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Teaching science
Abstract: Digital media and communications have penetrated into all spheres of human activity. In addition to the undeniable benefits, digital media and communications have an adverse effect proven by scientific research. In this regard, it is necessary to limit the use of digital media and communications, especially given that the brain of children and adolescents is at the stage of formation and the negative impact of digital technologies has irreversible consequences in this sense. We are not talking about how to completely eliminate digital digital media and communications, but about limiting the time spent on the Internet and providing children with alternatives.
The modern learning process should include completely new aspects arising from the urgent need to introduce conscious motivation and reflection skills, as well as the formation of a stable morally-developed personality, into the teaching practice.
Key words: brain, educational process, conscious motivation, positive attitude, child, the joy of learning.
Digital media and communications (DMaC) have penetrated into all spheres of human activities. DMaC are an integral part of the modern world, including the educational process. Educational channels, online lectures, conferences and webinars, digital data processing and electronic journals, video and audio content, various educational programs. But besides the indisputable benefits, DMaC have a high potential to cause an addiction.
The results of scientific research on the use of digital technology have shown that DMaC are harmful. The degree of negative effect depends on the volume of consumption (the more you use them, the more harm there is) and on the age (the younger the user, the greater the damage to mental abilities). [3]
Digital media damage the development of thinking, lead to a decrease in the depth of emotions and to a general dulling of feelings, hinder the development of creative and analytical skills in children. Perception of information is gradually becoming more and more superficial. The use of the Internet leads to the deterioration of memory, impaired attention and concentration; it has a negative effect on the skills of targeted information retrieval and the ability to control oneself.
The symptoms described above have allowed doctors to determine a new disease, digital dementia. We are talking about a decrease in mental performance, a loss of thinking skills and the ability to critically assess facts, and the inability to orient yourself in information flows. [3]
In the face of all these diverse negative effects of DMaC, which were repeatedly proven by scientific research, the question of how to limit the use of DMaC arises. This must be done especially since the brain of children and adolescents is in the process of formation, and the negative effect of digital technologies has irreversible consequences in this sense.
The brain, which is the most flexible organ designed for self-education from the cradle to the grave, functions like muscles: when it actively works, it grows; when it is not used, it weakens. Acquire knowledge from a variety of sources, question it, analyze and evaluate, cast doubt on the sources themselves, form a meaningful picture from individual details of the mosaic - you need to do all of this on your own: without this, it is impossible to acquire knowledge and skills. Those who learn a lot throughout their life, think over and mentally process information, and are persons of great intellect. But those who spend a lot of time with DMaC in their youth, miss their lucky ticket to the world of full-fledged and developed thinking.
I am not talking about prohibiting DMaC completely, but about limiting the time spent on the Internet and providing children with alternatives.
Modern educational process should include completely new aspects arising from the acute need to introduce conscious motivation and reflection skills into educational process, as well as to form a stable integral personality.
Such educational process starts with ensuring psychological comfort and building trust relations as the basis for developmental interaction. This zone is based on three cornerstones - I see you, I believe in you, I respect you. At the same time, a positive environment of acceptance, self-acceptance, and faith in oneself is created as a basis for further achievement of goals.
In order for the child to feel their inherent value, you need to see this child and believe in them. To see and accept them the way they are. And to believe that, if they rely on their strengths, they will be able to improve and increase inherent value. This includes, among other things, the ability to be yourself, to be real rather than perfect. To accept yourself, adequately assessing your strengths and weaknesses.
When you see a person, notice them, distinguish them, are aware of their uniqueness and significance,
the level of internal freedom increases and a foundation for harmonious worldview, adequate self-esteem, self-confidence, and effective communication skills respectful, and benevolent attitude to other people and the ability to communicate in accordance with the principles based on partnership and development, the ability to hear and accept students' opinions.
A list with names on the board (fig. 1) is an example of an effective tool which helps implement this principle. Everyone sees themselves, no one goes unnoticed and unmentioned. Such lists are a universal technique that helps solve many pedagogical tasks.
This is an opportunity for a teacher to remember children's names, especially in case of subject teachers. When you start working with several classes at once, it is you, a teacher, who determines how quickly children start feeling comfortable. Only when a child realizes that a teacher Knows them, they are safe. If you use a name, a person stands out in the crowd, you give them weight, that is, respect, and this increases their valueis laid. Including conscious
Fig.1 Lists with names
Motivation and continuous recording of the result is another bonus of using the list of class members on the blackboard and writing pluses on it. This way, a situation of success and "I can" feeling is created for insecure children, whereas champions experience the spirit of competition and the feeling of victory. At the same time, it is necessary to consciously maintain a small gap - the "weak" ones should not get a feeling of hopelessness and futility of their efforts, and the "strong" ones should feel that the others are hot on their heels.
