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Asgarov S. (Azerbaijan), Alakbarov M. (Azerbaijan), Aliev Z. (Azerbaijan), Babayev N. (Uzbekistan), Chiladze G. (Georgia), Datskovsky I. (Israel), Garbuz I. (Moldova), Gleizer S. (Germany), Ershina A. (Kazakhstan), Kobzev D. (Switzerland), Kohl O. (Germany), Ktshanyan M. (Armenia), Lande D. (Ukraine), Ledvanov M. (Russia), Makats V. (Ukraine), Miletic L. (Serbia), Moskovkin V. (Ukraine), Murzagaliyeva A. (Kazakhstan), Novikov A. (Ukraine), Rahimov R. (Uzbekistan), Romanchuk A. (Ukraine), Shamshiev B. (Kyrgyzstan), Usheva M. (Bulgaria), Vasileva M. (Bulgar).
abstract: this article shows the need for a psychological approach in the treatment of patients. Currently, much attention is paid to psychological knowledge in the education system. Considering the application in all spheres of activities of computer equipment is necessary and the appropriate training of doctors. The use of computer programs in medical practice today is quite relevant and important, because it is necessary to create a database, statistical processing of collected materials and analysis of information, as well as the possible use of computer technology in the diagnosis and treatment.
key words: psychology, methodological approaches, origins of medical psychology, methods of psychocorrection, music therapy, improvement of training and world Outlook of future doctors, selection of applicants.
Psychology occupies a worthy place in the system of scientific knowledge. In a relatively short historical period of its development, it has gained a lot of applied areas that to some extent reveal the essence of mental manifestations in all spheres of human activity, as well as in case of health problems.
Today such branches of psychological science as age, pedagogical, social, ethnic, medical and many others are successfully developing. However, unfortunately, in many Kazakh universities teaching of psychological disciplines is still conducted mainly at the theoretical level. It is not enough to expand the range and practical research on such very important academic disciplines as medical, gender psychology, gerontopsychology, psychology of family relations and others. There is still a sufficient number of educational and methodical literature for students on the development and practical application of knowledge in psychology in modern medicine. At the same time, the issue of opening of specialized laboratories, medical and psychological diagnostic centers, offices of psychological relief is still acute.
Even the philosopher Socrates noted that "it is impossible to treat the body without treating the soul", so it is necessary to take into account the role of words and psychological attitudes in conversations with patients during their treatment. However, the scientific approach to creation of psychological schools have emerged only in the late XIX - early XX centuries in France and Russia. One of the founders of the medical and psychological direction was T. RIBO, who studied pathological forms of character disorders, cognitive processes, feelings and unconscious activity, which is extremely important when working with patients. In Russia, during the same period, attempts were also made to find a medical and psychological approach to the study of the personality of a sick person. The founder of the psychological school in Russia was a prominent psychoneurologist V. M. Bekhterev, who, based on the teachings of I. M. Sechenov on the reflex activity of the body, justified the basic provisions of objective psychology. In the psychoneurological Institute he created, experimental methods of objective study of behavior variations were tested on the basis of identifying the causes of the body's reactions to certain stimuli. According to the concept of the scientist, holistic responses were associated with a qualitative transformation of the body's energy aimed at adapting to changing environmental conditions. Thus, the development of symptoms of the disease, according to the scientist, is nothing more than a reflex transformation of the energy of the body's defenses to counteract inadequate stimuli. In this regard, all responses are formed in the process of individual development in a particular environment. In this case, heredity determines only the type of nervous system (flexibility, plasticity), expressed in temperament. In 1908. V. M. Bekhterev developed a method of genetic reflexological research, revealing the relationship of manifestations of mechanistic causality in combination with the innate inclinations of the individual. He experimentally proved the relationship of illusions with hallucinations and pointed to violations in the indicative activity. He also developed a psychological approach to the treatment of alcoholics by means of hypnotic suggestion. V. M. Bekhterev rightly emphasized the role of the word in the treatment, noting that"if the patient after a conversation with the doctor does not become easier - it's not a doctor." He believed that in the course of the conversation the patient should explain the need to comply with protective and regenerative mode, to explain pain and to instill the idea that doctors are doing everything possible for his speedy recovery. The conversation should help to overcome the phenomenon of "hospitalism", melancholy, arising from loneliness and lack of communication.
