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Sociological Science
When there is any organized movement of the mass of people, whether it is a rally, demonstration, etc., it is not difficult to notice the presence of design elements. At various processions of the masses you can see banners, posters, clothing items, mobile small architectural objects, special lighting and much more. There are a number of measures to influence the behavior and thinking of a person with the help of design tools that make a person part of the crowd, and in the future to manage this crowd [3].
Color appears the main constant of identity of an event. Color is the simplest visual element which is very quickly identified by the person, exerts impact on human thinking, on acts [1]. For example, orange color which was used in revolution in Ukraine in 2004 made psychological impact on subconsciousness of people in favor of revolution as this color calls for activity and joy.
If the small crowd is united by visual identity, even its separate participants identify themselves as a part of an action. The uniting identity is important at impact on thinking of the individual. It is easier for person to become a part of crowd when he has same elements of clothes, as well as at other participants. It is supported also by desire of people to correlate itself to any group. To hold crowd, it is necessary to keep constantly excited mood of people when the emotional state is transferred at the psychophysical level. For emotional excitement of crowd, the relevance of use of tools of design only increases.
Constant presence of elements of identity of an action, frequent introduction of new, bright, style forming images and registration of all zones the general style will support mood and a stream of thoughts of attendees in one, necessary direction, supporting their interest in the events.
Elements of design are the identifier of a concrete position. For example, any oppositional party which is confronting the present operating top and organized a large meeting has created a saturated visual image of the organization which has actively been entered into traffic conditions of masses. And upon termination of all actions attendees had in memoirs visual image of organizers which they will be able to learn at the subsequent with it to a meeting. In case of presence of identity of an action, casual people on the place of events can become supporters of opposition further, having recorded and having approved visual images which will identify organizers not only in other actions, but also in any communication channels in memory.
Objects of design carry out an important role in formation of thinking of the individual necessary at the organization and management of big mass of people in socio-political projects. Bright and simple images are capable to play one of key roles at all stages of the carried-out action. These images are also created by stylistic identity of the held events which:
- represents the active elements allowing the individual to feel a part of big mass of people and to correlate itself to them irrespective of age, the social status, a floor, etc.;
- allows to organize the crowd capable to successfully carry out both peaceful demonstration, and a meeting;
- allows to create long-term communications of participants of the actions and his organizers.
2. The Resident S. S. Tekhnologiya of political struggle for the power in Ukraine//the POLICY. Political researches. – 2014. – No. 6. – Page 52-61.
3. Ivanenko K. Crowd psychology: limits of variability of opinions//Scientific and analytical magazine observer. — M, 2013. — Page 110-119.
4. Le Bon G. Psychology of masses and people. – SPb.: Model, 1955. – 311 with.
5. Paltsev A.I. Psychology of management of the acting aggressive crowd in special conditions//the Siberian international. No. 16. — Novosibirsk, 2014. – Page 69-82.
Marchenko M.N., Doronin V.A. THE IMPORTANCE OF DESIGN OBJECTS FOR SOCIAL AND POLITICAL PROJECTS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2018. – № 6 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/478-25476 (22.02.2025).