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Teaching science
Keywords: ethnopedagogics, professional education, ethnopedagogical approach.
Introduction. At the beginning of the XXI century the state policy in the field of education changed together with the society transformation. Nowadays it is important for the young generations to master and keep the values of ethnic cultures and its contribution to the world culture [1]. The intensity of occurring changes in the Kazakhstan society stimulates growth of national consciousness of the people, revival of national cultures, national pedagogics, change of valuable ideals, the appeal to the national values making culture of any people, intention to revival of ethnic culture through keeping the native language, customs and traditions [2]. The interest to ethnicity increases, the importance of ethnopedagogical knowledge in modern society, including in an educational system develops. In the conditions of polyethnicity of society there appears a situation in the limited territory of numerous ethnic groups, representatives of different nationalities and cultures, with the values, mentality, traditions, norms and a way of life that is addressed to national traditions, to national pedagogics. The ethnic composition in educational institutions is variegated on national structure, culture and confession, manners ans training status. The principle of connecting the national, state and territorial bases of formation of the state system reflected in modern professional education [3]. It is connected with that throughout a long time Kazakhstan was and remains the multiethnic, polycultural, polyconfessional state [4].
Methods. General scientific methods of theoretical research (the analysis, synthesis, interpretation, comparison, classification, an induction, deduction, abstraction, generalization, modeling, etc.), set of empirical methods (supervision, conversations, interviewing, questionnaire, reviewing, pedagogical experiment), statistical methods (the quantitative and qualitative analysis of skilled experimental data) were used during the research work. Methodological basis of research were the ethnopedagogical approach assuming the accounting of cultural and historical traditions of the people, ethnopsychological and ethnopedagogical features, the accounting of the ethnic personnal identity and the competence-based approach considering as result of professional education of the teacher's ability independently to solve pedagogical problems in practical activities. The research was done in the departments of pedagogics, psychology and social work of Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University.
Main part. The main objectives of the state in education lead to form common educational space, harmonization of the national and ethnocultural relations [5]. Considerable changes of the content of education in the higher school are caused by the entry of Kazakhstan into the common world educational space, joining of Kazakhstan to the Bologna educational declaration [6]. The open system of the higher education will allow to create common educational space taking into account preservation of cultural diversity of the certain countries and various educational systems. At creating the system of pedagogical education in higher educational institution it is necessary to combine optimum requirements of the world educational system, national features and real opportunities of a certain region and higher educational institution. In the sphere of the higher education, in the course of accession of Kazakhstan to the Bologna declaration special relevance is gained by ethnopedagogical preparation of the teacher. Many modern Kazakhstan scientists are engaged in research works of a problem of ethnopedagogical preparation of future teacher [7]. In their opinion, only the teacher is capable to organize the process of training and education of children in close connection with national traditions of education, customs, on the basis of centuries-old culture of the people in specific regional conditions. In the accepted concept of modernization of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan competence-based approach which can be considered as conducting in ethnopedagogical preparation of future teacher is designated. New pedagogical realities significantly affected to the teacher's appointment - the teacher becomes a link between the ethnic, national and world cultures, capable to solve problems of polycultural education, education of civic consciousness of younger generations. Bases of ethnopedagogical preparation are put in a higher educational institution therefore it is important that the components of an ethnopedagogical orientation are included into the maintenance of pedagogical education. During the research work the results of scientific researches and practical experience in the sphere of ethnopedagogical preparation of students in pedagogical higher educational institutions were analysed, the condition of a problem of selection and structuring the maintenance of disciplines' training material of the educational environment of the higher educational institution, which include an ethnopedagogical component is studied, criteria and levels of ethnopedagogical competence of future teachers to work in the multiethnic region are revealed, ethnopedagogical approach to a solution of the problem of creating the educational and methodical complex in educational space of the higher education institution focused on development of ethnopedagogical competence of future teacher is considered. As a result of the conducted research it was revealed that ethnopedagogical preparation of students of pedagogical higher educational institution can become one of the major directions in formation of professional competence of future teacher if in complete educational process of pedagogical higher education institution the continuity and unity of national and regional and ethnopedagogical components is realized. Thus, the educational environment in higher education institution has to be under construction on the basis of selection and structuring the content of ethnopedagogical disciplines of all cycles of the curriculum by the principle «unities in variety», and the educational and methodical complex on ethnopedagogics has to be developed according to the logic of application of interdisciplinary approach. Besides, pedagogical process in higher education institution has to be carried out with use of active methods and interactive forms of education for information processing and assimilation of knowledge on ethnopedagogics. According to the modern requirements to professional training of the teacher, criteria for success of the teacher are ethnopedagogical competence, i.e. the valuable relation to knowledge of ethnopedagogics, abilities to apply this knowledge in the conditions of student teaching and a reflexive position of future teacher.
Conclusions. By the results of the conducted research it is possible to draw a conclusion that ethnopedagogical approach to professional training of the teacher in higher education institution has to be implemented with a support on historically developed system of national education, unity of national and professional culture, education of the valuable relation to national culture and ethnopedagogics. The special practical importance are noticed in the development and deployment in the maintenance of a national and regional component of the curriculum of pedagogical specialties of higher education institution of those disciplines which are directly focused on preservation of national cultural traditions and promotes increase of a professional standard of the teacher according to an ethnopedagogical and modern sociocultural situation.
2 . State Program of a Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020, signed into Law by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 07.12.2010 # 1118
3. Arts Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Perception of the National Traditions and Rapprochement of the Cultures: Research Paper. Available in Kazakh, Russian, and English languages – UNESCO Moscow Office, 2010; UNESCO Almaty Office, 2010; Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs, pp: 54.
4 . Bazarbayeva, G. A. 2012, Formation of the social state in the Republic of Kazakhstan: politological analysis. Almaty: Kazakhstan, pp: 124
5 . The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “About education” of 27.07. 2007 # 319-III
6 . Lebedeva M. M., 2006. Bologna Process: problems and prospects. Editorship of M: Orgservice, pp: 186
7. Etnopedagogika. http://e-kitaptar.com.
Stukalenko N.M. RESEARCH OF ETHNOPEDAGOGICAL APPROACH IN PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF TEACHERS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2018. – № 6 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/478-25446 (22.02.2025).