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Teaching science
Abstract: We live in a world of the ever-increasing number of start-up companies that urgently need specialists of new-type. These are not only generators of ideas, but also specialists who will effectively interpret these ideas and at the same time will be intensively integrating these ideas into real production and innovative products, especially products of innovative digital technologies. The training of such specialists should be conducted at the elementary level of school education and should continue in universities.
On this path, a child living in a mixed reality will meet different partners: a teacher-partner, a parent-partner, a student-partner, a director-partner, a tutor-partner. How to support a child on this path, for him to become conscious, to make choices based on different possibilities, to bear responsibility - to become independent eventually so that he could consciously manage his responsibility throughout his school life.
Keywords: child, mindfulness, cooperation, learning, mixed reality, rehabilitation of computer addiction.
We live in a world of the ever-increasing number of start-up companies that urgently need specialists of new-type. These are not only generators of ideas, but also specialists who will effectively interpret these ideas and at the same time will be intensively integrating these ideas into real production and innovative products, especially products of innovative digital technologies.
The training of such specialists should start at the elementary school level. That will inevitably entail constant long-term contact with computer equipment. In turn, this kind of contact can have a rather negative effect on the fragile children's psyche, which already today necessitates the search for effective solutions in the field of prevention and rehabilitation of the so-called computer addiction.
Professional proposals set forth in the Comprehensive educational process with elements of computer addiction rehabilitation monograph by Maria Nekrasova [1] provide effective solutions that make it possible to significantly mitigate the negative impact of computer addiction. At the same time, the introduction of these decisions into the educational process maintains maximum productivity and susceptibility to new creative solutions in all areas and also serves to initiate the process of generating ideas and solutions for students in areas that are key ones in a modern innovative economy one way or another.
A child of the digital generation, studying in a single digital window, living in a mixed reality (connection of the physical and virtual world), speaking freely about the hype, GIFs, memes, understanding infographics better than the literary text. This mixed reality in which modern children live is forcing adults (parents and teachers) to choose the position to bring the child up the old way or the new one. Broadcast past experiences to the outside world or listen to children, learn to trust them, seeing them not as a diary with marks, an oral answer at the blackboard as an understandable strategy of carrots and sticks, but a person, partner, in strength, capabilities, and uniqueness of which we initially believe!
Already today, in the Federal Law on Education of the Russian Federation, it is not the interaction that is declared, but the cooperation of the subjects of education. These are participants of educational relations (the position of a partner who can cooperate with everyone). Therefore, Federal standards clearly define the types of cooperation at each stage of maturation and socialization of a child at school: educational cooperation in the primary school, productive cooperation in the basic school, individual cooperation in a couple, group, the team is high school. On this path, a child living in a mixed reality will meet different partners: a teacher-partner, a parent-partner, a student-partner, a director-partner, a tutor-partner.
And how should one support the child on this path (he is not mixed, but complete), how to build cooperation so that the student can consciously manage his responsibility throughout his school life. Awareness is the ability to soberly orient oneself in the surrounding reality and be aware of: where I am, what I am doing at the moment, why this way and for what. Responsibility is a skill that develops and does not divide in half. How to support a child today, so that he'd become conscious, make a choice based on different possibilities, carry responsibility - became independent eventually(a person becomes independent only when he has personal experience of conscious choices, the experience of successes and defeats, the experience of trial and error)?
Natalia Dolina, General Director and Co-founder of the European Business Coaching Center, suggests that adults shift the focus of attention from the child’s studies to the child himself; not to confuse the child’s personality and his result for a particular educational action into one.
And there are all the possibilities at school today: these are individual curricula, alternation of a classroom and extracurricular activities, individual, group, team interaction formats, choice of elective courses, stream-like subject training in mixed batches with different adults, methods of cross-education, formative assessment system. There are many opportunities in the school to provide an education for every child, based on their needs, abilities, and opportunities.