In the work of K. Platonov "the Word as a physiological and therapeutic factor" emphasized the importance of selected words and the style of the conversation. It should be remembered that even one hasty word can cause a paradoxical emotional reaction in the patient, which generates iatrogenia, which sometimes occurs due to hyperesthesia (hypersensitivity) and suspiciousness of the patient, who is very sensitive to every word he says.
Russian therapist M. Y. Mudrov detailed that"some people get sick from bodily causes, others from mental disturbances." Therefore, the task of the physician is to understand the psychological essence of the patient's condition in order to remove the traumatic effect that generates mental "indignation", because its presence will prevent the treatment of any disease. It is necessary to reorient the patient to thoughts of recovery, awakening faith in yourself, in your body and its defenses, regardless of the etiology of the disease.
The scientific study of pathogenic disorders of personality development, manifested in the relationship of the patient with others are held in Russia A. F. Lazursky (1923.) and it was further developed in works of V. N. Myasishchev, who examined the psychological determinants that significantly affect the deterioration of health and in violation of labor activity. He suggested paying attention to changes in the manifestations of cognitive processes (perceptions, memory, thinking, imagination), volitional qualities and the level of mental development in General, taking into account the real conditions of the social environment of the patient. Later this direction was developed by A. R. Luria.
A great contribution to the development of medical and psychological knowledge was made by such prominent Russian psychologists as A. A. tokarsky, F. G. Rybakov, G. Rossolimo. In the works of L. S. Vygotsky ways of working with mentally retarded children were outlined. On the initiative of S. L. Rubinstein, a laboratory for the study of pathopsychology was established.
In the light of L. S. Vygotsky's cultural and historical concept of the zones of near development, it should be emphasized that the new historical era puts forward new needs. This is a real and irreversible process of gradual development of society, in which each new generation acquires significantly changed value orientations that meet the needs of the new time. In this regard, there was a need for the development of medical psychology as an independent branch of psychological science.
The disciples and followers of L. S. Vygotsky, A. R. Luria, B. V. Zeigarnik, A. N. Leontiev and others engaged in experimental studies of problems related to violation of the process of thinking. Separate the issues of medical psychology in the Soviet Union was engaged K. K. Platonov, D. N. Uznadze, D. B. Karvasarsky, A. E. Licko and others. However, the introduction of psychology as an independent discipline, was carried out only in 1965. Medical psychology, based on General psychology, developed and implemented in the educational process M. S. Lebedinsky, V. N. Myasischev (1966), V. Banshchikov, V. S. Guskov, P. F. Myagkov (1967), V. N. Myasishchev, B. D. Karvasarsky, (1975), N.D.Lakosina,, G. K. Ushakov (1976, 1984), I. M. Tyshkevich, A. I. Nemtseva (1980, 1985). The methods of psychological diagnosis and correction in the clinic were developed and described by M. M. Kabanov, A. E. Lichko, V. Smirnov (1983), and then V. V. Matveev tried to combine the basics of medical psychology with ethics and deontology.employee (1984, 1989). Since 1999. a stable textbook for this course was "Medical psychology" Myagkova, SN. Sideways.
Kazakhstan to introduce psychological knowledge into medicine tried A. S. Romaine, A. M. Svyadosch, M. H. Gonopolsky, I. Salzmann, I. G. Zaltsman, A. Saparova I. V. Chistov, etc. Undoubtedly, based on the psychological laws of formation and development of mental processes in patients, students in the study of psychology will have the opportunity to significantly improve the quality and effectiveness of not only timely diagnosis, but also the treatment of patients based on the most important psychological patterns of emotional reactions of the psyche, perception, logic of thinking in different situations.
Analyzing today the shortcomings of the methods of education in the Soviet period, we can note a significant underestimation of the role of psychology in the organization of the pedagogical process, as teaching this discipline was not conducted at the proper level, replacing the demonstration of inadequate States of mentally ill people, instead of demonstrating the border States and analyzing the ways of their treatment and psychological correction.
Psychological approach in medicine began to develop more actively in the CIS only at the end of the XX century in the post-perestroika period, when the latest psychotechnics began to be introduced into practice, including psychological testing, which now occupies one of the leading places in the study of the patient. The criterion of objectivity in the development of psychological guidelines are the methodological principles on which modern psychological science: determinism (causality of mental disorders of the patient), development (accounting for the dynamics of current changes), systematic (a sequence of construction interviews and applications of the individual methods), and others that determine the optimal way of psychological correction of inappropriate conditions and psychological complexes.
