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Historical science
Introduction of special courses on the history of the economy of the regions of our country it is necessary not only for training of specialists-historians, but also economists, who must possess not only a certain set of specific skills, but to be able to explain them in the context of the overall historical and economic development. Currently, economic universities of Russia studied the discipline of "economic History", the program which includes the study of global, domestic and foreign economic history. However, the history of the economy of regions and the regions is not studied in such detail. And this is quite important when preparing a future economist who will be in demand, especially in the region in which he was educated. The need for the establishment of such courses has been overdue for quite some time. It is first necessary to summarize the experience of research of economic development of different regions and subjects of the Federation.
To date, the history of economy of separate regions as a whole and long-term institution has not received adequate coverage and did not become the subject of intense research. The number of educational literature on this subject is insufficient and requires the implementation of publications that can fill the existing lacuna. One of the main goals of such research should be the elucidation of the history of the regional economy as part of national and global process of economic development. However, in the choice of further ways of development of Russia simply copying Western models and ignoring my own experience seems unjustified, as evidenced by the fate of the recent changes in the domestic economy. In this respect, data publications and special courses of study will have important practical significance.
In addition, treatment of the economic component of regional history is also determined by the needs of the time, as a modern specialist historian cannot ignore the impact of the economy on political and cultural processes. On the other hand, specialist-economist also cannot do without a study of the historical experience of previous economic development.
Thus, the history of economy performs some predictive task. Another important task is the expansion of a scientific Outlook, the formation of the historical and economic culture of the future specialist. Here economic history is not only a source of knowledge and experience gained by previous generations during the implementation of numerous economic experiments, but also acts in the meaning of collective memory of the people and humanity. Systematized, analyzed the facts of economic history not only creates a good base for exploring discipline, but also to test and criticism of many theories.
However, economic history has not only ideological, but also of the humanistic role - it gives you the idea that any economic phenomenon has its price and material, moral and human. In addition, in the learning process, it also performs several important functions: specific examples helps to learn the special terminology that forms a special type of thinking, which is characterised by realism, historicism and scale.
A certain courses on the history of the regional economy should be given to the role of specific individuals in shaping the local economic life, it is not only major public figures, Ministers, etc., but, above all, local entrepreneurs, artisans, merchants, peasants, workers, artisans, managers who have left an appreciable trace in the history of his native land.
Features of the proposed courses should be broad chronological coverage of the material, from ancient times to the early twenty-first century and to identify the succession of economic development. The basis of the courses would be based on the chronological principle, however, within each section should be considered key sectors of the economy such as agriculture, craft, trade, industry, etc.
In the preparation of courses and the planning of independent work of students is necessary to consider the lack of specific, particularly training, literature on the history of the regional economy. In this regard, it is necessary to constantly bring in new data, publications, recent.
Kurnosov V.V., Vasilev Y.A. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY OF REGIONAL ECONOMIC HISTORY. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2017. – № 3 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/471-25330 (22.02.2025).