In my practice of working on the education of each student, I use Timothy Gallwey’s triangle of awareness Awareness - Choice – Responsibility [2]. My pedagogical task is to become a wise adult who does not give advice or distribute ready-made solutions for all occasions but promotes the student’s awareness of his result. Be nondirective, non-judgmental, rely on facts, trust in student and in myself - these are the principles of coaching that underlie this interaction.
The triangle of awareness (Fig. 1) begins to work through a series of strong questions: Awareness - and what is today? who do you want to work with? why exactly? where do you want to start? who is in the team today? for what purpose? what is my support? at what stage is it especially important for me to be your support? how do you understand when you get the result, achieved the goal?; choice - and then, what do you choose? to what extent? what options do you choose? responsibility - what's new? what useful did you learn? how important was it for you to master it to this extent? and then, your homework contains what? what do you want to take home from the lesson's topic? how do you plan to move on the topic at home? how can I support you? at what stage? how necessary is my support?
Fig. 1. Timothy Gallwey’s triangle of awareness
My students (many of them often like to say I don’t know, I don’t understand, namely, students with the FROM to TO motivation) like the use of art-coaching elements in class and at home. It is no secret that students with such a system of axes need a maximum visualization to quickly solve learning problems. Therefore, the triangle of awareness is unpacked with the help of such a tool as a sticker [3] (author: David Straker). Of six methods for quick problem solving using stickers, the Poster method (brainstorming, research with the help of stickers — fact, opinion, assumption) and the Swap method (sorting tasks into 2 system of axes’ fields what to do? what not to do?) are used.
Students place their results (awareness, choice, responsibility) on the basis of Poster and Questions’ swap on the wall of reflection (thanks to Dmitry Lazarev for the idea - facilitator, trainer, publisher). We borrowed the idea of the wall from him. This is what his wall looks like (Fig. 2):
Fig. 2 Wall of D. Straker
Many children today understand sticker tool and a visualized field of educational communication wall of reflections better than contrived photo portfolio, beautiful phrases, quotes that do not carry full-fledged meanings for a child of mixed reality. I do not force everyone to learn this way, everything is optional. Some children choose the traditional path - a textbook, a copybook, Internet resources. Some children learn with such a wall of reflection, flexibly solving their learning problems, expanding their horizons of responsibility and choice. They consciously share what has changed on his wall of reflection in the classroom, what are conscious choices about the topic in the classroom and in the home assignment, training successes, trials, mistakes, where are we going next, and how are we moving, with whom in the team, as a couple?
Maria Nekrasova is proposing in her publications(Monographs School of positive awareness [4] and School of joy or formation of sustainable motivational state of positive awareness [5], the article Complex innovative methods for the formation of a sustainable motivational state of positive awareness [6]) options for solving these crucial problems, namely, how to form a stable motivational state of a child’s positive awareness and what are complex methods of building a sustainable motivational state of positive socialization in school, as ready-made methods applicable to adaptation to peculiarities of processes with the combination of methods and techniques of classical coaching as well as with the program requirements of the classical methods of both training and education of the child.
The above shows that nowadays, in order to meet the challenges of a standard situations as it goes, new non-standard approaches to multi-level and at the same time targeted training of these specialists on methods and developments proposed by Dr. Maria Nekrasova that have no analogs in world practice as of today are needed to train specialists to solve these complex tasks.
And then the top of obsolete ideas, which we, adults, are still investing in heads of children of mixed reality, leaves the pedagogical stage as the list of fears of generations:
- you need to accumulate knowledge and understand everything;
- you need to do everything well, high quality;
- you need to try hard to achieve success;
- up the career ladder, if horizontally - you’re lazybones.
Most valuable things that adults can give to children:
- basic life values;
- self-confidence and self-trust;
- support of an adult partner (non-directive, non-judgmental, not giving advice, not giving instructions, but asking strong questions);
- freedom of choice, independence, awareness.
Anjanova I.V. Ѐ TRIANGLE OF CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE MIXED REALITY OF A CHILD OF THE XXI CENTURY. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2019. – № 1 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/479-25506 (22.02.2025).