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Home / Issues / № 6, 2018


Kurnosov V., Vasiljev Y.
Summary: The article is devoted to the problems of development of the economy of the Novgorod region on a planned basis within the framework of the contract management system, State and municipal procurement. The author notes the difficulties involving businesses in the planning process by the example of formation of national economy of the Novgorod region in 1930-20 years of age.

Key words: procurement planning; participation in trades in small business; the historical experience of planning in the Soviet Union.

From January 1, 2014 years planning public procurement on a contractual basis. And immediately strengthened fears of State intervention in the economy businesses.

However, the procurement contract system in its development came to remind procurement regulations in Europe in accordance with the law on electronic bid package. January 1, 2019 year with institutions in the public and municipal sectors will be required to carry out procurement on a competitive basis only on electronic platforms.

The truth of the message of the Government of Novgorod region that competitive procurement and will be delivered up to 100 thousand up to 2 million. in the year that makes absolutely difficult to implement various kinds of events at the municipal level, including the holding of fairs and various social events.

"With August 1, 2018 year begins translation of the small volume of the Novgorod region procurement (contracts of up to 100 thousand. rubles, in some cases up to 400 thousand. rubles) on a competitive basis using the Supplier Portal (https://zakupki.mos.ru). (Electronic playground is registered in Moscow.)

Supplier Portal-an online resource, designed to automate the activities of participants in the public procurement and certain categories of legal entities and individuals when entering into transactions.

Supplier portal will provide access to the market of suppliers of goods, works, services that previously were carried out on a complementary basis through the conclusion of contracts with the sole provider.» [6]

This decision of the Government cannot be called incorrect, but it paves the way for a different kind of dealers and eventually leads to an increase in fiscal expenditure. The scheme is being introduced to repeated purchases resales by using electronic means of communication, using the Internet.

A positive development is forcing small businesses and entrepreneurs to plan its production and financial activity in relation to the sale of State and municipal institutions. Talking is not about marketing and management, and basic computer literacy. In the countries of the European Union in adopting the package of laws on electronic trades mentioned on the universal computer literacy in 99% of cases. In Russia it is necessary to aspire to this indicator.

It is not difficult to imagine that the supply of agricultural products to educational institutions directly from local producers will stop for some time, and this will lead to a rise in purchases and increases the load on municipal budgets.

Referring to the experience of socio-economic development planning in the Soviet Union on the basis of State planning, you must remember the conditions under which was the reconstruction of the economy and planning as was becoming. Are extracts from articles "development of Soviet planning for example Novgorod region [2, p. 55-67].

In the year 1927 Novgorod Gubernia was abolished with the formation of Novgorod and Borovichskogo districts, consisting of the Leningrad region. In 1930 year Novgorod and Borovichi district eliminated and their territory had become parts of the Leningrad region.

If the provision of the draft plans of the Leningrad regional Council officials warned that include data about Novgorod district master plan at their discretion.

So, from the correspondence of "Novpromkombinata" and the Novgorod oblast Executive Committee [4] (letter dated 16.02.1930 No. 2055), that under the terms of a planned-economic Department of the Leningrad oblast ECONOMY prices are lowered against the approved  by order of the Okrug Executive Committee from 05.01.1930 g.  In connection with this "Novpromkombinata" was planned-unprofitable. Selling prices for subordinated enterprises have installed local authorities, but with obligatory coordination with planning and economic management of the Leningrad regional ECONOMY.

From archival documents that the problems with spatial planning arose constantly. Enterprises of the oblast and the Republic did not want to provide data on their businesses in local authorities.

From the report on the work of the Novgorod Okrplana with 01.10.1927, 01.10.1928, should be that ". on the institutional arrangements were fielded for the drafting of the five-year development plan PC. The institutional provisions, it was noted that the plan should cover the essential elements of the entire national economy on the territory of RSFSR, irrespective or territorial affiliation.

In this scope, the plan should: give an overview of his physical condition; install important economic tasks, expressing on five years and limits that during this period it is possible to resolve them; identify the main ways this permission, calculate the necessary means for it and specify their sources. " [4]

While planners warned not to confuse plan indicators and indicators of short-term prediction. Characteristics of the intended provisions, setting objectives and basting activities and their financing should be as in the overall scale of the RSFSR, and at the district level.

Planning objectives have been defined: development of the productive forces of the country; strengthening the obobshhestvlennogo sector of the national economy; the rise of personal well-being and the cultural life of the proletariat, addition and serednjackogo peasantry.

Organizational positions foreseen: economic specialization areas; industrialization of the country regarding the distribution of industrial enterprises in the territory and expansion frames of the proletariat, etc.

