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Home / Issues / № 5, 2018

Teaching science

Stukalenko N.M.
Abstract. Current pedagogic science states that the new paradigm of education in XXI century is being developed through the increase of personality culture of a prospective teacher, which has to include a system of knowledge, skills, abilities, as well as cultural and moral values, accumulated by the humankind, which are necessary for the development of a competent personality and its professional maturity. Authors of present article define competence as a way of the existence of knowledge, skills, abilities and education, which facilitates personal self-actualization and placement in the world. Due to these reasons, professional training of the prospective teachers becomes a personality-oriented educational process, i.e. the process, which provides the highest demand for the prospective teacher's personality potential during the realization of pedagogic tasks.

Keywords: professional education, pedagogic education, competence approach in education, professional education of teachers.

Modern pedagogical science states that the new concept of education century is being developed in the light of enhancing culture of  future teacher personality, which should include a set of knowledge, skills, cultural and moral values accumulated by mankind  that are essential for the formation and development of a competent person and professional maturity. The authors of this article consider the competence as a way of existing knowledge, skills, education, promoting personal self- perfection, finding their place in the world. The result is that the training of future teachers appears as personal-centered educational process, that is, provides maximum need for personal potential of future teachers in the realization of educational tasks.

Trends in the development of modern society determine the need of reconsideration of the role of education, as well as the development of new approaches in it. Innovative transformation of society, the new strategic orientation in economic development, openness of society, its dynamism and rapid computerization radically changed demands on education. The education systems of most leading countries in the world responded to these challenges that began founding objectives, content and technology of education in the expected results of it. The main purpose of education is not just a set of knowledge, skills, and based on their personal, social and professional competence - the ability to extract, analyze independently and effectively use information, the ability to live and work efficiently and effectively in a rapidly changing world [1].

Competence approach in higher education - is a new phenomenon for professional didactics. The nature of competence is that it, being a product of learning, is not just an extract of it, but is the result of self-identity. Analysis of the structure of competence of future teachers has scientific, theoretical and practical significance. This issue lies at the intersection of structuring personal and pedagogical culture.  Unfortunately, the practice of higher school does not always show very high level of results of graduates training in pedagogical universities. Obviously, the reasons for lack of competence in teachers training lies in the fact that the competence approach has not yet received a proper scientific theoretical and methodological support. This causes the particular relevance of the given research.

Theoretical understanding of the term "competence" resulted in the following conclusions: First, competence requires constant updating of knowledge, acquiring of information for optimum use in specific circumstances, that is, possession of operational and mobile knowledge. Secondly, the competence - it is not just the acquisition of knowledge, it is willingness to solve problems with skill, therefore competence includes both substantive (knowledge) and procedural (skills) components, that is a competent person must not only know the essence of the problem, but able to solve it, using adequate methods. Third, the competent specialist should have the critical thinking that enables to take decisions on the independent assessment basis of the problem. In view of the foregoing, the content of competence concept includes the following main features: knowledge mobility, flexibility, problem-solving and critical thinking. The actuality of this approach is caused by the need to bring the results of education to the required parameters of modern society, human mobility and its ability to react quickly to changing conditions and social realities, humanistic orientation of behavior.

Today in the system of professional training, the content updating, the development of a new generation of standards is directly linked with the realization of the competence approach. In the modern educational paradigm it states that a competent graduate may be considered as a self-realized person responsible for organizing their own activities, being provided with cognitive skills of self-learning, able to act in groups and teams, solve fundamentally new tasks on the basis of reflexing and creativity, has a wide experience in using received and self-obtained knowledge in the educational and life situations, aimed at lifelong education. This is the person who owns the basics of informational culture as a personally and professionally significant quality, providing an effective, rational, ethically balanced interaction with information environment. To achieve this outcome the education system should solve a number of new tasks: provide a new quality of education, the value of which is estimated by social and professional successful graduates; create conditions for variable education; ensure equal access to education for all groups of the population. Thus, due to the recognition of necessity of competence formation of graduates by the global transformations of modern civilization, the consideration of it as a new quality of education suggests the most significant of competent-based education as a multi-vector, the actual form of the development and self-realization of a modern man in the education system.

Turning of modern pedagogy to the concept of "competence approach" has a number of reasons. Firstly, major changes in society, accelerating the pace of socio-economic development caused the search for a new concept of education that reflects these changes and focused on the reproduction of the person qualities, demanded by the new century: mobility, dynamism, and constructiveness, professional, social, personal and home and other competence. Secondly, the problem of modernization of general and professional education, the need for its compliance both with the needs of personality and the needs of society requires a fundamentally new approach to the definition of its objectives, content and organization. Third, the development of information processes leads to the fact that the training system is unable to "catch up" with the increasing flow of information; - it requires a fundamentally new approach to designing the content of pedagogical education capable of stimulating the young teacher to continuous self-improvement, reflection, quality of their educational activities, and its self-correction. Fourth, the training of future teachers should be focused on the use of the opportunities of their subject for the formation among the students not only the subject, but interdisciplinary, social, communicative, cognitive, information competence. Naturally, the teacher should have them on a high enough level [2].

