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Teaching science
Keywords: profession-oriented speech training, russian language, professional communicative competenc,e communicative knowledge and skills
The main aim of the Russian education modernization is to promote its higher quality with the help of competence-based approach to training. An educated person today is not only a person with certain knowledge, but firstly he/she is self-consistent and self-motivated, ready for self-development; a person, who can easy adapt in the society, search for daring and efficient solutions, who realizes the necessity to apply his/her newly obtained skills in various spheres. One of the most important elements for formation of personality under new and challenging social and political, economic and cultural environment is the Russian language study, as the language is the most important mean of professional communication; so we need to provide students of all qualifications with the professional communicative competence.
This paper deals with several concepts of our methodical system of professional speech training at our classes under the ‘Russian Language and Speech Culture' course. It is based on interdisciplinary integration, which allows for speech training within the ‘language-profession-personality' concept; it provides for simultaneous development of speech, professional, and intellectual abilities of students, and also for adoption of their future professional values.
Profession-oriented speech training for students, who do not study philology, includes:
- adoption of a certain system of communicative notions, which provides for awareness in practical skills generation;
- acquirement of the entire system of communicative skills: general speech skill, general professional and specific professional language, which will be demanded in their future work;
- proactive participation in educational verbal situations, which simulate their future professional communication;
- getting aware of main communicative failures and searching for measures to avoid or correct them;
- introduction of values, included into the course, and their importance for becoming a real specialist.
As we mentioned before, we provide the professional communicative competence for future specialists, integrating the ‘Russian Language and Speech Culture' course into the general professional and special subjects, which actualizes meta-subject mission of the course. We suggest a convenient model of profession-oriented training, which allows training of students, who do not study philology, for communicative skills in the view of their future profession, integrating students' knowledge of language and communication into the specifics of professional communication. The model's structure consists of three parts, representing basic, variable, and specific content of study. The basic core of the content is the communication knowledge and skills system, which is a ‘must' for every person, who wants to communicate successfully in different environment. The variable component of the content is meant to create professional communicative competence; it is a system of knowledge and skills, required for interaction in any profession. The specific content is a set of communicative knowledge and skills, actual for a single or several similar professions.
To make the efficient usage of the proposed model, it is necessary to adopt a special approach to structuring of the ‘Russian Language and Speech Culture' course. We suggest the variant of content systematization, where the activity aspect of the speech culture is the main focus. This approach highlights not only the correct, communicatively appropriate and ethical aspects of speech, but also skilled communicative behavior, presenting good mastering of literary language and communication ethics. According to this, the course is divided into six modules: "Language as an entire communication system", "Speech culture and its elements", "Speaking as a communication activity", "Listening as a communication activity", "Writing as a communication activity", and "Reading as a communication activity". We believe, that the suggested structure is appropriate and has a number of advantages, as it makes the whole course more uniform and systematic; division into modules stresses the step-by-step approach, provides for dynamic creation of communicative knowledge and skills, encourages students for self-education, guarantees universal character of methodology, which allows its transformation according to specific conditions of education. We would also like to note, that this approach allows for introduction of modules, relative to receptive skills of communication activity. Such extension of the content creates all conditions for comprehensive training for all speech activities, which is a key for the efficient communication.
URL: www.science-sd.com/478-25443 (22.02.2025).