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Teaching science
Now in the conditions of humanizing education, the teacher should be oriented primarily toward a democratic style of communication with students, since it is he who promotes the maximum realization of the personality-development strategy of pedagogical interaction and the effective achievement of the teaching goals and upbringing process. Equality, built on subject-subject relations, allows to solve effectively pedagogical tasks in changing sociocultural conditions - to get not only a specialist capable of further professional growth but above all a citizen who can successfully adapt to the rapidly changing social, economic and political reality, aimed at productive activities in society, which has learned the moral norms and principles of social life.
The basic forms of pedagogical activity proceed in conditions of communication. Communication of the teacher and students is the essence of the pedagogical process, and it acts as an instrument of interaction.
Pedagogical communication in conditions of intensive interactive training is a specific form of communication, which is a combination of tools and methods aimed at creating a favorable psychological climate of the optimal state of the educational process and effective achievement of the pedagogical goal on the basis of cooperation between the subjects of the educational process.
The essence of such relationships is that the teacher and student are equal participants, partners in educational relations. This type of relationship in the teacher-student system is the antithesis of traditional relationships in which the teacher dominates the student within the framework of a single pole oriented model of knowledge transfer [1].
Communication contributes to the emergence, formation and development of new properties and qualities of individuality, both trainees and educators. Only in the process of pedagogical communication the formation of general and professional culture of students, the system of life goals and values, moral norms and principles can be successfully carried out. It requires high communicative teacher competence, including the ability to establish a positive atmosphere during communication, the ability to submit educational material systematically and logically. In these conditions, an important task of the teacher is to find the optimal individual style of communication with students for the purposes of education. We believe that a large role should be given to self-knowledge and self-esteem, which help to develop ability to correctly set on another person, choose the appropriate way of behavior.
Pedagogical communication on the subject-subject basis provides a qualitative increase in the effectiveness and productivity of the entire educational process. This is facilitated by a purposeful, conscious on teacher`s side organization of communication with students on a personal level; the teacher acts as the organizer and initiator of communicative and competence communication on constructive, parity principles. It follows that a modern teacher should have a set of professional and personal qualities that allow him to correctly and effectively organize communication with students on equal partnership.
Our difficult time has significantly changed and complicated the role of the teacher. He is now not only a source of information, but a person organizing and directing the educational process [2].
In the rapidly changing modern world, the classical ideas of psychological and pedagogical interaction both in the university and in real pedagogical practice acquire a new sound, adequate to the challenge and requirements of the time, changing their psychological essence, and acquire the character of partnership of all subjects of the pedagogical process.
Pedagogical communication should be based on subject-subject basis, when both sides communicate on an equal footing, as individuals, as equal participants in the process of communication. If this condition is met, it is not the interrelationship "teacher-student" that generates formalism and dogmatism in learning, but interpersonal contact that results in dialogue, and therefore the greatest receptivity and openness of one participant in communication to the other. An optimal basis is for positive changes in the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral spheres of each of the participants in communication created.
Therefore, the teacher's task is to be able to organize communication and productive interaction with students in the conditions of partner relations. Equality, built on subject-subject relations, allows to effectively solve pedagogical tasks in changing sociocultural conditions - to get not only a specialist capable of further professional growth but above all a citizen who can successfully adapt to the rapidly changing social, economic and political reality, aimed at productive activities in society, which has learned the moral norms and principles of social life.
Subject-subject relations change the role of the teacher, the boundaries between him and the trainee become transparent, which facilitates the procedure for establishing relationships built on support, trust and cooperation. Person-oriented communication is aimed at joint activities [3, 11]. Whether pedagogical communication will be optimal depends on the teacher, on the level of his pedagogical skills and communicative culture. We believe that the teacher should focus primarily on the democratic style of communication with students, since it is he who promotes the maximum realization of the personality-development strategy of pedagogical interaction and effective achievement of the goals of the teaching and upbringing process.
Thus, the style of pedagogical communication is an individual typological features of the interaction between the teacher and students. He takes into account the peculiarities of the teacher's communicative abilities, his creative individuality, the level of the relationship between the teacher and pupils. The style of communication embodies the social and ethical attitudes of society and university, it reflects the personal and pedagogical level of the teacher, his emotional and psychological characteristics. Therefore, the correctly found style of pedagogical communication, corresponding to the unique individuality of the teacher, contributes to the solution of many problems. For successful performance of pedagogical activity the teacher should be able to occupy an effective communicative position. Pedagogical influence in this case becomes adequate to the personality of the teacher, the process of communication with the audience and the procedure for establishing relationships are simplified.
Interactive learning as a dialogue form of interaction between participants in the educational process, represented in subject-subject relations, undoubtedly affects both the effectiveness of the learning process and the adequate socialization of the individual in the community [4]. The optimal style of communication is communication based on the enthusiasm of the teacher and students by joint activity, reflecting the very specifics of the formation of the specialist personality in the university and embodying the interaction of the teacher's social and ethical attitudes and the skills of professional and pedagogical communication.
Pedagogical communication on a dialogical basis: conversation, discussions, debates, brainstorming, training, role-playing, business games, working in pairs, working in small groups, the scale of opinions, round table, etc. - contribute to the improvement of the mechanism of social perception and the development of adequate situations of cognitive-behavioral strategies.
Thus, the trusting, emotionally positive atmosphere of communication in subject-subject relations allows students to take an active part in the cognitive process, develop self-confidence, openness to interaction, the ability to quickly establish contacts, respect the opinions of others, and adhere to the rules of working in a team. These skills that contribute to the formation of a creative personality, capable of mastering, transforming and creating new ways of organizing their future professional activity, generating and implementing new ideas, fully meet the social order of modern society. In other words, the "teacher-student" communication system is assigned by the function of personal-professional development of the future specialist and the formation of a citizen. Pedagogical communication, built on the principles of equality and partnership of subjects of the educational process, in conditions of interactive dialogue learning affects the effectiveness of the learning process.
2. Bodalev A.A. Personality and communication. - Moscow, 2003.
3. Belukhin D. A. Fundamentals of personality-oriented pedagogy. - Moscow, 1996.
4. Zholdasbekov A.A. and others. Interactive training as a dialogue form of interaction of the participants in the educational process. "International Journal of Experimental Education". - 2017. - No. 6 (annex).- p. 59-61.
Zholdasbekov A.A., Yesimkhanova N.A., Zholdasbekova B.A., Sakhieva F.A. PEDAGOGICAL COMMUNICATION AS THE IMPORTANT CONDITION OF THE TRAINING PROCESS EFFECTIVENE. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2017. – № 3 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/471-25368 (22.02.2025).