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Home / Issues / № 6, 2018

Philosophical sciences

Pesotskaya E.N.
Annotation. The article forms an interdisciplinary approach to the problem  of a General model of producing principles of information causality in therapy. Using the principle of complementarity of methodologies in the system management of the treatment process. Shown informational nature of pathological connective-tissue reflection, the correction which is possible when the dynamic substrate of reflection is used.

Keywords: person, connective tissue, interdisciplinary approach, substrate, reflection, therapy, information, causality, pathogenesis, self-regulation, cognition, epistemic action.

Returning to the concept of the forming "person-centered" medicine" [6,p.46] foundations of spiritual and physical healing to their potential means treatment medicine to combine-material personality. In this direction, the substrate methodology investigate the human integrity interdisciplinary [4], because the representation of connective tissue mechanisms of life in the aspect of the theory of self-organization is relevant. The state of functional complexes of the organism in ontogenesis determines the proper motivational-connective-tissue mechanism of human substrate [3, р. 116], the essence of which allows a deeper study of the nature of pathological connective tissue reflection and memory.

Purpose: formation of a General model of producing principles of information causality in therapy.

Materials and methods: the method of interdisciplinary analysis, the method of dynamic and substrate reflection, the principle of complementarity of methodologies in the system management of the treatment process: phar-macotherapy and natural philosophy.

The connective tissue component as a substantial basis of morphogenesis and pathogenesis is comprehensively revealed in the theory of information and synergetics in order to understand the principles of information causality. Deterministic ideas about the manifestation of the relationship between the physical, mental and somatic in a person - the essence of finding out the causal relationships within the neurodynamics of the brain as a self-regulating system. The influence of the mental, ideal on the physiological, material boils down to the fact that the mental, being the information content of the brain neurodynamic codes, controls in the same sense in which the information controls. The producing beginning of the information reason is the specific structure of the code, which embodies the information. "The impact of the soul on the body" is the transfer of information by means of a neurodynamic signal [5, p. 47]. In systemic connective tissue medicine, the concept of treatment as an impact of the doctor's intellect  means "epistemic action" [4, р. 86] in the field of connective tissue reflection. Diagnostic knowledge with its field conditionality [1, р. 1512] epistemically affects the hierarchy of homeostatic processes from information to tissue and the intensity of the motivational-connective tissue mechanism as the functional characteristics of connective tissue reality, and the regionality of processes in this tissue. The reflection of regulative role of information is postulated as the essence of substrate reflection, justified as a method of obtaining the integral indicator of the state [4, p. 89] and derived the effects of intelligence on motivational and connective tissue mechanisms of morphogenesis. Interdisciplinary analysis of dynamic substrate reflection in therapy is considered as an epistemic action in the correction of connective tissue mechanisms of life. Diagnostic cognition is an epistemic action in which "the subject and the object of activity determine each other and transform in interaction ... knowledge is deep participation [7, p.  8-9]". The system-organizing role of language synthesis in the concepts of information determines the unity of life support through the substrate unity of the human supra-biological qualities, which in turn determine its biosocial adaptability. Cognitive phylogenesis is a part of human ontogenesis as a species. In the cognitive phylogenesis of man, the factor of his harmony with the world through communication was the latest. It is promising to study the problem of the relationship of оptima in pathology with cognition, since the subject side of the issue has not been developed and brought to implementation in the form of methodological recommendations. Тhe state of functional systems of the organism determines the semiotic and motivational-connective mechanism of the human substrates described parametrically through IVE-characteristics [2, p.22-23], where the informativeness (I), intensity (E) and energy (V) how the viability of the system give physico-chemical meaning to the elements and conditions of the body as the substratum of the whole. In connective tissue reflection, these parameters characterize the bioenergetic control [1, p. 1414] of the cellular level, determining the state of information and energy accumulaters [auth.].

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3. Pesotskaya E.N. Teoreticheskie osnovi integratsii meditsini i philosophii: monographia. E. N. Pesotskaya, Zorkina A.V., Belova L. A.; Min-vo obrazovania i nauki Rossiiskoi Federatsii, MGU N. P. Ogaryov, Saransk, 2017. - 186 s.

4. Pesotskaya E. N., Inchina V. I., Seleznyova N. M. Novie podhodi k probleme formirovaniya psihopharmacologicheskoi modeli cheloveka v strukture diagnosticheskih sistem (sinergeticheskii aspekt). // Zdorovye i meditsina v XXI veke. / Zhurnal nauch. statei. Red. acad. Filippov V. M. - No. 4, 2017, T. 19. - S. 81-90.

5. Pesotskaya E.N. Evolutsia metodologii sotsialnogo analiza cheloveka v istorii nauki (antropophilosophskii aspekt). Monografia. Saransk: Izd-vo Mordovskogo unuversiteta, 2015. - 112 s.

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Bibliographic reference

Pesotskaya E.N. THERAPY AS EPISTEMIC ACTION IN THE CORRECTION OF THE CONNECTIVE TISSUE MECHANISMS OF MORPHOGENESIS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2018. – № 6 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/478-25466 (22.02.2025).