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Home / Issues / № 3, 2017

Sociological Science

Volvach V.G.
The main statements of the scientific school of innovative education of Baranovsky A.I., Professor, Doctor of Economics, implemented in the project of the Omsk Economic Institute, are presented in the article.

Transition conditions to the post-industrial society have caused a number of changes in such an important social institution as education. These changes are largely determined by the change of the educational paradigm from "knowledge" to "competence", and, as a result, the education system faced the task of forming a new model of an educational institution.

New paradigm significantly changes the social function of education. If we confidently say that the innovative economy is adequate to the post-industrial era, we should just as confidently say that the content of education should be just as innovative. The question arises: what should be the social functions of innovative education?

Without getting into specifics of different economic approaches, we emphasize the sociological aspect, which is noted by all researchers: in the postindustrial society, along with the prevalent service economy, the dominant social force is the so-called middle class. Its one of the essential features is the availability of higher professional education. Thus, the correlation between socio-structural changes in the society and the state of one of the most important social institutions becomes inevitable.

It is clear that educational institution cannot be managed only as a budget one being a subject of educational services market and having competitive relations with other market participants. This problem becomes especially acute in the light of the fact that the transition to innovative education is put on the agenda.

Thus, the hypothesis is suggested that an integrative triune problem can be effectively solved only if all three functional aspects are considered. In our opinion, a productive environment for this problem solution is culture, and within the framework of an educational institution, is organizational university culture.

A concept of three sources which form the basis for innovative organization activity in the sphere of higher professional education can serve to this hypothesis. The first of these sources is defined by the idea of "human capital", which significantly changes its structure and content in the conditions of postindustrial society and "knowledge economy". The second one is the innovation process which forms the educational activity and creates the core of educational technologies within the framework of the university. And the third source is the socio-cultural environment, which brings future specialists to the capital of generalized trust, having a value-based nature.

These foundations form an innovative educational paradigm and American educator J. Dewey (1859-1952) was one of its founders.

Innovative processes in the educational organization form a system consisting of five subsystems, each one is regulated by a separate process that is in mutual dependence with all the others. Thus, the educational process correlates both with scientific work and with the scientific developments` application in practice. Students acquire professional competencies during it.

Finally, a special function belongs to the information and communication process.

Therefore, we are entitled to say that organizational culture is not just a collection of certain rules, symbols and cultural artifacts, but in the sociological aspect it is a complex multi-layered and multifactor system for coordinating individual personal interests within the framework of this organization, collective body (or corporate) social interests as a whole, social class interests and, finally, national interests on the basis of common shared values.

Thus, the specificity of a professional educational institution is that the organizational culture is, on the one hand, a form of collective understanding of social relations system, on the other hand - the sphere of involving students in social values ​​for the formation and growth of human capital. Due to these characteristics, the organizational culture of the educational institution inevitably becomes the object of management.

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Bibliographic reference

Volvach V.G. SOCIAL FUNCTION OF EDUCATION AND INNOVATIVE HIGH SCHOOL MODEL. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2017. – № 3 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/471-25359 (22.02.2025).