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Philological sciences
According to N. N. Boldyrev conceptual system contains interpretive concepts for language communication: "such concepts include space and time. These concepts acquire the status of linguistic forms of consciousness that a person operates in the cognitive and linguistic processes, transferring collectively-individual view of the world, as well as his own interpretation" [Boldyrev, p. 15].
In the work of William Faulkner "The Hamlet" space as a separate concept, has played a leading role in the concept sphere. In this novel, the territorial dimension is of particular significance.
Based on the philosophical concept of art space, the researchers come to the conclusion that the artistic space is inextricably linked aesthetic category, i.e. "an expression subject relationship, which has a self-contemplative value" [Nikitina , p. 4].
Also, I. P. Nikitina draws attention to the spatial relationship of the objects and the subjects of the work. "The main characteristics of artistic space is its depth, not geometric, which is achieved through a system of direct perspective, and intuitive or meaningful depth, which depends both on the objects in certain spatial relationships, and from the perceiving subject" [Nikitina, p. 10].
Space is defined by linguists as a concept that includes both human and "the fact that he recognizes around him, what he sees stretching before him. Space is the medium of all things, the environment in which everything happens and it happens" [Kubryakova 1997: 4].
Our study aims to identify the nominative field of the concept, defined as "the totality of linguistic resources, objectivebrowser (verbalizes representing, overvloedig) concept in a certain period of development of society" [Popova, Sternin 2007: 66].
The nominees for the fiction space, which is interpreted by us as proxemes are frequently used in the novel "Hamlet". Under proxemes we understand the "language structure, representing the spatial parameters, the spatial representations of the ethnic group recorded in the language and non-cognitive text-based cramps in the architectonics of dynamic cognitive structures (scene, scenario), static cognitive structures (frame), both static and dynamic cognitive structures (cognitive map) of a narrative text" [Ogneva, p. 383]. The author saturates the novel with a description of the position and movement of the objects and features of the location of objects in space described.
Now we will conduct cognitive-hermeneutic analysis of the following examples from the works of William Faulkner.
Consider the first example: He looks now, pleasant and quizzical, at the men sitting on the bench. It was fastened against the wall, directly beneath one of the windows which flanked the door, a little longer than the windows was wide [Faulkner]. The result is cognitive-hermeneutic analysis of the everyday space of the concept sphere of work 4 was identified - sitting on the bench, fastened against the wall, beneath one of the windows and flanked the door. Three nominees of the example described characterize the living space, and two of them are verbs and flanked fastened and one submitted by beneath preposition. One nominee describes the action performed by the hero of the represented verb.
Consider the second example: He drove up to a neat well-kept house with a big barn and pasture beyond it; he saw the goats [Faulkner]. In the Cognitive-hermeneutic analysis revealed three nominees in this example: you drove up, neat well-kept house, big barn and pasture beyond it. Two nominees represent estate, which the author described using the adjectives. One nominee refers to the horizontal movement of the hero works to the object represented by the verb.
Thus, these examples demonstrate the importance of space in artwork, namely the nominees, showing the interaction of characters with the objects located in the surrounding space. Frequently used nominees representing the movement of characters in space that provides the reader with a holistic artistic spatial picture of the world.
Kubryakova, Ye.S. Categorization of the world: space and time // Catego-rization of the world: space and time. − M.: Science, 1997. - P. 3-11.
Nikitin, I.P. Literary space as a subject of philosophic and aesthetic analy-sis: autoabstract. dis. ... Dr. phil : 09.00.04. − M., 2003. – 36 p.
Popova, Z.D., Sternin, I.A. Cognitive linguistics. — M.: AST, East-West, 2007. – 315 p.
W. Faulkner. The Hamlet. –L. :Worldsworth Editions Limited, 2002
Kireeva Y.I. SPACE NOMINEES OF THE CONCEPT SPHERE OF THE W. FAULKNER’S NOVEL «THE HAMLET». International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2017. – № 3 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/471-25336 (22.02.2025).