It may be noted that enterprises of all industries brought jobs targets, under which funding is allocated from the budget of the six districts of the province. Thus, all economy has undergone a total planning Novgorod region.

How extensive and because, sometimes, were petty issues of harmonization of Gubplanom, and later the district plan is best seen from the opinion. Conclusion Okrplana confirm or deny requests by offices in Okrispolkom (or pollista) Okrug Executive Committee secretariat is sent to prison. [5]

 "Considering that the pests bring enormous harm forests Okrplan supports Okrzemupravlenie on approval of the estimates for forest survey. Chairman okrplana Saveliev, consultant Leskov.

But in the Okrispolkome of Novgorod had economic service (modern-economy Committee), who could check estimate and give an opinion. So much so that the expertise of Gubplana, and then Okrplana was not, as there was no special equipment and counting technology. " [2, p. 55-67]

The truth is, all the years of Soviet planning Federal companies were reluctant to provide information on their activities in the field of planners.

Currently, all expenditures budgets is spent on the basis of program-target method of planning the budget.

Teplitskaya A.a. writes that "program-target planning is one of the ways to solve large and complex government objectives through the establishment and implementation of integrated systems for policy measures that focus on objectives which provides a solution to the problems that have arisen in many countries of the world. " [3]

She notes that "on the one hand, countries such as France, Japan, Scandinavian countries are developing national plans and see them as a necessary landmark for the harmonious development of the country, and on the other hand, countries such as the United States, England did not see the need for Government planning. " [3]

"Programming in Japan is indicative, and programmes and plans are viewed as benchmarks for the private sector, providing an indirect impact on the innovative program enterprises." [3]

Currently, the administrative authorities in the regions and in the field in an attempt to revive the economy of enterprises offering participated in different kinds of strategic development programmes in partial regions of co-financing from the funds of the respective budgets.

We are talking about programs on the basis of indicative planning. "Indicative planning (from LAT." indicator "-index)-nedirektivnoe (sovetujushhee, guides) planning at the State level. It is a way of regulating economic processes using the definition of the recommended objectives for the development of production and the creation of the State of financial and other incentives to those businesses who agree to act in accordance with the Government recommendations.

Indicative plan includes the formulation of the medium-term objectives of economic development projections and trends, the conceptual conversion algorithms of structural proportions. Key sections of the plan relating to economic growth, investment, financial flows, balance the economy, inflation and competition. In most cases, the strategic objectives are expressed in specific (quantified) scheduled jobs, but the latter are secondary in nature. The main content of the plan is to define the role of the State, including:

and definition of the basic tasks of the State) in the field of economics for the plan period;

b) detail these tasks in relation to investment and reallocation of government revenue and sources of financing for investment and relevant government activities (provision of budgetary subventions, goskreditovanie, concessional financing, etc.) [1].

The positive is that in the absence of cheap financial resources readily cooperate with State authorities. Disadvantage and significant remnants of the recent past is the practice of the SOVIET UNION, when the producers of "sat" output state, and now the State, encouraging production does not guarantee sales. This "childhood disease" business must be overcome again "from above", with the help of some planning-distribution bodies.

It seems that without creating planned authority in the Government of the region's economic development goals is difficult even for such draconian measures taken by the Government in the sphere of public procurement.

Using the experience of Western countries in the development of the capitalist economic system only through the quota system and public promotion of production and trade possible revival and development of the region's economy. Promote production alone is clearly not enough. Yes and often involves corrupt schemes.

1. Andrjushkevich O.a. indicative planning in different types of economies. https URL http:///kapital rus.ru/articles/article/indikativnoe_planirovanie_v_ekonomikah_raznogo_tipa/(date: 06.10.2018).

2. Kurnosov, V.v. development of Soviet planning for example

The Novgorod region. St. Petersburg: izdatel'stvo Finek. Collection of reports. Scientific session of the faculty, academic staff and postgraduate students ¬ from the on INAD results 2009 year. March-April 2010 year. "The economics and politics of Russia in transition"-Spb ELECTRICITY UTILITY EDF, 2011

3. Teplitskaya a. Overview and analysis of foreign experience planning//young scientist. — 2013. — No. 1. -S. 188-192. -URL https://moluch.ru/archive/48/5981/(date: 06.10.2018).

4. GANO f. p-1244 St. 2 d. 180 and 18, l.

5. f. r GANO-1244 St. 1 Op. 1 d. 165, l. 34

6. Link to provider registration/videos/https://yadi.sk/d/aH1Xzv2D3ZYf6D

Bibliographic reference

Kurnosov V., Vasiljev Y. GROWTH ON SCHEDULED BASIS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2018. – № 6 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/478-25468 (22.02.2025).