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Home / Issues / № 3, 2017

Teaching science

Kakenov K., Yessenbayeva G.
At the present stage of the implementation of the Bologna process, universities are responsible for the development of an internal quality culture [1]. This concept emphasizes the need to achieve adherence of university team to the idea of ​​quality.

The culture of quality concerns the values, attitudes and actions of the academic community, which has a common vision of the mission of the university, a common understanding of its quality standards and the ways in which these standards are achieved. The term "quality culture" means first of all the comprehension of quality as a shared value and collective responsibility of all participants in the educational process. It is no accident that the European project "Quality Culture Project" strongly uses the words "sense of commitment", "sense of belonging", "sense of belonging" [2].

Growing its individual culture of quality, universities should take into account the main elements of the context:

- from the point of view of its internal environment - constructive traditions of the higher educational institution, its optimal organizational structure, mission and goals;

- from the point of view of the external environment - national approaches to the definition of quality, the prevailing political, legislative, organizational and methodological requirements, as well as such factors as forms of officially established accountability, established ties of higher education with authorities, peculiarities of national political culture and social dialogue and partnership;

- from the point of view of the time vector - the development of its quality culture ("the beginning of the road" or "alignment" with the best practice samples with ambitions to get on level with them or surpass them).

European experience shows that for the successful formation of a community committed to the development of a quality culture in a university, it is not necessary:

- Identify academic and administrative staff with their higher education institution through effective communication;

 - To achieve the broad participation of students as active members of the academic community;

- To introduce a culture of quality through developed internal communication, discussions, delegation of authority, taking into account the potential possibility of rejecting changes and the feasibility of developing a strategy for overcoming it;

- Involve internal and external stakeholders and individuals;

- Agree on a comprehensive framework of standards andprocesses of quality analysis;

- Identify the basic points of entry to the university (historical, comparative, national, international), ensure their systematic collection and analysis;

- To establish the high status of the stage of self-evaluation performed by the team subject to monitoring and evaluation for its readiness for the corresponding changes;

- Implement the developed recommendations and establish feedback in strategic management [3].

A. Surskok [4] formulates four conditions for the successful development of a quality culture in the university:

- proper management of the institution and formation of the community (as opposed to administrative measures);

- the development of strategic thinking based on an adequate analysis of the activity of the institution (SWOT analysis or similar analytical tools);

- strong university autonomy;

- sufficient resources.

In general, we can conclude that the process of developing a quality culture in a university can consist of the following elements:

- a study of the corporate culture established at the university,character, positive and negative elements generated by traditions, leadership style, collegial decisions (Academic Council, Rectorate);

- awareness, assimilation and separation by the majority of employees and students of the basic elements of the corporate culture and the need for changes in accordance with the changed conditions of the university's external environment;

- creation of a management system for the intellectual and human resources of the University;

- development of quality culture of training and education of students;

- development of a quality culture of scientific research;

- development of a quality culture for the maintenance of the educational process and scientific research;

- improvement of culture of behavior and culture of a way of life of employees and students of university;

- change and improvement of social and psychological relations in the university staff;

- changing the attitude of the collective to the material, intellectual, spiritual values ​​of the university, to their acquisition, use and reproduction;

- formation of the attitude of the collective to the changed rules of life of the university in a competitive environment;

- creation of organizational structure and methods of university management adequate to its corporate culture;

- a steadily developing system for ensuring the quality of scientific research, educational services and training of specialists;

- constant monitoring of all the processes of training specialists, timely identification of problem situations and development of appropriate management decisions and corrective actions;

- implementation of the principle of continuous improvement of the quality assurance system in the university;

- a system of motivation of all employees and students of the university to quality work;

- a constant increase in the authority of the university in the market of educational services.

1. Baidenko,E. General tendencies of development of higher education :global and Bologna perspectives. M- Research Center of the Problem of Quality of Preparation Specialists, 2010- 232p.

2. Quality Culture in European Universities: a Bottom-up Approach // Report on theThree Rounds of the Quality Culture Project 2002-2006. – EUA, 2006. – 51p.

3. Yerevan communiqué // Bologna Process – European Higher Education Area. – URL.: htpp:// www.ehea.info/ Uploads /SubmitedFiles/ 5_2015/112705. pdf

4. Sursock, A. Culture and Quality Management. – ENQA, 2005. – PP. 35-39.

Bibliographic reference

Kakenov K., Yessenbayeva G. DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNAL CULTURE OF QUALITY IN MODERN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2017. – № 3 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/471-25304 (22.02.2025).