Vestnik po pedagogike i psihologii Juzhnoj Sibiri. 2016. № 3. Pp. 12-17. (in Russ.)
3. Berlov A.V., Chuprov L.F., Kostrigin A.A., Urusova E.A., Khusyainov T.M., Schukin A.S. Ethical-philosophical aspects of contemporary psychological practice in Russia . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 2 – С. 95. URL: www.science-sd.com/464-25176 (09.08.2017).
4. Cheremushnikova I. K., Zaharova I. A. Rol' medicinskogo vuza v formirovanii kommunikativnyh navykov budushhego specialista // Lechebnoe delo. 2011. №2. Pp.123-126. (in Russ.)
5. Rabochaja programma uchebnoj discipliny: B1.V.DV.4.1 Professional'nyj imidzh vracha. Napravlenie podgotovki, special'nost' 31.05.01 Lechebnoe delo / sostavitel' Mantikova A.V.. - HGU: Abakan, 2016. - 14 p..(in Russ.)
Mantikova A.V., Berlov A.V., Chuprov L.F., Khusyainov T.M., Kostrigin A.A. PROFESSIONAL IMAGE OF DOCTOR AS NECESSARY GENERAL PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE IN MODERN EDUCATION SYSTEM. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2017. – № 3 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/471-25279 (22.02.2025).