If you choose questions in such a way that "weak" children are guaranteed to answer them and receive pluses for this, throughout the entire lesson they will see that they are not at all lagging behind. The feeling "I am on a par" has a very strong influence on self-esteem, on the feeling of comfort and safety, and on inherent value. "Strong" students have an additional incentive to work - the tasks are more difficult for them.
It is advisable to regularly erase the pluses and record intermediate results. Otherwise, children will be busy counting and comparing, which will shift the entire focus of attention from the lesson to the blackboard. Students can count all their points on their own.
Alternatively, in the case of a large class, you can create teams and record the results of every team separately. When performing a task, a team representative evaluates every member in their group. This way you again achieve several goals at once. First, there are no laggards - those who know and can do less get their points just as the strongest members in a team. Secondly, there is motivation to do something, because you will not be able to just sit quietly and receive marks. Children notice such things easily.
The ability to maintain discipline is another advantage of using the "plus list". No points are awarded for shouting out answers. You can write minuses for violations, unethical behavior, etc. It is not recommended to erase pluses as a "punishment", because there will be no visualization. For a child, the absence of pluses does not mean a minus, a warning, or a signal to improve and when you erase the pluses, you devalue student's work.
Faith in a child does not really mean goals and ways to achieve them, it means creating a supportive environment.
A class is a place where children can and should make mistakes. There are no people who do not make mistakes. Even a teacher has the right to make a mistake, because they are also humans.
A class is a place where there are no guilty and right people, there are situations that require the best solution.
A class is a place where there are no absolute authorities. And you can argue with a teacher,
disagree with them, and you will not be stringed up.
A class is a place where strangeness is not the reason to become a black sheep, it is just another reason to feel that you are unique.
A class is a place where everyone is afraid at one time or another. And you only need to close your eyes and take the first step, in order to meet your fear and overcome it.
A class is a place where you will always receive support and protection. Others will protect you, will care for you, will be worried about you.
A class is a place where others need you, love you, and where you are a good person. They love for being with them and for the fact that you are what you are. "Basic abilities to learn and to organize one's activities that is, the ability to accept and pursue goals in learning activities, to plan one's activities, to monitor and evaluate them, are formed..." at the level of primary general education, [2]. In order to do this, a child must find their personal inner motivation, must learn to set goals and achieve them. And for this, the learning process must be conscious, only in this case inner motivation will manifest itself.
What do I want? Why is this important to me? What will this give me? How ecological is my goal for me and for others? If a child understands why they come to school, why they study particular material, why they need this, they will consciously make efforts to absorb knowledge and will start doing more than they can Such open-ended questions are the best thing that can be done for the intellectual development of a child. Well-thought-out open-ended question mobilize thinking processes, teach a child to think.
Children understand and enthusiastically accept the fact that now they are really subjects of the educational process and that their school life depends on them. They learn to set priorities and optimize available resources. Learning presupposes independent mental work: the more actively and deeper the brain processes information, the better it will be remembered.
The main tasks that are performed in this case and lead to conscious positive learning:
- maintenance of high educational motivation, activeness, and independence;
- acquiring reflection skills, developing evaluative skills;
- forming learners' ability to learn - to set goals, to plan and organize their own learning activities;
- creating a situation of success, increasing self-esteem and confidence in one's own capabilities;
- maximum development of every child's individual abilities;
- forming life ideals, stimulating aspiration for self-improvement
The use of scales, "Journey into the Future" technique, open-ended question, and other instruments allows one to easily and effectively achieve conscious motivation and development of reflection skills, to stimulate students' own awareness, to provoke discoveries and enlightenment, to bring purposefulness and activeness [1].
In case of such tasks, it is necessary to choose a course of conduct in certain circumstances, on the basis of various kinds of data you constantly receive and in accordance with the knowledge acquired in the past. This is how you plan the future consciously, on the basis of previous experience and ideas about the world around you and everything we perceive at the moment. Only those who make the right plans will achieve proper results.
Scales, as an instrument for tracking own achievements, is an important point on the path to awareness and intrinsic motivation. Another important thing is that scales make us used to comparing ourselves only with ourselves. All of this leads to the formation of reflection skills, self-analysis, which ultimately gives a child an opportunity to effectively manage their studying, develops self-consciousness, the ability to take responsibility for the results of their studying.
Scales are a wonderful instrument that gives an impetus to pursue a goal, helps clarify the child's vision. You can observe your daily progress, because the same scale may be used many times - until you are satisfied with the achieved result of the progress.
"Scales also give us the ability to measure our own development quantitatively. This helps transform values into skills." [1]
There are several options for using scales. The first one is to mention all the topics you are supposed to cover at the lesson. Students draw all the scales at once, add captions, and return to the scales in order to mark their progress in the course of the program (Fig. 4). This method can be used for an academic course/year/quarter, and then it is better to have a special notebook for this.