The organization of medical and psychological service in our country and the importance of psychological research is confirmed by a significant increase in the effectiveness of treatment in the psychological approach to the patient and in the medical and psychological examination for a more detailed analysis of the origins of motivation of the patient, the development of an integrated approach in the selection of psychotechnics and training in the organization of his rehabilitation. Thanks to the introduction of psychological services in all spheres of human activity and, especially, in medicine, it becomes possible to carry out the necessary and timely psychocorrection at all stages of treatment of the patient and his conviction of a favorable outcome.
Analyzing the inappropriate behavior of people of elderly and senile age, it should also be noted that the manifestation of the elements of aggravatio and simulation often takes place in order that others paid more attention to them. Loneliness depresses them, and they begin to look for different symptoms of disease. They become suspicious, suspicious, distrustful, trying to weigh down their real condition. This is their "cry of the soul", which indicates the need for greater compassion and goodwill towards them. However, in cases where they feel that they are very necessary to their loved ones who need their help, they are prone to dissimulation.
Among the methods of psychocorrection of emotional disorders music therapy has been used for many centuries. Music and word for many centuries were used by folk healers (bakhsy) to improve the emotional state of sick people. The effect of words and music therapy, which has a strong enough influence on the emotions and feelings of a person, encourages him to acquire new States of mind, promotes the development of will and self-confidence. Empirical methods of musicotherapy, used in the East for therapeutic purposes, and to this day are one of the most effective ways of psychocorrection in psychotherapy. Successful treatment with music was performed folk healer Korkut-ATA, is well known in the East in the NINTH century, the Ability to influence the emotional-volitional sphere of man by means of music mentioned in "the Big book on music" written in the tenth century. outstanding scientist-encyclopedist Abu Nasr al-Farabi, who first scientifically substantiated the theory of the influence of music on the sensual soul of man and used in practice the healing of patients through music. Highlighting the three types of music, the thinker pointed out that the music is able to calm, helping to find peace of mind, to improve the mood of those who are in despair, or to strengthen the activity of those who are healthy, causing them inspiration and commitment to excellence. Music therapy as a means of healing was further developed in the practice of a prominent doctor of the East Ibn Sina (Avicenna) and further in the music and poetry of a prominent healer Jami. Serious work is being done on the use of art, in particular music, to relieve stress overload [6]. The technique developed by me to relieve stress overload and psychological relief by means of music therapy (1998) demonstrates the greater effectiveness of musical art in improving the emotional state of patients after relaxation while listening to specially selected music.
Given the importance of this discipline, the teaching of this subject should be carried out by highly qualified teachers with professional experience, especially in the field of psychology of communication, pedagogy and ethics, based on the study of moral categories and styles of relationships between people in society. And this requires medical University students to teach pedagogy and teaching methods so that they can purposefully transfer their knowledge to their followers. Time proves the importance of psychological and pedagogical training of a doctor for the greatest efficiency of his work, as psychological diagnostics, psychoprophylaxis and psychocorrection have become the leading directions in creating a favorable environment for interpersonal understanding in medicine and in society as a whole, So in universities it is necessary to train specialists of a wide profile, who know not only medicine, but also have skills in the field of psychology and pedagogy. Special attention should be paid to teaching methods, basics of didactics and psychology, topical issues of psychodiagnostics of interpersonal relationships and emotional reactions, adequacy of mental processes and self-regulation.
Psychological science helps to create a favorable psychological climate in society, helps in the mobilization of forces and opportunities in the fight against disease, helps to find adequate ways of alleviating the condition of patients in the clinic, etc. as Criterion of objectivity in the development of psychological guidelines are the methodological principles on which modern psychological science: determinism (causality of mental disorders of the patient), development (accounting for the dynamics of current changes), systematic (a sequence of construction interviews and applications of the individual methods), etc.
