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Medical sciences
Hypnotic regression in itself allows not only to detect, but also to use the malignant sources of psychic energy, just as we use old electrical wiring to power the new equipment. It seems that new behavioral imperatives inspired by him in a state of somnambulistic trance can be "fed" from the roots of the client's monstrous psychological traumas.
My colleagues and I have selected people who are easily hypnotized. The goal is to test the effect of post-hypnotic suggestion in practice and its use is really realistic in order to change personality.
Materials and methods
The first stage of the experiment was that we simply immersed the subjects in a hypnotic sleep, during which they gave an installation like "tomorrow morning, when you wake up, write SMS to the operator that everything is fine". In general, we acted as usual, only the suggestion was addressed to the period after the release of hypnosis, but nothing happened! No one wrote the next morning, because everyone remembered the words of suggestion and was very skeptical of them.
At the second stage of the experiment, we decided to correct the error and did the same, but with immersing the subject in complete amnesia (unconsciousness). It turned out that this measure gives fruit. Especially in the part of the behavioral suggestion. The next day, our clients performed everything they had been asked under hypnosis: they sent SMS, transferred money, did what they were told. They did the same after a week if the suggestion contained an indication of the corresponding day of the calendar. The only thing that worsened the statistics of the experiment - the principles and education of its participants. If the task was in contradiction with the internal settings of the person, then it was not carried out. The same goes for tasks that are too troublesome to implement. It turned out that the subjects, having stumbled upon complexity, rather quickly found reasons for not fulfilling the suggestion. With the suggestions of a physiological nature (such as "your hands are glued together") things were even worse - their effect after leaving hypnosis was hardly observed, and if it did, it was not for long. At best, two to three hours.
At the third stage of the experiment, we began to immerse the subjects to a state of trance, during which the search for psychological trauma was carried out using the age regression method. We are trying to find the source of some psychosomatic disorder (everyone has them) as early as possible in the earlier period of a volunteer's life. When we succeeded, we immersed him in this memory, and he behaved like a baby, as he was at that moment in his life. While our naturalist relived the once shocking event, we used the critical state of his psyche to make a control suggestion at this very moment. This was done to "inculcate" new signs to the tree of the already established psychosomatic mechanism.
As a result, what came of it, you can judge for yourself. Behavioral suggestion, which became an element of the old psychological trauma, after the test subject exited hypnosis, revealed himself as an obsession. The client did not remember anything, but found reasons, reasons and excuses to fulfill the suggestion, even if it was interfered with by various circumstances, including internal principles. Moreover, the power of unconscious desire did not fade with time - the suggestion was all the time fed by the psychic energy of the psychosomatic subsystem, and it did not disappear with it. The same can be said about the suggestions of a physiological nature. They formed a new psychosomatic deviation in their eyes. For example, the suggestion "not to open the eyes", after the subject exited hypnosis, immediately began to form a nervous tic. To remove it, it was necessary to eliminate the psychosomatic illness to which it was vaccinated.
An analysis of the observations made during the experiment made it possible to draw several conclusions.
First, tests have shown that amnesia allows the suggestion to live independently of consciousness. This occurs as long as the person in semantics, that is, in words and phrases, does not express the inspired command. And loud, out loud. Consciousness receives information through the organs of hearing, and begins to understand. The enchantment falls. Thus, we have before us an ancient mechanism of a pagan spell, and even "with disclosure."
Secondly, we now understand that the same mechanism is involved in the formation of phobias. The process of treatment is also visible. To get rid of the power of suggestion in the latter version, it is worth doing the same thing that a medieval magician would do to rid a person of a curse: to express emotion in words and thereby realize (that is, make available to the mind) the subject of suggestion. The mind (consciousness) easily vulgarizes and debases any ideals, which makes them insignificant and even insignificant.
Thirdly, the method of grafting suggestions to the reflex activity of the body is a real way to change personality. So you can, for example, change the identity of criminals with pathological tendencies. The example of clients confirms that a radical transformation of the personality through hypnosis is not just a reality, but also a new future, which we couldn't have imagined before. The experiment showed that we are on the right track and the hour is not far off when we can repeat the miracle of transformation.
This question is answered by the studies of the Penza hypnologist-psychiatrist O. K. Tikhomirov (the supervisor of his doctoral dissertation was A. K. Luria), Tikhomirov in "stagnant years" conducted a number of hypnotic experiments, among which prominent place was the suggestion of famous people. In the course of this work, Tikhomirov completely destroyed the conventional point of view, which received life from the light hand of the English psychophysiologist Carpenter, who asserted that "the hypnotic becomes for some time a "thinking machine ". Tikhomirov proved that the creative potential of a person who is in a hypnotic state does not decrease, but increases. Analyzing the results of his experiments on the suggestion of images of famous artists, chess players, athletes, musicians, Tikhomirov came to the conclusion that the basis of reincarnation is the hypnotic emancipation of the personality, increasing its self-esteem. After all, the "transition" of the subjects to another person was based on the removal of hypoglycemic attitudes ("I cannot", "I cannot do it"), followed by an unconscious restructuring of the entire motivational structure. It happened because they looked at the world through the eyes of their characters, which implied a paradoxical interpretation of the observed facts and phenomena characteristic of geniuses. "In the hypnotic state, the primary factor restructuring activities," wrote Tikhomirov, "is the emergence of a new meaning of the new attitude to the activities being performed, and as a result, confidence, courage, and a sense of freedom. It should be noted that the hypnologist does not regulate the activity of the subjects "by element". Creating a new attitude, a state of recovery, it only increases the possibility of self-regulation of the active activity of the subject. "
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Zebrin Ya. METHODS OF CHANGING PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS WITH HYPNOSIS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2018. – № 6 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/478-25475 (22.02.2025).