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Home / Issues / № 4, 2017

Phisics and Mathematics

Sokurov V.F.

Given the dependence of the reaction rate of a person's age. It is shown that this dependence is approximated by linear logarithmic quadratic function. It is concluded that the flow of time is heterogeneous, but jet time is individual for each subject. The estimation of change time values on Earth.

Dependence  approximated  individual  each subject.

Show temporal perception, for example, age-related reactions of the person.

It is known that for an elderly person days, weeks, years of age run faster and faster. We consider this phenomenon in the form of functional dependencies.От момента зачатия, в результате деления количество клеток увеличивается, достигает максимума, а затем с возрастом уменьшается. Это утверждение можно сопоставить с энергией, полученной в начальный момент и убывающей с возрастом.

For different individuals the speed of the process and the time intervals of a full cycle are different. This dependence it is convenient to approximate the gamma

Function [1-4].

Figure 1. The dependence of the reaction of the perception from vemeni. Tm = 0.8

T – the reaction of the individual..

That is, over time the response decreases.

At the initial moment of the received energy energy can be represented:

W = K kh,

where h is Planck's constant, k is the quantum number, K is the normalization factor. The reaction of T can be represented in the form of power laws



Where That initial response.

Figure 2.The dependence of the time of reaction from age.

T – time perception of the subject, t is the age of the subject.

The initial energy changes its value randomly, so the dependence will shift vertically. The conclusion is that the age depends on primary energy values. If there is an infusion of energy in the process age period, its ending value is increased and Vice versa.В некоторых случаях зависимость скоростной реакции от возраста рассматривается с точки зрения теории относительности и трактуется, как замедление времени с увеличения возраста. Этот процесс можно интерпретировать следующим образом:



In conclusion, it can be assumed that the flow is inhomogeneous, and for each individual there are jet time.

Similar reasoning can be attributed to the time change on any planet, including Earth.

As the age of the Earth is 4 billion years old, put him in a logarithmic scale on the x-axis and see how times have changed in 300 million years.

Figure 3.The dependence of the time of reaction from the age of the Earth.

T – the time in relative units.

t – age of the subject.

The graph shows that for three hundred million years Yemeni values decreased 4 times.

Thus, from the calculations it is seen that for the last three hundred million years, the earth shrank 4 times.

1.In Sokurov.F. Particles and fields. International publishing house "lap Lambert AcademicPublishing", Germany. 2013. 268 p

2.In Sokurov.F. Flow modeling of relativistic objects in the galaxy. International publishing house "lap Lambert AcademicPublishing", Germany. 2013. 262

3.In Sokurov.F. The study of the flow of relativistic objects in the atmosphere radar method. Bulletin No. 1 TGPI, Physico-mathematical and natural Sciences. Ed. State.PED.Institute named after A. P. Chekhov, Taganrog. 2013. P. 32-38.

4. Sokurov V. F. Study of the flux of cosmic rays by the method of radar tracking. Journal "international journal of applied and fundamental research" (ISSN 1996-3955), 2013?. Munich.

Bibliographic reference

Sokurov V.F. THE TIME COMPRESSION . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2017. – № 4 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/472-25326 (22.02.2025).