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Home / Issues / № 6, 2018

Teaching science

Abdulaeva P.Z., Osmanova A.A., Abdulaeva Kh.S., Yakubovа D.M.

The role of chair of pedagogic and psychology in realization of competence-based approach in medical school are analyzed. Ways of realization of this approach in practice in the form of professional development and development the Teacher of the Higher School programs correlated to the general problems of modernization of Russian education are offered. Changes of requirements to the teacher of higher education institution which are connected with many factors, such, as advance of information and innovative technologies in educational process of system of higher education.

Keywords: pedagogical competence of the teacher; quality of education; information and communication technologies; information competence of the teacher of medical school.

The processes of Informatization of modern society and closely related processes of Informatization of all forms of educational activities are characterized by the processes of improvement and mass dissemination of modern information and communication technologies ( hereinafter - ICT). Indeed, it is no longer necessary to convince anyone of the relevance and effectiveness of the use of ICT in the educational process. Such technologies are actively used to transfer information and ensure interaction between the teacher and the student in modern systems of open and distance education. A modern teacher should not only have knowledge in the field of ICT, but also be an expert in their application in their professional activities.

The effectiveness of the introduction of information and communication technologies largely depends on the readiness and ability of the teacher to such work [5].

Modern requirements for professional education determine the strategic course of innovative development of the University, as the training of competent and existing specialists is the main task of sustainable development of Russia. Federal state educational standards of higher professional education are aimed at training specialists within the competence approach. In accordance with the requirements for the results of the development of basic educational programs, the graduate must have two groups of competencies: General cultural and professional. Diagnosis of the conditions in which the innovations developed to improve the quality of education, the development of the competence of the teacher, allowed to identify areas of improvement of the educational process. For a high level of professional competence, namely, it is a fundamental condition for the development of the University, a typical strong demand of the teacher in improving, constant pursuit of professional activities, self-improvement [2, p. 38].

The Department of pedagogy and psychology in the medical University provides the organization of the system of continuous education of teachers, in the conditions of constant implementation of the results of research of pedagogical science, carrying out training of the teaching staff, using modern organizational forms of training that stimulate self-education of teachers in the logic of modern approaches to education. Coordinates this work methodical study of the University. One of the tasks of the Department of pedagogy and psychology is a purposeful scientifically based, systematic study of the educational system and its development, scientific and methodological support of the educational process, the development of initiative and creativity of teachers. In this regard, one of the functions of the Department is diagnostic and prognostic, which determines the rational approaches of teachers to solving practical issues of training and education, work on the implementation of the GEF, providing advice in the implementation of innovations [3, p.47-57].

Innovative activity of the University is considered in a number of areas, such as: the development of modern pedagogical technologies; development of new innovative courses; implementation of the GEF; control system, etc.

The result of the impact on the innovation process of the University is the creation of conditions necessary for successful innovation, such as: awareness of the majority of teachers of the development of the University as a need and common value; awareness of the participants of innovative transformation needs and opportunities for the development of the University; the presence and consistency of the basic values of the development of educational practice; integration of the values of innovation in the existing organizational culture in the University; awareness of the participants of the work on the development goals and criteria for their achievement, the adoption of these goals by all participants of innovation processes; the presence of identified sources of innovative ideas both within the University and at the country level; the motivation of the participants of transformations to carry out innovations; the presence of the participants of transformations of the competence necessary for the implementation of innovations; the readiness of all resources (including material and technical) necessary for the successful development of innovations.

Based on the provisions of professional competence as a set of key, basic and special competence, the system of support of teachers in three directions is built in higher school. First: the improvement of key competencies as necessary for any professional activity related to the success of the individual in a rapidly changing world, and they are manifested primarily in the ability to solve professional problems through the use of information, communication, including in a foreign language. The direction is carried out in the implementation of seminars, "the introduction of the GEF in an educational institution", "Modern ways of assessing the educational results of students", etc.

The second direction is to support the development of basic competencies that reflect the specifics of pedagogical professional activity. The study of new pedagogical technologies is carried out, purposeful support of students of the program "Teacher of higher school"is realized.

The third direction is the development of special competencies that reflect the specifics of a particular subject or over-subject area of professional activity. Special competence we considered how the implementation of key and basic competencies in the areas of curriculum subject matter, specific areas of professional activity.

