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Teaching science
In Russia, improving the quality of education is one of the most important priorities of the educational policy of the state [1]. Formation of effective model of competitive system of education along with the development of science is an important factor in building an innovative economy. Sustainable development the government requires the formation of a system of national education, which will be the basis for improving the quality of life of people. A key figure of the new society - "knowledge society development" - is a teacher, because it depends on the education and upbringing of generations and therefore the future of the country. A well-educated society ensure accelerated development of the country [2]. Today higher education faces the challenge of training professionals able to think critically, to be able to see problems, to search for rational ways of their solution, using modern technologies; to adapt to rapidly changing conditions of modern society; be able to work in a team; effective use of information resources for solving professional problems. Worldwide system of teacher education is undergoing profound changes, there has been a rethinking of their roles, substantive and procedural aspects. The formation of a creative personality of a teacher is associated primarily with the continuity of teacher training, creation of conditions for professional formation of the teacher within a single multi-level educational space. In the twenty-first century has intensified and deepened the problem of formation of information environment of post-industrial society. Assuming that only a small part of the educational potential of online information is created purposefully different scientific and educational communities, it can be argued that the process of teaching critical evaluation of information on web sites should occupy an important place in the life of the modern young generation. Today media education can be used as initiating educational technology, which is designed to change the very principles of forming the educational environment, to provide foundations for a new dialogue teacher/teacher and student/student, at a new stage of development of society to identify ways of developing the humanistic model of education and verify its effectiveness [3-4]. As you know, the educational activities of the medical Academy is a major. It is aimed at the training of the modern physician, who must have a high level of culture and professional competence, to be able to independently and creatively solve professional tasks, proficient in modern technologies of training and education, to realize personal and social significance of professional activity, to take responsibility for its results. Nowadays often talk about the need of rethinking the mission of universities, including medical, with the features of the XXI century [5]. The necessity of this process concerns the conflict between global socio - economic changes in the world community and the ability of medical education to transformation, requiring a focus on practical application of knowledge, education and training throughout life (life-long education). Medical schools to solve the problem of development in the new environment, actively seeking innovative forms of educational and scientific activities, as well as mutually beneficial forms of cooperation with the regions. The effectiveness of innovative educational transformation is achieved through the integration of fundamental science, educational process and the educational system. Therefore, along with substantial changes require organizational and structural changes in the system of training future doctors and educators, based on the use of new forms and methods on all stages of the process - pre-University, undergraduate and postgraduate. In our view, the solution of the main task of medical education in the knowledge society is possible only in a clustered environment, which will ensure the sustainability and competitiveness of the national economy [6-7]. Cluster approach in the education system today is considered quite intensively, both as a tool of modernization, medical, and teacher education; and how the cluster approach in the educational systems [8]. The activity of the cluster can be directed on the satisfaction of objectively established needs of the different target groups: medical and pedagogical workers of an education system. The main difference between the educational-scientific-innovative cluster is not so much the participants (and in the education cluster may enter commercial organizations, state authorities, cooperation agencies) and not in the dominant role of the universities (they can serve-and the usual cluster), and in the specific product that is the result of activities of the cluster - quality educational services. Innovative resource of any development model of the national system of teacher education is human resources. For efficient use of intellectual and personnel potential oriented cluster model. It defines the professional and personal requirements for a teacher: to be highly competent not only in their subject area, but also in the field of education, psychology, educational technology; be ready for an innovative medical-pedagogical activities. A cluster is a complex organization, requiring cross-disciplinary synthesis, justification of perspective directions of development, the development of mechanisms, forms and methods of functioning, etc.: 1. The process of creation and functioning of the cluster, you must put on a scientific basis to study international experience; find theoretical and methodological grounds for modeling; to develop a mechanism of interaction taking into account the organization, activity, marketing, personnel, investment and other aspects; 2. In parallel, it is necessary to develop a cluster organization of research activities in the field of medical and pedagogical education. Educational research and innovation cluster will provide an opportunity for closer acquaintance of the students with their future professional activity and will allow us to update and summarize the organization and content of vocational training. Distinctive features of this cluster are the quality, continuity, continuity, availability, competitiveness of vocational education.
