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The market of catering business in Russia is becoming more mature and saturated, and for successful sales it is necessary to advertise, taking into account specific features of the activity: dependence on seasonal orders, high competition.
The complex of advertising activities implies a competent combination of various types of advertising and public relations tools. For the successful promotion of food organizations is important is an integrated approach to the development of the campaign. To date, there is almost unlimited space for advertising: the media, the Internet, advertising in transport, outdoor advertising, leaflets, etc. But, even if you advertise your food business in all available resources, this is unlikely to contribute to its successful promotion without identifying exactly those advertising media that are suitable for advertising services directly to catering companies. The most correct solution will be the creation of a set of promotional activities that will bring information to the target audience.
The client-oriented service in the field of catering is related to the individual needs of the customer and entirely depends on the definition, understanding and adaptation of existing examples of the effective functioning of the company with the goal of improving one's own work. Turning to advertising, PR in promoting the catering market, it is worth noting the importance of the complexity of activities: quality of services, cuisine, logistics, pricing policy, promotion. Catering services are more often used by corporate clients, predetermining ways of promotion and sales channels. Priority in the organization of promotion is given to "cold" calls and direct sales. It is also important to use the INTERNET resources efficiently: a well-thought-out system of search and placement of contextual advertising, development and support of the site. Turning to print advertising, you should pay attention to industry publications, highly specialized for the target audience. For corporate orders - these are publications for HR, for private clients - wedding editions. In the complex of advertising events for catering companies, long-term partnership and cooperation related to marketing are important.
Catering business should pay attention to the following advertising tools: participation in profile exhibitions, modular advertising, publications in specialized publications, television and radio advertising, outdoor advertising, the Internet (site, social networks).
A successful catering company in the course of an advertising campaign will be able to demonstrate to the customer its competitive advantage and potential capabilities, which will help create a positive image and improve the reputation of the company.
Goryacheva O.N. FEATURES OF PROMOTION OF THE CATERING COMPANY. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2017. – № 3 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/471-25369 (22.02.2025).