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Philological sciences
It is evident, there are some discussible issues. One of these issues is the creating of algorithm for modeling the cognitive textual constructs as the basic components of literary concepts.
The creating of this algorithm will allow developing the interpretative possibilities of cognitive modeling of literary texts. In my researches the literary texts are the unity of literary concepts named conceptual sphere/
It is known, that D.S. Likhachev introduced the term "conceptual sphere" to the scientific discourse. The scientist pointed out in his researches to the fact that "concepts form diverse spheres and form a conceptual sphere of the national language" [Likhachev, p. 282].
The writer projects the part of conceptual sphere of national language in the format of cognitive-plot matrix of literary text. Cognitive-plot matrix of literary text as the important part of literary text correlates with the term "conceptual sphere of literary text".
The literary concept as the component of literary conceptual sphere is one of concepts` types. Relevant for my study is the concept's definition given by Yu. S. Stepanov: "the concept is the basic unit of culture in the mental world of man, <...> culture enters the mental world of man by concept's architectonics. Any man who is not a "creator of cultural values" enters culture by concept's architectonics, and sometimes influences it" [Stepanov, p. 43].
The nominative field of concept, in particular a literary concept, is the unity of typical units, such as: (1) neutral lingual units, (2) connotative marked lingual units, (3) culturological marked units, i.e. lingvuo-kulturemes.
According to the aim of my research to develop the algorithm for modeling the cognitive textual socio-cultural constructs, linguo-culturemes are in the focus of studying and interpreting.
V.V. Vorobiev introduced the concept "linguo-cultureme" into the scientific discourse. He wrote: "linguo-cultureme includes some segments of language (linguistic meaning), and culture (extra-linguistic cultural meaning). Appropriate lingual sign represents as linguistic meaning, as extra-linguistic cultural meaning" [Vorobiev, p. 44-45].
According to N.F. Alefirenko, "linguoculture allows identifying such related phenomena as the world view, the language world view, and the ethno-linguistic consciousness" [Alefirenko, p. 6].
We have identified two concepts, such as "linguo-cultureme" and "cultureme". Cultureme meant as "the unity of three components: the content of lingual sign, the form of lingual sing, and the reality-object, reflected by the given lingual sign" [Moisseeva & Ogneva, p. 47].
I interpret the notion "cultureme" as a broader phenomenon in comparison with the notion "linguocultureme", given by N.F. Alefirenko. My definition of term "cultureme" correlates partially with the definition of term "linguo-cultureme" by V.V. Vorobiev [2006].
I emphasize the fact that I use the term "cultureme" in the studying of language conceptual sphere, but I use the term "linguo-cultureme" in the studying of conceptual sphere of literary text.
There are some studies having an attempt to interpret two definitions "linguo-cultureme" and "concept" as correlating constructs. According to A. Zh. Bakhralinova: "the concept is a discrete unit incorporating different meanings objectified in linguistic form, the linguo-cultureme is a complex unity of linguistic and extra-linguistic content" [Bakhralinova, p. 11].
In my opinion, it is necessary to clarify the fact that linguo-cultureme is an integrated unity of linguistic and extra-linguistic cultural content in the architectonics of literary concept as the basic part in the conceptual sphere of literary text.
Bakhralinova, А.Zh. Functioning of linguo-cultureme in the consciousness of bilinguals speaking Russian: theoretical-experimental research. Kemerovo: Kemerovo state University, 2013. – 24 p.
Likhachev, D.S. Conceptual sphere of Russian // Russian philology. From the theory of philology to the textual structure. Anthology / Under V.P. Neroznak. Мoscow, 1997. Pp. 280-289.
Moisseeva S.A. & Ogneva E.A. Literary text as the object of cross-cultural interpreting. Belgorod: Belgorod state University, 2003.
Stepanov Yu. S. Constants. Dictionary of Russian culture. 2-d edition. Мoscow: Academic project, 2001. 990 p.
Vorobiev, V.V. Linguo-culturology. Moscow: Russian University, 2006. 332 p.
Ogneva E.A. LINGUO-CULTURAL ASPECT IN THE ARCHITECTONICS OF LITERARY CONCEPT. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2017. – № 4 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/472-25355 (22.02.2025).