Developing the already established ideas in science, the competence approach should be understood as a single system of defining objectives, selecting the content, organizational and technological support of teachers training on the basis of defining their key competences, guaranteeing a high level of realization and professional-pedagogical activity of the teacher. Based on this definition, one can formulate its functions. First of all, competence approach makes it possible to determine more accurately the range and the logic of the professionally relevant pedagogical knowledge and skills that are corresponded to the modern concepts such as "educational culture" and "pedagogical skill". On the basis of the given opportunity to determine more accurately the orientation in designing the content of pedagogical education and the definition of key competences makes it possible to develop a more accurate and diagnostically verified system to measure the level of professional and pedagogical competence of the future teachers at all stages of  their training. Due to the above mentioned, the competence approach, reflecting the ideas of professionalism and business qualities of the modern teacher, is able to make a positive influence on the development of innovative processes in the system of pedagogical education. Besides, the principles of the competence approach should include the following: diagnosticity - focus on the achievement of the diagnosed result, manifested in behavior and thinking; comprehensiveness, multidisciplinary - keeping both educational as well as external environmental factors and influences; multifunctionality - a set of not only any abilities and properties, but also the ability to solve complex problems.

Competence approach can be seen not only as a means of updating the content of pedagogical education, but also as a mechanism to bring it into conformity with the requirements of modern times. It makes significant changes to the organization of teacher training, gives it the activity and practice-oriented nature. Equally important, this approach has for the development of pedagogical education within the university, as it allows excluding secondary material, focusing on the formation of professional and pedagogical culture of the student. In the future, competence approach will form a qualitatively new model of specialists demanded subjects pedagogical education (students, teachers), consumers of educational services (students and parents) and modern society. This model can be referred to socio-personal, that is satisfying the needs of the person that receives pedagogical education, the society that needs for qualified teaching staff, and the state that can provide on this basis competitive education corresponding to international standards.

 The above discussed information shows that the competence approach is important, but only one of the plans for consideration and organization of such a complex phenomenon as professional education. At the same time it should be noted that the competence approach in its original version proposed by the developers of key competences, increases mainly practical orientation of education, the need for greater emphasis on an operational and skill side of the results. In modern psychological and pedagogical science, focused primarily on the value and meaning, informative, personal components of education, competence approach, is not opposed to the traditional knowledge and taking the need to strengthen its practical orientation, greatly expands its contents to personal component that makes it a humanistic oriented.  Thus, it is clear that the global task of ensuring the entering of a person into the social world, his productive adapting in the world, determines the need for raising the issue to ensure the formation of a more complete personal and socially integrated result. As a general definition of the integral, social and personal-behavioral phenomenon as a result of the formation of value motivational, cognitive, activity-related components supports the concept of "competence".

The main result of the investigated process of professional training of future teachers is their competence in the organization of educational work, in dealing with pedagogical problems of education and training, that is, pedagogical competence. The concept of "competence" in relation to the characteristics of the level of professional training is used relatively recently. Zimnyaya I. offers the following classification of competencies: 1) competences relating to himself as a person, as a subject life activity; 2) competences related to human interaction with other people; 3) competences related to human activity that appear in all types and forms [3].  In her work «The key competences- a new paradigm of the result of modern education» the structure of competences is represented by four different units: 1) basic - the competence of the unit have informative (cognitive) character: it assumes the development of such mental activities as analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, decision making, forecasting, correlation with the result of the action put forward by the purpose; 2) personal - a person should possess qualities such as responsibility, organization, goal-striving, etc.; 3) social - within the competence of the unit graduates should be able to use in their behavior values of life, culture and social interaction; to collaborate, manage people and to obey; creative use of knowledge in solving social and professional tasks; finding solutions in abnormal situations; receive, process and distribute information (library catalogs, information systems, the Internet, e-mail, etc.); 4) professional - this unit provides adequate performance of professional activities, the graduate should be able to meet the challenges of the specialty.

Modern scholars have different views on the interpretation of the concept of "competence" in the aspect of education. So, Raven D. defines competence as the specific abilities necessary to effective performance of a particular action in a specific subject area and includes narrowly specialized knowledge, a special kind of subject skills, and ways of thinking and sense of responsibility for their actions [4]. Kozberg G. notes that "Being competent means the ability to mobilize knowledge and experience in the situation" [5]. According to Adolf V. "competence - a commonly estimated term for the ability to "competent "activity is generally used with the reference to persons of a particular socio-professional status, describing the extent of their compliance with the understanding, knowledge, skills, real content, complexity of their tasks and solve problems" [6].