Development of professional competence is a dynamic process of mastering and modernization of professional experience, leading to the development of individual professional qualities, accumulation of professional experience, involving continuous development and self-improvement. Highlighting the forms of development of professional competence, namely: self-analysis and awareness of the need; self-expression, analysis, self-correction, the University is the process of awareness of the need to create a system of professional competence. This is a cyclical process, because in the process of teaching you need to constantly improve professionalism, and each time these steps are repeated, but in a new quality.

The process of development of professional psychological and pedagogical competence of the teacher also depends on the environment, so it is the environment that should stimulate professional self-development. The University has created a system of incentives for employees, various forms of monitoring in the format of quality management system, questionnaires, testing, open classes conducted for the exchange of experience, grant activities, analysis and presentation of their own achievements. These forms of stimulation can reduce the level of emotional anxiety of the teacher, affect the formation of a beneficial psychological atmosphere.

The results of the diagnosis of the formation of professional competence of students of the program "Teacher of higher education" showed that the teaching staff is diverse, not only with a high level of competence, but also with high and threshold. The created system of professional competence improvement of teachers at the University allows to develop competence using the system of continuous professional development [2, p. 14; 4].

One of the forms of development of professional competence of the teacher is a course training. In order to improve information competence, we are implementing the module "Information and communication technologies in education".

The module "Information and educational environment of medical University" is developed taking into account modern trends in the development of education in the world on the basis of European and National framework of qualification requirements. The program of the module is based on the competence-oriented approach and is a structural part of the programs of additional education/training, designed to prepare for teaching activities in the system of continuous education of the teacher of higher medical school. The purpose of the program of the module is to form an idea of the role and place of Informatization of education in the information society; development of information culture; obtaining information about professionally oriented information and communication technologies; training in the use of applied software products within a specific subject area for the design, implementation and presentation of the results of research activities. The program is aimed at training specialists with higher education for teaching in institutions of higher, secondary and additional professional medical education. After mastering the module, the teacher will be ready for the following types of scientific and pedagogical activities: designing the educational environment for different categories and age groups of students in the medical University; the use of competence-oriented and information-communication technologies in educational process of medical high school; implement a variety of educational technologies and organizational framework of distance education; managing the learning process of the student, his activity with the use of modern educational technologies in the information society [1, p. 111].

As a result of the development of the module, the teacher knows: goals, principles of creating an educational environment in a medical University; the requirements of the GEF to the educational environment in the preparation of specialists of various specialties of a medical University; subjects and objects, functions, the structure of the educational environment of a medical University; tools for creating an educational environment of a medical University; criteria and indicators for assessing the quality of the educational environment of a medical University; technology of designing the educational environment in a medical University in accordance with the requirements of the GEF; classification, content, specifics, conditions for the effective implementation of competence-oriented and information and communication educational technologies; features of the Department in a medical University. Able to apply competence-oriented and information and communication educational technologies adequate to the objectives, content of the training session and the nature of the interaction of the subjects of the educational process; to determine the subjects and objects, goals, functions, structure of the educational environment of the medical University; to take into account the requirements of the FSES to the educational environment in the preparation of specialists of various specialties of the medical University; to determine the subjects and objects, functions, structure of the educational environment of the medical University; to select the tools for the creation of the educational environment of the medical University; to allocate criteria and indicators for assessing the quality of the educational environment of the medical University; to design the educational environment in the medical University in accordance with the GEF. The use of ICT in medical universities can improve the efficiency of the educational process, the level of awareness and training of students, systematize knowledge, reduce time costs, largely individualize learning. It gives an impetus to the development of self-learning skills, mastering modern tools, a certain literacy when working with sources of information, which is also a necessary condition for the further professional growth of a medical University graduate.[7].

Thus, the inclusion of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process changes the role of learning tools used in the teaching of various disciplines, and the use of these technologies changes the learning environment in which the learning process takes place [6].

The teacher owns: competence-oriented technologies and information and communication educational technologies; tools for creating an educational environment of a medical University; skills for assessing the quality of the educational environment of a medical University; technology for designing an educational environment in a medical University in accordance with the requirements of the GEF.

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Bibliographic reference

URL: www.science-sd.com/478-25444 (22.02.2025).