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Home / Issues / № 3, 2017

Historical science

Shirokov V.М., Kupriyanova A.
The process of taking food or meal at all times occupied an important position for humans. Food is always associated with a person with joy, having fun. And what pleasure can be obtained from the process of cooking! For many Housewives, the kitchen is the true home of the muses of imagination and creativity! How many come up with different recipes, techniques and rules of food preparation. Nowadays cooking has become a real art.

As the preparation process is the important process of feeding and eating. In ancient times, and in the middle ages, and in modern times, and now always, people earn their living by their labor. That is why people, especially the old times, the meal was something important and special. Then very important was precisely the attitude to food. Each nation according to his religion, has developed certain traditions and rules of the meal as for normal days and feasts and fasts.

Orthodox Christians meal also occupies a special place. During cooking an Orthodox man always prays and never distracted by the hustle and bustle, no back talk, no complains and condemns. Cooking takes place according to certain traditions and rules, especially in the fasting and religious holidays. Before or after the obligatory prayer, as an Orthodox Christian believed that food is a gift of God that strengthens our body and gives us strength. Food should be taken without fuss, in a warm and pleasant family atmosphere. Do not forget about rules of decency at the table. To the interlocutors, the members of the family should always be treated with respect, especially if it's her head. The main thing here is love that dictates its own laws.

In addition to the physical saturation of the food nourishes us spiritually, and that spiritual part of the whole meal is for Orthodox Christians in the first place. Orthodox nutrition contributes to inner spiritual purification, perfection. A person is transformed from all sides, and, above all, spiritual. Important role in the purification play posts. Refusing during lent from familiar modern foods, refraining from worldly pleasures and amusements, we become closer to God, discovering a new world, not affected by worldly passions. We begin to appreciate simple things and gain new, previously unseen to us the meaning of all life and our whole Universe. With the body we fasting and our souls by abstaining from evil thoughts, deeds and words, from anger, rage, condemnation, lies, profanity and slander. That is why fasting is so important for an Orthodox Christian.

The most important is a Great post. It lasts 7 weeks and ends one of the greatest Orthodox holidays - Easter, or Easter Sunday. Just as important are considered to be Christmas, the Apostles ' and Dormition posts.

"Great post, because it inhibits our sins, like weeds, and the truth of color, raises and raises. "(St. John Chrysostom.)

"The cause of action post on the spiritual forces of evil lies in its strong effect on our own spirit. Tamed by fasting, the body brings the human spirit freedom, strength, sobriety, purity, subtlety. "(Bishop Ignatius.)

"The Holy Fathers have named the post the Foundation of all virtues, because a post is saved to the purity and sobriety of our mind, in the subtleties and spirituality of the heart. The one who shakes the Foundation of virtues, shakes the whole structure of virtues. "(Bishop Ignatius.)

Orthodox nutrition is very healthy. This is the correct and balanced diet, which corresponds to human physiology. It supports our body in good shape, gives strength, reinforces our faith. But not every person can approach such a diet. For example, seriously ill, pregnant or travelling are given relief in post. Athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor, too, it seems to me, may not be suitable for strict Orthodox nutrition, and fasting. To comply with certain restrictions need to be sure to all people, but do not overdo it, especially before workouts and competitions.

If you, for the above reasons, cannot comply with all the rules of Orthodox power, it does not mean that you are committing a sin. The most important thing is that you have in your soul, your faith in God and your prayer. Pray and you will find happiness and peace of mind.

Bibliographic reference

Shirokov V.М., Kupriyanova A. ORTHODOX MEAL. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2017. – № 3 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/471-25316 (22.02.2025).