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Teaching science
In the "Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Educational Area" [2] it is noted that teachers are the main resource of the educational process. In accordance with these standards, universities should develop mechanisms and criteria for determining sufficient competence and qualifications of teachers.
At the same time, the development of a system of comprehensive and objective assessment of the activities of a teacher is quite a complex task. The activity of a teacher can be assessed according to formal indicators (the absence or presence of a shortage of teachers in the nomenclature, qualification in diploma, certification level, etc.), and quantitative and qualitative indicators of learning and education in relation to the initial level of training of students [3]. The standard assessment of a teacher includes: education, an academic degree, the number and quality of publications, the number of grants won for research, etc. Informal assessment allows us to identify the attitude of students, the attitude of colleagues and the attitude of the administration.
Difficulties with the development of scientifically-based quality criteria for teaching staff of universities, and, consequently, the difficulties of monitoring their quality are also related to the fact that the ideal in the field of educational policy has not been worked out, and the ideal qualification of a university teacher has not been developed.
In this respect, the approach of the American Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs [4] is interesting, which divides the activities of teachers into professional and scientific. This approach is taken as the basis of our scale of the assessment of the University teacher.
Under this approach, professional activity is defined as: activities related to the use of professional experience to solve practical problems in the private or public sector (for example, professional counseling, analysis of strategies, etc.); activities related to the support of professional organizations (for example, participation in professional meetings, leadership in professional organizations); professional services directly related to the academic discipline of the teacher and consistent with the approved mission of the business school / program.
Professional activities may include the work of a teacher in a professional organization; participation in professional meetings as a program chairman, speaker or discussion participant; or participation in seminars, symposia, short lectures and / or master classes held for professional development or advanced training.
Teachers should be actively engaged in professional activities in order to improve the completeness and range of knowledge in their disciplines, as well as to improve the effectiveness of teaching. In turn, an educational institution should provide the necessary balance of scientific and professional activities of teachers in accordance with its mission.
Scientific activity is defined by the inclusion of the following four types of intellectual activity: "teaching", "scientific discoveries", "integration", "application".
"Teaching" is one of the most rigorous types of scientific activity. Being a good teacher means not only having knowledge in your field, but also understanding and using the most effective teaching methods that are only available. This implies the use of modern teaching materials, the development and evaluation of new teaching methods, as well as the development of methods for assessing the effectiveness of teaching. Each of these activities should be documented and evaluated. Documentation may include publications related to pedagogy, including teaching methods, with participation in workshops and seminars on improving teaching skills, a written assessment of teaching materials and the development of outcome assessment tools.
"Scientific discoveries" can be otherwise referred to as a "basic research". Freedom of research and freedom of scientific analysis are an integral part of higher education.
"Integration" implies a desire to interpret, integrate and introduce a new understanding based on the original research. Integration means connecting someone to work with larger intelligent models. Comprehensive articles and monographs, participation in updating the curriculum, conducting interdisciplinary seminars and writing textbooks are all examples of integration.
"Application" is aimed at the active position of the scientist. It focuses on the responsible application of knowledge to important issues. Otherwise, this type of activity is called "applied research" or "development". "Application" is not a comprehensive category. "Application" does not include ordinary services or daily counseling (which is considered as professional activities). The application should be directly related to any area of knowledge, to relate and directly flow from the creative professional activity. Participation in an applied research can take the form of contract research, ad hoc consultations, technical support, policy analysis, or program evaluation, confirmed by the fact that this is truly significant intellectual activity. This type of research requires creativity and critical thinking to analyze real-world problems. This activity must be supported by an assessment of those who receive this type of service.
A reasonable balance of activity implies that all the spheres of professional and scientific activities mentioned above should be implemented in the teacher's work. Although the degree of implementation and balance may vary depending on the mission from one institution to another, it is nevertheless expected that students will work with teachers who are involved in a wide range of scientific and professional activities.
Thus, the problem of choosing criteria for assessing the quality of professional activity of teachers is multifaceted and consists, at least, in the multiplicity of hypostases of the teacher's activity and, accordingly, the multiplicity of criteria, as well as in the complexity of their ranking by role in society and the university.
2. Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Educational Area (ESG) - Brussels, Belgium – 2015. – PР.4-5.
3. Isaeva T.E., Timoshek I.N. Comprehensive assessment of the activities of a higher school teacher URL .: http://rgups.ru/site/assets/files/50517/kompl_ocenka_deaiteln_prepodav.doc
4. URL: htpp: //www. acbsp. org
Kakenov K.S., Yessenbayeva G.A. SOME FEATURES OF THE ASSESSMENT OF THE ACTIVITIES OF A UNIVERSITY TEACHER. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2018. – № 6 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/478-25445 (22.02.2025).