The positive moment in creation of training-scientific-innovative cluster is the creation of a single information space of knowledge dissemination, new technologies, innovative products. The availability of shared information resources, the relationship of tradition and innovation, a combination of cooperation and competition enable the participants to implement joint projects that strengthen the position of each unit in the labor market and services. The quality of the educational process is largely determined by the resolution opportunities information educational environment of the Academy. Therefore, in recent years one of the important directions of development of higher educational institutions is the creation of an effective unified information space of the University. This is an important strategic task, which allows to conduct a qualitative upgrading of many of the existing processes of the University, to increase the efficiency of educational and scientific information resources to provide comfortable and modern facilities for intellectual and moral development of the individual.
It should be noted that the effective transformation of medical and pedagogical education can be achieved in conditions of significant expansion of information space for students and teachers, its content and structural updates, as well as in terms of openness and accessibility of information sources. The effectiveness of this process will contribute to the generated electronic document archive based on the program of open access. Global information network with its multimedia content and unique tools of its processing is an effective means of providing such storage. And that multimedia learning is becoming one of the elements of pedagogical system of open education, actively using information and communication technologies and multimedia to enhance learning and improve management of the educational process. Modern educational environment, supplemented with new virtual component gives the educational process a special quality: it takes for each student the territorial and temporal independence. Based on the use of computer technology, modern learning tools provide a higher level of awareness and, consequently, his education and social freedom. The most important the same directions of Informatization in the creation of training-scientific-innovative cluster are: • implementation of a virtual information-educational environment at the level of the institution, providing the implementation of complex of works on creation and maintenance of technologies of its operation; • system integration of information technology in education, supporting learning processes, research and organizational management; • creation and development of unified educational information space of the cluster. Essentially, we are talking about solving the problem of qualitative change of the entire information environment of the system of medical and pedagogical education, as posed by the educational environment makes demands of interactive and communicative process of learning, coming at odds with traditional understandings of classroom discipline and the perception of the student as the object of the educational process. The structure of the information-educational resource of the cluster should help in the organization of the educational process, free communication and collaboration of students. For the effective functioning of these systems, it is necessary to provide them with information support and transfer of information. This approach gives the possibility to organize various modes of interaction of the student with the environment in the following types of educational work: lectures in networked classrooms, in the mode of tele - and video conferencing; conference, study groups, informal socializing of students in the course of learning (chat) using electronic mail and telecommunications; control measures - conducting tests and exams online, teleconferences, etc. As the content of the information educational environment can be considered electronic educational-methodical complexes, which include electronic textbooks, manuals, computer programs, laboratory manuals and other materials for organization of independent work of students. To components of information and educational resources also include scientific and educational portals providing access to global information resources, and internal information resources from the University; the distance learning system, providing education on export processes, etc. Thus, the proposed multilevel cluster model will ensure the continuity of the educational process, with a close integration of education and science for different target groups. Effectively managed e-learning, supplementing face-to-face learning, should be a priority in the development of the system of professional training in the context of globalization, of massive connectedness and socialization services and technologies.
2. National strategy for sustainable socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus for the period till 2020 / NAT. the Commission on sustainable development, Rep. Belarus; redkol. L. M. A. [and others]. Minsk : Yunipak, 2004. 202 p.
3. F. Altbach Trends in global higher education: observation of aka is conferred an academic : world Conf. according to qu. ouch. education under the auspices of UNESCO, 2009.
4. McLuhan M. Understanding media: external expansion person. M., 2003.
5. Transformation of universities: new realities of the lives of teachers in U.S. institutions of higher education / O. A. Zamulin [et al.] / / Higher education today. 2005. No. 1. 48 p
6. The Massachusetts Higher Education and Knowledge Cluster The Microeconomics of Competitiveness / M. Porter [et al.]. Massachusetts, 2010.
7. Smirnov, A. V. Educational clusters and innovative education at the University. Kazan : RIC "School", 2010. 102.
8. Sokolova E. I., the Term "educational cluster" in the conceptual field of modern pedagogy // lifelong education: the XXI century. 2014. Vol. 2
9. Abiyeva E. G, Abdulaeva P. Z., A. D. Dobrev Fundamentals of General and medical pedagogy (textbook for medical students). Makhachkala: DSMA:CPI, 2008. – S. 35.
URL: www.science-sd.com/471-25302 (22.02.2025).