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Home / Issues / № 6, 2018

Medical sciences

Evstropov V.M.
According to the anthropological concept, of human health is considered as part of nature and as a natural being, therefore, methodologically the path to health is possible through human interaction with natural factors of the exogenous environment. At present, it is also possible to exert effects on the body by artificial (preformed) physical factors with biological activity.

It is believed that the object of valeology is practically healthy person, as well as a person in a state of pre-disease [1]. Valeology assumes that there are basic physiological reactions in the body that must be used both to maintain health and to cure when a disease occurs [2]. They can be regarded as valeogenetic factors, in contrast to pathogenetic factors. Interacting pathogenetic and sanogenetic mechanisms are involved in the development of the disease, which can be purposefully affected [3].

For the quick resolution of current problems of clinical and preventive medicine using methods of translational medicine. The molecular genetic direction of development of translational medicine in rehabilitation medicine is implemented in the concept of personalized physiotherapy. It is based on the provision of maximum efficiency of physical methods of treatment, recommended on the basis of taking into account the factors determining (limiting or significantly modulating) the basic functions of the body (genetic, functional, metabolic, psychophysical, etc.). Physiogenetika - section of physiotherapy, studying the genetic basis of individual sensitivity of patients to therapeutic physical factors, the regularities of their effect on the functional properties of the genome (expression, instability, intergenic interactions, etc.) and the associated different links in the pathogenesis of the disease. This term reflects the results of the study of the role of genetic factors in the individual reactions of patients to therapeutic physical factors. The correlation of the phenomenon of dissociation of therapeutic effects of physical factors with polymorphism of genes that determine the production of proteins-"targets" of their impact is known. This relationship reflects the fundamental property of the fingerprint (hereditary imprint) - the presence of the individual's unique hereditary basis of biochemical individuality of a person due to his genome, and a certain genetic determinism of the body's reactions to therapeutic physical factors [6].

However, the final effect of physiotherapeutic factors depends not only on the individual characteristics of the organism, but also on the characteristics of the physiotherapeutic factor. The same therapeutic factor can cause a multidirectional effect: immunostimulation or immunosuppression [7]. Phase-dependent reactions are also possible with a local effect of the physical factor on immunologically privileged zones [8]. Immunomodulatory effects of physical factors are influenced by their parameters (intensity, duration, frequency, physical nature) [9]. With an increase in the number of courses of physical therapy, its action may weaken, although there are some features associated with the functional specificity of an organ of the immune system [10].

1. Weiner E.N. Valeology. – M .: Flint - Science, 2006. – 416 p.

2. Povolotskaya N.P. [and etc]. Methodological approaches to the assessment of the resort and recreational potential of the bioclimate and landscape // Resort Medicine. – 2017. – №1. – P.2-10.

3. Skvortsova V.N., Koksel, O.S. Individual human health: valeological discourse // News of Tomsk Polytechnic University. – 2010. – №6. – Р.188-192.

4. Resortology of the Caucasian Mineral Waters / edited by V.V. Uiba. – Pyatigorsk: FGU PGNIK of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, 2010. – T.1. – P.146-211.

5. Bioclimatic passport of the therapeutic area: method. rekom. – M: MZ RF: RNTSRiF, 1996. – 12 p.

6. Ponomarenko G.N. The concept of translational medicine in physiotherapy and rehabilitation // Physiotherapy, balneology and rehabilitation. – 2014. – №3. – P.4-12.

7. Evstropov V.M., Silich I.N. Phase dependence of the immunomodulating effect when irradiated with decimeter waves of the central organs of the immune system // Immunology. – 1988. – №6. – Р. 37-40.

8. Evstropov V. M. Structural and functional characteristics of T-and B-systems of immunity under the action of decimeter waves on the thymus, thyroid and parathyroid glands //Questions of balneology, physiotherapy and physical culture. – 1986. – № 1. – Р.39-41.

9. Evstropov V.M. Immuno-endocrine response to local exposure to decimeter waves. – Frunze: Ilim, 1987. – 104 р.

10. Evstropov V.M. The phenomenon of different reactivity of the thymus and bone marrow under the local influence of decimeter waves // Questions of balneology, physiotherapy and therapeutic physical culture. – 1987. – №6. – Р.14-17.

Bibliographic reference

Evstropov V.M. VALEO-CORRECTING FACTORS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2018. – № 6 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/478-25440 (22.02.2025).