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Philosophical sciences
Non-material property of creators became important because of development of post-industrial information society. The post-industrial society is such level of social development, when the sphere of services (as a kind of non-material sphere) is dominant over material production.
The copyright (as a kind of intellectual property rights) is stated mostly for publishers, booksellers, owners of mass-media, investors, etc. Some intellectuals may get a non-material (spiritual) property mainly. But some authors may use crowdsourcing during a networking process of cooperation. Non-material (informational) relations of creators may cause system synergetic effects.
This paper is based on irreligious approach to spiritual property. The term of spiritual property without any strict definition was introduced by Hegel in "Philosophy of Law"[2] as an addition to property on things.
Spiritual (non-material) property is understood here as a kind of property characterizing unique form of individual intellectual's or of creative collective's objective expression of their own spiritual values (of cultural wealth) in a spiritual production (and in informational production).
Now spiritual property is mentioned in UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples[8].
Intellectual property may be considered here as a legally defended kind (and the most rational kind) of spiritual property in rationally-innovative creative activity.
Rather new introduction of a term of `intellectual rights` in Russia is connected with the most important difference between material property and intellectual property. It is well known, that when one person gives somebody an apple, a number of this person's apples will decrease. But when one person gives somebody an idea, the number of this person's ideas will not decrease.
"Art. 1227 of Part 4 of the Civil Code stipulates that "intellectual rights" shall not interrelate with ownership rights concerning material carriers. Thus so far the concept of proprietary nature of intellectual property is definitively rejected by the Russian lawmakers. The Code stipulates that an author shall have "intellectual rights" in works (incorporating authors' rights and neighboring rights)"[1].
As to Fractal approach, it was founded by Benoit Mandelbrot. Fractal is mathematical term for different objects with self-similarity conditions[7]. Parts of the fractal are similar to the whole fractal.
Fractal approach may by applied to the theory of Non-material (Spiritual) property also. The given problem handling allows to treat self-similarity of nets of non-material (informational) relations. So structure of spiritual property distributed at a Web-sources is fractal-like. It may cause system synergetic effects.
And the prospect of fractal approach to the spiritual property may be multifractal.
2. Hegel, G. V. F., Philosophy of Law. Moscow, 1990. 524 p. (In Russian).
3. Latypov, I.А., “Copyleft or moral rights involved in copyright?”, “The Journal «International journal of applied and fundamental research»,” № 2, 2014. ISSN 1996-3955. – URL: http://www.science-sd.com/457-24688 (17.10.2018).
4. Latypov, I.А., “Methodology of social differentiation of informational relations as a philosophical problem”, “Journal of Siberian federal university” (Humanities & Social sciences) (Russia), Vol. 3, 2008. ISSN 1997-1370. Pp. 347-353.
5. Latypov, I.A., “Correlation of the spiritual property and information culture (report summary),” The First Russian congress in cultural studies. Report summaries. Saint-Petersburg (Russia), august 2006. P. 353. - ISBN 5-88607-037-0.
6. Latypov I.A., Prahlad S.R., “Moral rights involved in copyright: philosophical aspects,” “Collected papers of the 1st International symposium «Social theory and problems of information society» (October 30-31, 2009).” Izhevsk (Russia), 2009. See: http://sioi.conf.udsu.ru/report?node=1252610472 . 2009. (17.10.2018).
7. Mandelbrot, B.B., “A Multifractal Walk Down Wall Street” (1999), - URL: http://www.forexcenter.ru/fractal1/ (17.10.2018)
8. United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples – URL: https://www.un.org/esa/socdev/unpfii/documents/DRIPS_en.pdf (17.10.2018)
Latypov I.А. SOME FRACTAL TRAITS OF NON-MATERIAL (SPIRITUAL) PROPERTY: A PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECT. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2018. – № 6 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/478-25409 (07.03.2025).