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Keywords: economic I-concept, conditionality of behavior model of the manager-businessman social and economic conditions.
Responsibility of the businessman for results of activity increases in difficult economic conditions and the special relevance is acquired by activization of enterprise activity and all personal qualities of the identity of the manager-businessman for achievement of success. From the point of view of political economy the businessman is the one who on the basis of the financial, organizational and other opportunities connects means of labor, work and materials for creation of the product having solvent demand [2]. He performs functions of formation and building of the capital, activity is directed to personal enrichment, subjectively and objectively contributes to the development of the national economy, creation of new jobs.
At the heart of business initiative creative activity of the person, innovator, freedom in the choice of the directions and methods of the activity bearing full responsibility for results of the work and independently to dispose of his results. In business it is expedient to consider two elements: innovative activity as entrepreneurial function; actions of the businessman as intraprener (carrier and off taker of this function).
The market and its capitalization assume a system of thinking and behavior of which the rational and system aspiration of the person to receive the maximum economic benefits within the profession is characteristic. However it is impossible to deny that in the economic behavior the businessman often is guided not by reasons of rationality, but values, habits, traditions, ethical standards.
Main the determinants influencing formation of "the economic I-concept" of the modern businessman are [2]: influence of primary groups (family and friendly environment) and groups of direct contact communication (student's group, working collective); personal experience of the address with financial resources and inclusion in real economic activity; socialization in the conditions of an economic crisis; the set cultural context of formation of the identity of the businessman. As the motivating incentive of development of the economic I-concept serves the aspiration of the identity of the businessman most fully to show and use the talents, abilities, opportunities in professional activity, and it is possible to assume that only the professional and educational environment can possess such conditions. If to speak about vocational training of managers-businessmen, on UGS of the directions of preparation "Economy and management" where that has to act in two roles - the subject of management and the subject of the economic relations, then the volume of purposes of his economic I-concept has to be sufficient and steady [3].
Now in the country the deficiency of the qualified personnel for business owning knowledge and abilities in the field of the legal, economic and organizational mechanisms understanding factors and conditions of the market, able to fit in on business Wednesday, to make decisions, to direct and protect business [3] is felt.
The businessman acting in market economy becomes the central figure of social and economic life of society. For achievement of the goals of business, it has to be politically also economically free person whose activity is directed to receiving profit by realization of demand for goods and services. His business activity solves problems: satisfies needs of the population for goods and services; promotes increase in welfare of the businessman and consumers; creates new jobs, reducing unemployment rate; promotes scientific and technical progress; contributes to cultural development and arts through patronage; promotes competition strengthening; creates opportunities for self-realization of the businessman.
We will analyse qualities of the personality and feature of activity of businessmen from 80-90th of the 20th century to the present. Workers of trade and services industry which in the past made so-called "shadow economy" were the first businessmen cooperators (1986-1990) and had business legalization intentions. Most of businessmen had certain experience in commerce and illegal business though at the level the state was supposed that pensioners and students will seize the opportunity of creation of the non-state enterprises. In practice it has turned out that these categories of the population neither psychologically, nor it is material, nor professionally aren't ready to conducting business activity. Desire to grow rich or legalize the capitals became the purpose of the first wave of businessmen.
The second wave of businessmen (1991-1992) was made by principals of government institutions, party and trade-union organizations. Later representatives of the youth organizations, associations of construction crews, the self-supporting organizations, amateur associations joined them. Distinctive feature: experience of initiative activities in collectives, business and economic activity, stored economic communications, orientation to success and profits.
The third wave of businessmen (1993-1994) was made by preferentially former managers and technical officers of the state enterprises of the industry (46% - the sphere of the industrial enterprises and application-oriented research institutes; 15% - the staff of the ministries and departments; 2,4% - workers of offices of the CPSU and Lenin Komsomol) which during an economic crisis and crisis of ideology were unclaimed. Implementation of own potential which allowed to receive them economic stability became motive. Their switching on in business activity, experience and communications, knowledge of the market, allowed to put in action before is ineffective the used production capital.
The fourth wave of businessmen (1995-1999) was replenished from among principals of the privatized enterprises of retail trade, a services sector, transport, construction who in the changed conditions managed to enter the available and stored financial resources in "shadow economy", having redeemed fixed assets and using the organizational charts of flows of resources and income which proved efficiency. This category of businessmen aimed at acquisition of influence in society (political motives aimed to implement during elective processes at different levels).
The fifth wave of businessmen (2000 - till present) are became the most diverse and I consisted of the farmers and handicraftsmen who are engaged mainly in production initially for self-sufficiency, and then and realization of goods and services for extraction of commercial benefit. Here we will carry the representatives of science and education, art and cultures which have mastered a niche of intellectual services and mediation, new kinds of activity (consulting and audit, information technologies, marketing, personnel, engineering, tourism, innovations, accounting, investments, insurance, etc.). More than 75% of businessmen of the fifth wave have the higher education and about 10% an academic degree of the candidate or doctor of science. Their motives: employment, stable and decent income, realization of personal and professional potential. Key difference from the previous waves of the businessmen investing the "shadow" or privatized resources, the fifth wave leans on own. Most of businessmen has no communications and opportunities for attraction of material and financial resources therefore risking equity, are least protected from economic and political risks by which conducting small business is accompanied.
Division of businessmen into waves of inclusion in business activity has conditional character, but characterizes business development tendencies. According to T. Koryagina [1], in the legal "shadow economy" functioning on the basis of barter and cash calculation, businessmen of the first wave are pushed by the imperfect system of the taxation, inefficient regulation of business, "artificial" restriction of access to resources.
Thus, the Russian businessmen can be divided on complexity of their business and inclusion in business activity into five groups: highly skilled managers whose business is implemented at the enterprises and in the organizations of high scientific and technical level; highly skilled technical officers whose business is based on use of high technologies; the highly qualified specialists developing intellectual services; the experts of average qualification developing services industry; low-skilled workers whose business is simple technologically and organizationally. The Russian business has no social roots characteristic of western. The origin of the Russian businessmen is diverse: from the intellectuals and officials, to engineers and workers.
In modern conditions the group of personal qualities which allows the businessman to keep business in situations of the unstable market and crisis is demanded: mobility - the quality of the personality allowing to show persons research, search qualities at the solution of a specific administrative objective; optimism - promoting creation of the authority, allowing the businessman to rally the team of adherents and to adjust them on achievement of common goals and the solution of specific professional objectives; riskiness - reflecting courage and confidence of the businessman in and the actions, ability to take risk and responsibility; working capacity - allowing to define optimum plans and the prospects of activity, ability and experience, persistence, ability to offer real ways of the solution of current enterprise problems, satisfactions of the arising needs for society; responsibility - concerning not only financial side of business, is shown in a mission of the businessman realizing the value, the importance, usefulness of business for society in general and for his certain citizens.
Thus, the Russian managers-businessmen are characterized as the initiative citizens who don't have to preparation in the sphere of management and business, but at the same time showing the professionalism and competence of other branches of the national economy having insignificant seed capital to start own business.
2. Enterprise communications and contracts (contracts) /I.R. Shegelman. – Petrozavodsk: PetrGU, 2006. – 292 p.
3. Shemyatikhina L.Y., Shipitsyna K.S., Sinyakova M.G. Management of small business: training manual. - SPb.: Lan, 2017 - 500 p.
Shemyatikhina L.Y. ECONOMIC I-KONTSEPTSIYA IN BEHAVIOR MODEL OF THE MODERN MANAGER-BUSINESSMAN. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2017. – № 3 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/471-25299 (22.02.2025).