Today, the country attaches great importance to psychological training of specialists in all spheres of activity, annual thematic conferences on topical issues and problems of modern psychological science are held, practical trainings and seminars are organized. In practical terms, this makes it possible to train qualified personnel in the field of psychology. To improve the effectiveness of training in the field of psychology currently in the Republic of Kazakhstan is a lot of work: revised many programs and on the basis of experience created syllabus (curriculum), providing for the correction of the volume of theoretical and practical training of future specialists, as well as provides for independent work of students and forms of regular monitoring.
The profession of a doctor is a specific branch of science, which requires quite certain inclinations and abilities. It requires a highly developed level of empathy, apperception and anticipation. Extroverted orientation of the individual contributes to the mastery of the profession, while introversion complicates communication and to some extent limits the ability of the future doctor. On this basis, it is necessary to more carefully and clearly approach the selection of applicants for medical faculties. Unfortunately, some students who are currently studying after the internship are disappointed in their chosen specialty, faced with a number of difficulties associated with their individual and personal development. An important role is played by the temperament of the future doctor and his sociability. When conducting competitive selection for training in the field is extremely important to conduct an individual interview with each applicant in order to identify his aptitude for the profession. The criterion of adequacy and compliance of specialization in psychology is a sufficiently high creativity of thinking and a developed level of communication culture. It is necessary to take into account the psychophysiological features of personal development, the level of conflict, aggressiveness and neuropsychological stability. By means of trial testing it is necessary to check level of intelligence at the entrants wishing to devote themselves to this profession. In addition to the expressed communication skills, applicants should also be characterized by organizational and creative abilities in finding ways to resolve extraordinary conflict and everyday situations. An important role is played by the experience of communication in school groups, participation in competitions, conferences, seminars. The moral qualities of students and their personal characteristics are also essential. Thus, during the competitive selection the applicant must fully disclose their personal qualities, ability to work with people, to show their communication skills and creativity and an active life position. For this purpose, it is necessary to use a variety of applied methods of psychological study of personal and individual qualities of the applicant, the level of development of cognitive processes and abilities, and then, after an individual interview, to decide on the possibility of mastering this profession in each case. This, of course, is a complex process, but it will prevent professional doctors from getting into the environment of random people who will not be able to justify the high rank of physician in the future.
During the training of future psychologists, starting from the first year, you should use the "cycle system", not only in senior courses, but much earlier, i.e. to achieve a more complete" immersion in the subject", until its completion, and only then move on to the next. This will enable the greatest concentration and focus on the subject, and, consequently, its deeper study so that the theory from the beginning combined with the maximum number of practical and laboratory research activities. To conduct such classes need not just classrooms, and equipped laboratories with a full set of visual AIDS and improvised means necessary in the study of a particular discipline. Providing a clear control and regular reporting of students will significantly improve the quality of training of future specialists. This will create real prerequisites for deeper development of the chosen specialization. Course and diploma works should also be closely related to the peculiarities of specialization of graduates and, therefore, performed on the actual material of that and are closely related to the psychological approach to the problems of prevention and treatment of certain diseases, which is associated with the specialization of the graduate. Only such measures will ensure high-quality training of qualified specialists, equipped with the entire Arsenal of modern techniques, able to engage in specific practical activities in the field of chosen specialization. Considering the application in all spheres of activities of computer equipment is necessary and the appropriate training of doctors. The use of computer programs in medical practice today is quite relevant and important, because it is necessary to create a database, statistical processing of collected materials and analysis of information, as well as the possible use of computer technology in the diagnosis and treatment. In this regard, a lot of computer programs have already been created, with which it is necessary to acquaint students within the walls of the University. Students must participate in research associations, take an active part in student and national conferences, participate in competitions.
The training of doctors, as practice shows, at present, does not yet of sufficient quality of training of specialists in the field of psychology and pedagogy, for not concentrating his attention on certain aspects of psychological knowledge, graduates sometimes do not know how adequately and correctly to find out the approach to the patient, to understand his state of mind. In this regard, it is necessary to revise curricula and programs, reorganization of the educational process to improve its efficiency and practical significance in order to more purposeful study of the basics of General and medical psychology, psychophysiology, and psychotherapy.
The presence of psychological training of a physician and the study of psychology in the system of higher medical education contribute to a significant improvement in the quality of treatment of patients and the training of highly qualified specialists who can purposefully transfer their experience to others, which is considered in modern society as the most significant value that forms the Foundation for the development of a creative personality, boldly looking to the future.
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URL: www.science-sd.com/478-25448 (22.02.2025).