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Teaching science
In Kazakhstan, employment of the graduates is identified as a rising problem. In accordance with the "State Program for the Development of Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2019", nearly 80 percent of the graduates need to be successfully employed annually by 2020 [2]. The government implements special policy to prepare key professionals. In addition, the government supports internship programs for the young specialists. Moreover, it has been identified that the rate of successfully employed graduates affects the effectiveness of the university in the country.
Along with positive changes in the structural level, the modern market dictates its own rules of the game where graduates are hardly fitting the real world. Analysis on the employment of graduates is necessary and it will help to understand following issues:
- rising requirements for the graduates in the market;
- requirement of the work experience even though graduates do not have real-workexperience;
- inactive position of the graduates;
- willingness of the graduates to have highly-paid positions.
In modern socio-economic conditions, the solution of the problem of employing graduates of a university requires the development of approaches, organizational and methodological principles for the creation and functioning of a system for promoting the employment of graduates, integrated into the educational system of the university, adequate to the modern conditions of society. It is necessary to develop new mechanisms for interaction between the education system and the labor market. Given that the competitiveness of the university is one of the main indicators of the implementation of the educational policy of the university and largely determines its rating among other institutions of higher education, the successful employment of graduates should be one of the main strategic lines of its activities.
To ensure successful employment of graduates, the work of a higher education institution should be aimed at strengthening and active development of social partnership with employers, improving the quality of educational programs, developing basic and additional competencies of the graduates.
In the context of the modern requirements of the Bologna process, the most important goal of the educational process at the university is to ensure that students have such qualities and competencies that would most fully meet the needs of employers and help the graduate to find a job and realize his potential throughout the career path. The Bologna process identifies it as"employability".
Despite the fact that this term was first mentioned in the Sorbonne Declaration, it has not yet been widely used in the CIS countries, and has not been registered at the official level. In the framework of the Bologna process, the term "employability" is understood as the ability to get a job, the ability to save work and the ability to flexibly move within the labor market.
Development of effective partnerships with employers, increasing the responsibility of universities for successful employment and the development of employment potential - "employability" should be realized with the help of the Centers for Competence and Employability Development, on the creation of which the international project COMPLETE is aimed.
To achieve the objectives of the project, an analysis of the problem of employment and the labor market in the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out at the national, regional and university levels, the views of all stakeholders (students, graduates, employers) were investigated, the legislative and regulatory acts governing the requirements for the competencies and results of graduates were studied. It served as a basis for the development of a common model and concept for the Center for Competence and Employability Development for Kazakhstani universities. The following functions of the Center were defined: organizational and methodological, coordinating, consulting, serving, training, diagnostic, evaluating and informational.
In the course of the study, we relied on the main provisions of the Yerevan communique [4], which states that universities should ensure that at the end of each training cycle graduates have competencies suitable for entering the labor market, which will allow them to form new competencies to ensure their employment throughout the working life.
Taking into account the results of the research carried out within the framework of the COMPLETE project, including questioning students, employers and graduates, reflecting the opinions of interested parties, and in accordance with the legislative and regulatory requirements for the competencies of graduates of the university, a basic competence model was developed, which is proposed to be the basis of the Centers for Competence and Employability Development.
2. State Program for the Development of Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2019 - URL .: http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/U1600000205
3. URL .: https://iqaa.kz/en/bologna-process
4. Yerevan communiqué // Bologna Process - European Higher Education Area. - URL .: htpp: // www.ehea.info/ Uploads / SubmitedFiles / 5_2015 / 112705. pdf
Yessenbayeva G.A., Kakenov K.S. SUCCESSFUL EMPLOYMENT OF GRADUATES AS A MAIN INDICATOR FOR ASSESSING THE EFFECTIVNESS OF THE UNIVERSITY. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2018. – № 6 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/478-25447 (22.02.2025).