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Home / Issues / № 4, 2018

Medical sciences

Sviridova E.P., Karatsjuba T.G., Ignatieva I.G., Evstropov V.M.

In elderly people, hypertonic diseaseis widespread, which is often the cause of complications and affects the quality of life and longevity [1]. In this situation, timely and adequate therapy of this disease can prolong the duration and improve the quality of life, reduce the likelihood of complications.

With aging, the ability of the vascular endothelium to produce endothelium-dependent relaxing factors is reduced. The number of nephrons in the kidneys, and, correspondingly, the cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus, which produces renin, significantly decreases. Physiological reduction of plasma renin is accompanied by a decrease in angiotensin II, aldosterone. With age, the sensitivity of β receptors decreases. This explains the decrease in the potential for antihypertensive drugs. The presence of coronary heart disease and heart failure in elderly and senile age elderly people is even more restricting the choice of antihypertensive therapy [2].

In recent decades, preformed physical factors began to be actively used in geriatric cardiology, although in this situation, when physiotherapy is prescribed, polymorbidity and the associated large range of contraindications must be considered.

In general terms, the main tasks of physiotherapy of hypertonic disease, including in geriatric practice, can be reduced to modulation of arterial tone, myocardial remodeling and correction of kidney function, as well as the central nervous system.

In this aspect, our attention was attracted by magnetotherapy. It is known that magnetotherapy improves the clinical state of patients with essential hypertension, positively influences hemodynamics, tolerability of physical activity, and also improves the quality of life, allows to reduce the level of meteosensitivity and normalize the vegetative reactions of the organism [3].

We observed 47 senile age patients aged 75 to 93 years (38 men and 9 women) with hypertensive disease of stage II-III (experience of disease of 5 years or more) who received medication according to the standard scheme, as well as of physiotherapy procedures. The treatment was conducted in the cardiology and physiotherapy departments of the Hospital for veterans of wars.

The patients were divided into 2 groups. The first group (25 patients) received general magnetotherapy by the action of a low-frequency rotating electromagnetic field with the help of a magnetotherapy unit UVMP 2.5 / 100 "Avangard" (the course consisted of 10-12 daily procedures, the duration of the procedurs 20-30 min). The second group (22 patients) received electrophoresis of 3% sodium bromide solution or 3% magnesium sulfate solution on the collar area according to the Shcherbak method for 10 min, (the course consisted of 10 procedures). For electrophoresis, the «Potok-1» galvanizer was used.

As a result of the treatment, 37 (78%) patients reported improvement in reduction in headaches, dizziness. There was a normalization of some indicators of hemodynamics, a decrease in the clinical manifestations of the diskoordinate syndrome. In the first group of patients, improvement of the condition was noted through 6-7 procedures, and in the second group of patients - through 8 procedures.

We believe that the improvement in the condition of these patients may be due not only to drug therapy, but also to physiotherapy. Galvanization of the medicinal substances used by us has a sedative effect, strengthening the inhibitory processes in the central nervous system. The positive effect of general magnetotherapy, according to S.G. Abramovich and co-authors [4], can be associated with their synchronizing influence on the work of many functional systems of the body, a decrease in intravascular disorders of microcirculation, peripheral vascular resistance and adrenergic vascular hyperreactivity, and improvement of diastolic function of the left ventricle. System-wide magnetotherapy contributes to the improvement of the psychophysical and emotional status, has an analgesic, as well as sedative and enzymo-monizing effects [5].

Thus, the use of physiotherapy in the complex treatment of hypertonic disease in senile age people improves the clinical state of such patients. The advantages of the physiotherapeutic methods of treating these patients include non-invasiveness and painlessness, the absence of allergic reactions.

The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference «APPLIED AND FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH IN MEDICINE», Sochi, October 9-12, 2018, , came to the editorial office оn 13.08.2018

1. Serova L.D. Causes of mortality of the elderly and senile population / L.D. Serov, Z.D. Silina, L.P. Kochetkova, O.N. Gajenko // Gerontology and geriatrics. – 2003. – № 2. – P.14-15.

2. Vakhova N.S. Difficulties of antihypertensive therapy in elderly and senile patients. Vakhova, E.N. Kanaeva, G.A. Ermolova // Clinical gerontology. – 2006. – №9. – P.4.

3. Abramovich S.G. The use of therapeutic physical factors in patients with hypertension of elderly age / S.G. Abramovich, E.O. Korovin // Siberian Medical Journal. – 2008. – No. 4. – P.5-8.

4. Abramovich S.G. General magnetic therapy for arterial hypertension. Abramovich, A.G. Kulikov, A.Yu. Dolbilkin // Physiotherapy, balneology and rehabilitation. – 2014. – № 5. – P.50-55.

5. Ozerevskaya S.V. Features of clinical application of general magnetotherapy in elderly people // Scientific Bulletin. Series Medicine. – 2013. – No. 25 (168). – P. 9-13.

Bibliographic reference

Sviridova E.P., Karatsjuba T.G., Ignatieva I.G., Evstropov V.M. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PHYSIOTHERAPY IN THE COMPLEX TREATMENT OF HYPERTONIC DISEASEIS IN THE SENILE AGE. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2018. – № 4 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/476-25396 (22.02.2025).