Lukyanova M. understands competence as "personal opportunities of an official, his qualifications (knowledge and experience) that enable him to participate in the development of a certain circle of decisions or to solve questions thanks to his certain knowledge and skills". Lukyanova M. in her investigation comes to the conclusion that the competence should be understood as the "general ability and willingness of the individual to the activity based on knowledge and experience gained as a result of learning" [7]. Gershunskiy B. considers that: "As a category, allows us to interpret the result of the formation of total cognitive, motivational and social value components serves competence" [8]. Considering the concept of "competence", they define it as an integrated characteristic of the person qualities, the result of graduates training. Considering competence, Kuzmina N. defines it as "the quality of a person who has completed a certain stage of education, which is expressed in readiness (capacity) on its basis to a successful (efficient, effective) operations in view of its social significance and social risks that may be associated with it" [9].

Markova A. understand teacher competence as "mental condition that allows to act independently and responsibly", offering a five-level model of competence. In the pedagogical aspect the essence of the components of this model are: special competence - possession of a high professional level activity and ability for professional development; social - the ability for collaborative professional activity on the basis of cooperation and mutual understanding; individual - characterized by the development of the individuality within the professional activity, the ability to individual self-preservation; personal - is determined by the possession and use of methods of personal expression and self-development, skills to confront professional deformation; extreme - enables a highly efficient performance of professional duties in the new situations in a sudden change of environment. A.K. Markova emphasizes that the proportion of the individual components of the professional competence of the teacher varies. Priority is given to those components of professional competence that allow you to consider the results of their labor, and procedural characteristics of the teacher indicate the means of achieving the result - training and education of students [10].   

According to Savostyanov A., competence, - is the level of skill of the person, reflecting the degree of conformity with a certain competencies and enabling to act constructively in changing social conditions [11]. In his opinion, conducting pedagogical activity requires teachers the following kinds of competences: Subject competence - erudition, knowledge of the subject, interest to it, the ability to modify it in accordance with the requirements of the times; methodical competence - knowledge of subject teaching methods, the desire to update their methodological tools, personalize it to work with specific students; diagnostic competence - possession of methods of studying characteristics and abilities of individual students in mastering knowledge; innovative competence - willingness and ability to take into account and look for new approaches in training and education; research competence - the desire and ability to carry out pedagogical research, participate in the search, experiment. In forming these kinds of competence in pedagogical activity teachers form professional positions as a stable relationship to business, students, colleagues, to himself: the position of a subject teacher, a methodist, an erudite, a diagnostician, an innovator, a researcher and an experimenter.

The presence of all these kinds of competence is not required for any teacher, because each of them can have their specific advantages and competences, on which he relies in his work. Knowledge of different types of pedagogical competence of the teacher can ease the process of awareness of their presence or absence for his own, the search for ways of their development. Correlation of different types of competence may vary in one and the same teacher in the course of his professional development.

Thus, the above analysis of different points of view of researchers in the interpretation of the concept "competence" has allowed us to come to the following conclusions: competence integrates the different qualities of a person who has completed a certain level of education, and becomes his integral characteristic; competence expressed in readiness (ability) to successful activity; competence identifies itself as a new type of an educative result, that is focused on the readiness to productive work. In the given investigation pedagogical competence of a future teacher is understood as a unique, integral characteristic of his qualities expressed in readiness to successful activity in organization of training and education. Today we need the teacher who meets the modern requirements of education, with a high level of professional knowledge and the ability to realize it creatively and who can achieve high results in his professional activity. Besides, he must be competent in making and solving problems, connected with training and education. In other words, a competent teacher must combine theoretical and practical training, enhance his knowledge and skills, know the organizational forms, methods, means of planning and monitoring the results of educational work.

1. The concept of higher pedagogical education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2005). Astana: Adilet.

2. Stukalenko, N.М. et al. (2016). Implementation of competence approach in the professional education of prospective teachers in the higher education conditions // International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(S3).

3. Zimnyaya, I. (1990). Key competencies - the result of a new paradigm of modern education (р. 118). Moscow: Academiya.

4. Raven, D. (2002). Competence in modern society: the identification, development and realization (р. 424). Moscow: Nauka.

5. Kozberg, G. (2000). Formation of professional competence of the teacher in the teaching activities (р. 242). Voronezh: Znaniye.

6. Adolf, V. (1998). Theoretical bases of formation of professional competence of teachers (р. 344). Moscow: Nauka.

7. Lukyanova, М. (2001). Psycho-pedagogical competence of the teacher (р. 178). Moscow: Pedagogics.

8. Gershunskiy, B. (1997). Philosophy of Education for the XXI Century (р. 365). Moscow: Nauka.

9. Kuzmina, N. (1990). The professionalism of a teacher`s personality (р. 232). Moscow: Nauka.

10. Маrkovа, А. (1996). Psychology of professionalism (р.308). Moscow: Publisher Prospect.

11. Savostyanov, А. (2007). Basis of the professional and personal growth (р. 144). Moscow: Nauka.

Bibliographic reference

Stukalenko N.M. ABOUT USING THE COMPETENCE APPROACH IN PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF FUTURE TEACHERS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2018. – № 5 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/477-25471 (22.02.2025).