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Home / Issues / № 3, 2017

Teaching science

Abdulaeva P.Z., Abiyevа E.G., Osmanova A.A., Abdulaeva Kh.S.
Summary: The article is devoted to increasing demand for teaching practice in innovative teaching techniques aimed at discovery and development of the creative potential of teachers and their pupils. The main objective of educational practice - personal development, capable of self-determination and self-development in a constantly changing environment, and able to respond creatively to their changes, and operating and motivational readiness for future physicians to the use and application of electronic educational resources for education in the learning process of medical schools and for further work.

Key words: creative potential, teaching practice, teaching practice, electronic educational resources.

Modernization of education, as currently implemented, raises new professional challenges for the graduate school, makes new requirements to professional training of modern teachers. New tasks for their preparation are the formation of students ' professional competences in the field of implementation level and profile differentiation of pre training, teaching integrated and elective courses, the use of new pedagogies, including information technologies and technical means of education.

 There is a new innovative educational technologies. With traditional shared components and components based on new technology.

The principle of "education to meet the needs and interests of forming a harmoniously developed, socially active, creative personality, "proclaimed in accordance with the paradigm of education and the education Act of the Russian Federation, requires entirely different approaches to the organization of the educational process.

The time of the third Millennium creates a fundamentally new psychological image of the professional teacher in a medical University. The achievement of professionalism of the teacher of medical University is possible with the active ability for self-determination in the conditions of dynamic development of society, to personal and professional growth.

Scientific international literature indicates that the use of technology learning contributes to personal development, changing its structure in:

- cognitive sphere is the development of spatial perception and imagination, the development of thinking and formation of such mental operations as analysis and synthesis, comparison and analogy, the ability to structure their activities;

- in the personal sphere - the increase in the intensity of communication with peers, development of individual style;

-motivational sphere - the development of motivation and addiction research, the cognitive enhancement activity;

- in the emotional sphere - the development of the prevailing positive emotional background, decrease in the level of anxiety, increase feelings of self-confidence.[1,10].

 The activities of modern man in various areas of pedagogical practice is carried out in conditions of a complex interaction of many factors. In this regard, one of the conditions of success of a teacher's personality is the ability to design activities, which gives the creative nature of his profession, defines its innovative potential. The lack of design culture leads to a significant misalignment between goals and outcomes, as an individual, and various professional and other communities.

 The inclusion of ICT in the educational process contributes to quality improvement of the learning process, through the provision of information in the form that allows you to use all channels of learning and thereby to increase the degree of assimilation of educational material.[2,291].

Performing practical work in the classroom, students are guided ready descriptions: to do something to highlight, to change the image to fill the text. This especially applies when publishing a text editor.

Over the past few years in various areas of training, more and more agree in opinion that the main purpose of information and communication technologies is to increase the efficiency of management of educational-cognitive activity of students. However, this requires the creation of computer programs and courses that more fully reflects the principles of pedagogical management and would be the means of ensuring the effectiveness of training for the training of qualified medical personnel.

Combining the concepts of pedagogical and information technologies we can say that neither are defined by a set of interrelated conditions for the creation of targeted educational process using modern information technologies, ensuring the formation of a future specialist with the given competencies.

Such conditions in higher medical education include the following:

1. operational readiness of future doctors to use information and communication technologies for education in the study process of medical schools, and for further work (refresher);

2. motivational readiness of future physicians to the use of means of Informatization of education;

3. reflexive readiness to use information and communication technologies for self-education;

4.willingness to learn in a computerized environment;

5.the willingness of future doctors to the use of means of Informatization compliance with medical laws and regulations (information law).

The use of ICT in educational process has changed the role of the learning tools used in teaching different disciplines, and the use of these technologies changes the educational environment in which the learning process.[3,112].

New pedagogical technologies used at present or nascent in the minds of teachers, in the depths of pedagogical practice is unthinkable without a wide use of new ICTs. They allow you to fully uncover the pedagogical, dictatorial functions of these methods and realize potential opportunities.

Problems of Informatization of education is a fundamental and most important global challenge of the XXI century. The formation of a unified educational information environment places high demands on the quality of work and skill level of pedagogical, scientific and managerial personnel of General and vocational education. Progress in this direction is largely determined by the level of material-technical, scientific-methodical and information systems education, teacher training.

In General, the wide spread of modern information technologies in Russian educational institutions prevents outdated and weak material base of education Informatization are extremely insufficient number of on the Internet Russian-language educational resources, the lack of preparation of pedagogical shots to use of information and communication technologies.

Today one of the main directions of Informatization of Russian education remains the formation of information culture. However, this segment requires, in our view, a more comprehensive and integrated approach, as most of the concepts of Informatization of education, information culture understood narrowly vocational and professional characteristics of the modern specialist in the field of application of information and communication technologies in their professional activities.

Currently in the world community develop the process of global Informatization of all spheres of public life. From the level of information technology development and its pace depend on the state of the economy, quality of life, national security and the role of the state in the world community.

In all developed countries and in many developing countries there are intensive processes of Informatization of education. Developed ways to improve the efficiency of higher education, invested heavily in the development and implementation of new information technologies, also

the world increasingly obvious trend of widespread use in education of distance learning as an essential component of the evolving system of open education.

The state of education of Russia and tendencies of development of society are the most urgent problems of priority development of the education system on the basis of information technologies, creation of single educational information environment. Computerization involves essential changes in the content, methods and organizational forms of education. The inclusion of modern information technologies in the educational process creates opportunities to improve the quality of education.

1. The textbook "psychology and Pedagogy: topics for independent work of students of the medical faculty. Part I."]. Abdulaeva P. Z., N. M. Vahabova. - Publishing and printing center of the DSEA: Makhachkala, 2014. - 386 p.

2. Osmanov O. V., Vezirov T. G., Abdulaeva P. Z. Computer technology in professional education. Methodical manual. Makhachkala:Yiwu B, 2003. - 110 p.

3. Theoretical and practical issues of modern information technologies: materials of VII all-Russian scientific-technical conference. - Ulan-Ude: ESSTU Publisher,2007.-433с.

Bibliographic reference

Abdulaeva P.Z., Abiyevа E.G., Osmanova A.A., Abdulaeva Kh.S. THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS USING MODERN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES ENSURING THE FORMATION OF A FUTURE SPECIALIST IN MEDICAL SCHOOL. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2017. – № 3 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/471-25301 (22.02.2025).