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Executive Editor:Publishing house "Academy of Natural History"
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Medical sciences
Keywords: old age stages, incidence, geoanthropogenic zones, ecological tension.
The increase in life expectancy in the post-industrial countries caused by the improvement of quality of medical care of the population and cyclic natural processes held by environmental protection global and regional measures to bigger differentiation of the diseases characteristic on various stages of "senile age". Allocate five stages of an old age - are presented in table 1.
Table 1 Stage of an old age and incidence of the population
Stage |
Short characteristic |
The dominating characteristic diseases it (is for the first time revealed) |
the sparing mode with performance of former activity |
Infectious and parasitic, diabetes, new growths, cardiovascular, endocrine system, skin disease |
WT |
Work termination |
Diabetes, cardiovascular, diseases of blood and haematogenic bodies, mental, new growths |
Concern on partial restoration of the lost health |
Cardiovascular, respiratory organs, mental, neurologic, endocrine |
Focus of interest - survival |
Cardiovascular, digestive organs, mental, neurologic |
Circle of requirements - elementary life support |
Cardiovascular, respiratory organs, digestive organs, mental, neurologic, bone and muscular |
Brought a cluster state are presumably comparable to five various levels of functional conditions of an organism [1, 2].
As various conditions of an old age of the person define his provisions in society and predetermine attraction of various public resources for overcoming the negative, destructive consequences connected with interaction of "the aging individual" with surrounding society and the habitat, the solution of the problem of forecasting of dynamics of transition from one cluster of an old age to another, is a current problem of mankind.
As the habitat has certain borders and are formed by natural and anthropogenic factors, it is possible to speak about a certain specific landscape or a geoanthropogenic zone.
At the initial stage it is offered to solve a problem of allocation of correlation between various diseases in clusters of an old age and the habitat characterizing by indicators of ecological tension [3, 4] in certain geoanthropogenic zones - "sotsiotekhnichesky landscapes" (in Budanov V.G. terminology).
For example, in Kursk region of the Russian Federation, for example, 4 zones are allocated [3]: Central Area t (CA), Northwest Area (NWA), Southwest Area (SWA), East Area (EA).
The analysis of statistical information allowed to allocate the following zones of the increased incidence (in brackets are specified - incidence of elderly people and a zone of accommodation): diseases of skin and hypodermic cellulose (0,6, CA); diabetes (0,18, CA); new growths (including oncology) (0,46, CA, SWA); diseases of blood and haematogenic bodies (0,52, CA, NWA, SWA, EA); respiratory organs (0,45, CA, NWA, SWA, EA); cardiovascular (0,52, CA, NWA, SWA, EA); urinogenital system (0,15, CA, NWA, SWA ); digestive organs (0,63, NWA, EA); bone and muscular (0,8, NWA, SWA); infectious and parasitic diseases (0,2, NWA); diseases of endocrine system (0,23, NWA, SWA, EA); neurologic (0,36, SWA); diseases of connecting fabric (0,44, NWA).
The provided data allow to draw a conclusion on a certain specificity of a number of diseases in various geoanthropogenic zones. For assessment of influence of geoanthropogenic zones, it is offered to use the indicator variables including indicators of direct anthropogenic influence (in the form of levels of pollution of the habitat) and such as levels: mortality, birth rate and the congenital malformations (CM) in a certain territory (in zones).
The mathematical models [5] identified on indicator variables, allow to exercise micro control of various factors of anthropogenic influence, medical care and social, influencing dynamics of levels of specific diseases.
It will allow to increase the period of initial stages of an old age with the minimum negative consequences for the person in society that will lead to reduction of economic expenses of society, extension of terms of life and increase in a share of able-bodied population in general.
2. Sudakov K.V., Kubichev I.A., Nikolaev A.B. Jevoljucija terminologii i shem funkcional'nyh sistem v nauchnoj shkole P. K. Anohina. Moskva: Evropejskie poligraficheskie sistemy, 2010. 240 s
3. Zabroda N.N., Artemenko M.V., Eliseev Ju.Ju. Vlijanie prirodnyh i antropogennyh faktorov na zabolevaemost' v regione. Sistemnyj analiz i modelirovanie. Kursk: KGMU. 2006. 256 s.
4. Protasova V.V., Korenevskij N.A., Artemenko M.V., Smirnov V.S. Issledovanie vlijanija jekologicheskih faktorov na dinamiku urovnej serdechno-sosudistoj zabolevaemosti v gorode. /Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta. 2010. T. 6. № 1. str. 123-127
5. Artemenko M.V., Protasova V.V. Metody i sredstva modelirovanija vlijanija jekologicheskoj naprjazhennosti regiona na zdorov'e naselenija: monografija Kursk: KGTI, 2009. 225 s.
URL: www.science-sd.com/478-25412 (22.02.2025).