The second option is to draw a scale next to a completed task. This saves some time, and the student's forgetfulness will not matter. This is a good way to solve tactical tasks, when you need to evaluate your achievements here and now, and move to the next one once you did this. But you can return to the analysis at the end of the lesson, when the results are summarized
The third option is to evaluate the results with regard to all scales at the end of the lesson. This again saves time - children are not distracted by this type of activity during the lesson, and the repetition stage is combined with summing up
It is hard to say which option is the best. It depends on the class, on the children, on the subject, and on its content. One way or another, scales should be used in the educational process to a greater or lesser extent. Children need to acquire reflection skills and self-esteem, as well as the ability to notice their success and to only compare themselves with themselves.
In this case, not only is the educational process distinguished by high learning motivation, students' acquisition of reflection skills, and the ability to learn, but it also creates a situation of success, striving for self-improvement and reveals individual abilities of every child. They start wanting to use their mental abilities to the fullest, that is, to think, desire, act, being aware of what is happening, where you are and, after all, who you are.
Creative thinking, social mobility, the skills of making non-trivial decisions, and the ability to find a way out of crisis situations are formed thanks to regular participation in brainstorming during lessons, project development, application of various coaching instruments.
At the same time, you can also achieve such personal results as the formation of a responsible attitude toward studying, propensity for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and studying, conscious choice and building of the future personal trajectory of education.
You only need to teach a child two things - to love and to live a full life. In this case the columns of Life - I want, I can, and I know - are built on this foundation.
With the help of such techniques as "Inner Happiness", "Do not Hold a Grudge Against Mom", etc., and questions that are beyond habitual thinking, children develop a deep positive attitude towards themselves and the world around them. They acquire the skill to experience their emotions in a most effective way and the ability to find alternate solutions, as well as the understanding of themselves and their needs. An internal resource of faith in oneself and in one's abilities, as well as the skills of solving problems, goal-setting, planning,
feedback, and critical thinking are formed. A valuable skill is formed, namely the ability to determine own strengths and areas of potential growth.
In order to make the learning process joyful, it is not enough to ensure comfort and interest in studying. I am referring to creating a comfortable supportive environment, where everyone feels equally good, regardless of their status, number of friends in the class, academic achievements, and any other factors.
Positive attitude to school can be easily formed using such instruments as "What if...", "Spatter Yourself with Ice Cream", etc. Optimism and motivation contribute to the development of creative thinking, strengthen faith in oneself, teach to accept failures effectively, translating problems into a category of interesting tasks.
Under the conditions of significant uncertainty and life in a competitive environment with constantly changing conditions, it is only possible to maintain internal stability, if there is a positive attitude to yourself and a positive value-based perception of the world around you.
According to recent studies, at school age, adolescents who constantly use computers have a growing social isolation and superficial communication. [3] Thus, DMaC lead to the lack of communication.
Not only do computers and the Internet affect thinking, memory and attention, but also social behavior. According to social neurobiology, a branch of science dealing with brain research which focuses on neurobiological mechanisms of human social behavior, the main function of our brain is a social one.
Our social skills (the ability to empathize, to put oneself in someone else's shoes, doing things aimed at improving other people's lives) contribute to the development and increase of brain areas responsible for social thinking.
With the help of such techniques as "Value-based Image of My Dream Class" (fig.7), "The Wheel of the School of Joy," "Educational Pyramid," etc., such a necessary socialization component as a "Class as a Single Team" is formed.
During "My Dream Class" exercise, we organize brainstorming, where children generate many ideas of HOW they imagine their dream class, in what class they dream to study. The most important things are determined by voting (everyone can choose three things).
In order to structure all suggestions, the wheel of balance is used. Every area is considered separately and detailed using a scale. What 10 means, our current position. Then we find THE area the slightest progress in which will lead to our growth in all the other areas. We check whether this area will really lead to the movement of the entire wheel. In addition to this, the most effective and easy steps are written down, that is, those 20% of efforts that will produce 80% of the result. In the end, we have anchoring - what will remind us of these steps and about this area, - and feedback - what was valuable, useful and new for us in this exercise in terms of understanding.
Formation of innovative thinking, shared vision, and action plan are stimulated through similar dynamic groups patterns.
When everyone is in harmony with themselves and with others when it comes to social relations, when they feel that they are full-fledged participants and subjects of public relations, when they can effectively and consciously solve the problems they face, then we can talk about successful socialization, which is one of the most important processes in a person's life.
When the core of comfort is a foundation for the shell of interest, which in turn is enhanced by the joy of learning, when educational process forms a single system: comfort and communication, conscious motivation and positive attitude to learning, then the necessary and inevitable process of learning becomes as comfortable as possible, it becomes easy and pleasant - in a word, it becomes joyful.
When all the components of the school of joy are introduced and fully function, only then can we talk about proper harmonious, effective, and humane learner-centered educational process. Ensuring such a process should be a fundamental idea for pedagogical activities, the content of forms and methods, the conditions of teachers' activities.
Nekrasova M.. A COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING PROCESS WITH ELEMENTS OF REHABILITATION OF COMPUTER ADDICTION. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2018. – № 5 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/477-25500 (22.02.2025).